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Christmas Reflections by Dorothy Day

Celebrating 78 Years: 1933--2011

On May 1, 1933, in the depths of the Great Depression, The Catholic Worker newspaper made its debut with a first issue of twenty-five hundred copies. Dorothy Day and a few others hawked the paper in Union Square for a penny a copy (still the price) to passersby.

The Catholic Worker Movement is grounded in a firm belief in the God-given dignity of every human person.

Today 213 Catholic Worker communities remain committed to nonviolence, voluntary poverty, prayer, and hospitality for the homeless, exiled, hungry, and foresaken. Catholic Workers continue to protest injustice, war, racism, and violence of all forms.

Explore the life and writings of Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin as well as sample contemporary Catholic Worker thought and action.

New website feature: "On Pilgrimage . . . Today". Stories of CW works of mercy in our time. In the Communities section.

What's New?
Friday January 6, 2012

Eulogy at Dorothy Day's Funeral
Dorothy Day died thirty-one years ago on November 29, 1980. This Eulogy was given by Fr. Geoffrey Gneuhs, OP, at her funeral at Nativity Church, New York City, December 2, 1980.

Dorothy Day Reflections on Thanksgiving
From her "Day After Day" column in 1936, Dorothy Day meditates on the many reasons to be thankful, even of tribulations.

Catholic Worker artist Rita Corbin dies
Rita Corbin, whose line drawings graced the pages of Catholic Worker journals across the country for many decades has died at the age of 81 due to injuries from a car accident.

The Diaries of Dorothy Day now in e-book and paperback
The Duty of Delight: The Diaries of Dorothy Day. Edited by Robert Ellsberg, the book is now available in eBook and paperback formats. (Available on Amazon for $12.)

Martha Hennessy talk on Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker (video)
Video of Martha Hennessy's talk “Inspiration for the 21st Century Radical”. Martha is the grand daughter of Dorothy Day. In the talk she discusses her life within the Catholic Worker movement.

Catholic Worker Journal Launches
CWJ was created to be an online resource to share current news, events, literature, and resources for members and affiliates of the Catholic Worker Movement.

All Is Grace: A Biography of Dorothy Day by Jim Forest
This revised and expanded biography of Dorothy Day, by someone who knew and worked with her, is an intimate portrait and richly illustrated by photos and Catholic Worker art. Available now from Orbis Books.

For questions and feedback write to Jim Allaire. (Have you checked FAQ first?)

This site is the collaborative effort of many people affiliated with the Catholic Worker Movement: Workers, scholars, archivists, writers, and editors. Your comments and suggestions are most welcome. Write to Jim Allaire.

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