

Our Sponsors:

The Mid Counties Co-Op

Oxford CND

Unite BMW branch

Unite Graphical Sector

Unite SE Regional Committee


STALL BOOKING: Please note that stalls for Levellers' Day this year are by invitation only. This is due to having a limited amount of space available for stalls. This year's stalls have already been allocated. Turning up on the day uninvited will result in you being turned away. Sorry.


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Levellers Day 2012

Protesting and Surviving!

Being realistic and demanding the impossible in the twenty-first century.

Saturday 19th May 2012. Burford, Oxfordshire.

Our Speakers:

Hannah Lownsbrough
38 Degrees Campaign Director





The Original Rabbit Foot Spasm Band

We are currently in the process of inviting our speakers and our artists.

To keep informed of all updates and developments, please join us on FaceBook and keep checking back here.

Many thanks.




In the main hall this year we have displays by Oxford and District Trades Council and the Bristol Radical History Group

Oxford & District Trades Council:
Oxfordshire Struggles: Past and Present - brings together an exhibition of struggle and collective protest across the county. From the Levellers to the current anti-cuts protests, Oxfordshire has a proud radical tradition.

Bristol Radical History Group.
Since 2006 Bristol Radical History Group have held more than 200 events. Concerned with 'History from Below' they bring together academic and community historians to explore how the lives and struggles of ordinary people have shaped our past and our present, and to remind us that ordinary people have the power to shape the future. Visit the Bristol Radical History Group website at www.brh.org.uk


Ticket prices:

Whole day: £TBA concessions
After 1pm: £TBA concessions
Under 14s free
Tickets will be available online from
www.wegottickets.com or at the door.



On 17 May 1649, three soldiers were executed on Oliver Cromwell's orders in Burford churchyard, Oxfordshire. They belonged to a movement popularly known as the Levellers, with beliefs in civil rights and religious tolerance.

During the Civil War, the Levellers fought on Parliament's side, they had at first seen Cromwell as a liberator, but now saw him as a dictator. They were prepared to fight against him for their ideals and he was determined to crush them. Over 300 of them were captured by Cromwell's troops and locked up in Burford church. Three were led out into the churchyard to be shot as ringleaders.

In 1975, members of the WEA Oxford Industrial Branch went to Burford to reclaim a piece of history that seemed to be missing from the school books. They held a meeting in remembrance of the Leveller soldiers. The following year, Tony Benn came and read in the church and in each succeeding year, people have come to Burford on the Saturday nearest to 17 May, debated, held a procession, listened to music and remembered the Levellers and the importance of holding on to ideals of justice and democracy.

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This years performers include:

