Russia & Central Asia

  • The Russian Elections and the Revival of Russian Communism It is fifty years since Yuri Gagarin took mankind to the heavens, and twenty since the collapse of the Soviet Union. These events played a decisive role in the fate ...
    Posted 8 Dec 2011 02:24 by heiko khoo
  • Kyrgyzstan's second "tulip revolution" A video from the real news network
    Posted 25 Apr 2010 04:17 by Unknown user
  • Interview with Boris Kagarlitsky and Roman Yushkov An interview conducted in London with Boris Kagarlitsky and Roman Yushkov on the labour and environmental practices of major Russian corporations.
    Posted 7 May 2010 03:24 by Admin uk
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Middle East & North Africa

  • Nato's Libyan Revolution
    Posted 29 Aug 2011 10:49 by heiko khoo
  • Libya and “Last night the streets of Tripoli were filled with wild rejoicing as rebel soldiers occupied Green Square”     Alan Woods 22/08/2011    “The overthrow of Gaddafi was only the first ...
    Posted 31 Aug 2011 10:39 by Admin uk
  • Libyan Dreams and NATO’s New Model ‘Revolution’ The Libyan ‘revolution’ will forever be remembered by the image of an anti-imperialist statue -of a fist crushing a US fighter jet -being smashed by ‘rebels’. These images of ...
    Posted 24 Aug 2011 13:29 by heiko khoo
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Marxism and Economic Crisis

  • Permanent crisis? By Mick Brooks        There has been a debate in recent years within the IMT as to the cause of capitalist crisis. On one side were those who stressed Marx’s ...
    Posted 30 Aug 2011 11:31 by heiko khoo
  • Measuring the rate of profit and profit cycles By Michael Roberts    I recently presented a paper to the annual conference of theAssociation of Heterodox Economists in which I reviewed various attempts to measure the rate of profit ...
    Posted 3 Aug 2011 11:26 by heiko khoo
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  • The Case of Japan: A reply to the IMT on their verson of Japanese history This document was written by myself back in 2009 as a reply to the IS of the IMT using Japan's development of capitalism for support in their argument that ...
    Posted 16 Sep 2011 10:11 by Adam Fulsom
  • Comments on the Chinese Question The following is a contribution from Claudio Belotti one of the leaders of the Italian section of the International Marxist Tendency. The article is a challenge to the IMT's ...
    Posted 12 Sep 2011 07:50 by heiko khoo
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Transitional Economics

  • Market v Plan The Interwar Socialist Calculation Debate Market v Plan  by Mick Brooks The document attached was a dissertation originally submitted in 1990 in part fulfilment of a Master’s Degree in Political Economy at Middlesex Polytechnic ...
    Posted 27 Jun 2011 04:45 by heiko khoo
  • Marxism and China. The Transitional Economy Marxism and China. The Transitional Economy A reply to Comrade Jeppe and the IMT by Heiko Khoo   I read with interest the latest ‘contribution to the discussion’ on China from ...
    Posted 3 Mar 2011 04:02 by Admin uk
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  • What is behind the Royal wedding?  By Heiko Khoo There is nothing like a Royal occasion in Britain to bring out the underlying character of its society and state. A vast army of television crews and ...
    Posted 1 May 2011 11:51 by Admin uk
  • Royalty or Republic – a reckoning  By Michael Roberts The weekend in the UK was dominated by the ‘Royal Wedding’ of Prince William (grandson of the current monarch Queen Elizabeth).  Around 20 million Brits apparently watched ...
    Posted 1 May 2011 11:20 by Admin uk
  • Report from March 26th Demo by Iain Case  Around half a million people marched through London yesterday in the biggest demonstration seen in the UK for many years. This was the first protest against the ...
    Posted 1 May 2011 11:18 by Admin uk
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  • After the Victory After the Victory by Heiko Khoo   The arrogant fashion in which questions about details of the killing of Osama bin Laden are swept aside by the U.S. Government and ...
    Posted 5 May 2011 08:03 by Admin uk
  • The Strange Death of Osama Bin Laden. The Strange Death of Osama Bin Laden. May 2nd 2011   U.S. President Barak Obama proudly proclaimed that the number one global terrorist Osama Bin Laden was killed by U ...
    Posted 5 May 2011 07:58 by Admin uk
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  • It’s a not so funny old world By michael roberts       We wait to see what misery the Greek parliament agrees to inflict on its people now that its prime minister Papandreou has been forced to backtrack on ...
    Posted 5 Nov 2011 09:49 by Admin uk
  • London’s Burning London’s streets are mythically supposed to be lined with gold. The City of London, its corporate epicentre, hosts four hundred banks and is the world’s leading financial centre ...
    Posted 9 Aug 2011 02:07 by Admin uk
  • Greece proof? By Michael Roberts The new Greek bailout deal announced by the EU leaders late last week will leave Greece with a huge debt burden.  The EU and the IMF have ...
    Posted 23 Jul 2011 05:19 by Admin uk
  • Greece: the crisis returns By Mick Brooks  The financial crisis, the fiscal crisis of the state, the sovereign debt crises and the crisis of the Euro are all successive forms of appearance of the ...
    Posted 23 Jul 2011 05:16 by Admin uk
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Marxist Events

War & Resistance

  • Ch.8 The Partition of India in 1847. Gandhi's Method Why not do it the Gandhi way? He defeated the British Empire and he had no weapons! Michael Moore in ‘Bowling for Columbine’ After the Second World War, Britain was ...
    Posted 14 May 2011 01:54 by Admin uk
  • Ch. 7 The Cold War and National Liberation Wars 1945 – 1989. The ‘post war’ wars We walked to the brink and we looked it in the face. John Foster Dulles, US Secretary of State, 1953-19591 I am Fidel Castro and we have come to ...
    Posted 5 May 2011 08:30 by Admin uk
  • Ch.6 Second World War: the holocaust - war within the war If a person has no hope of staying alive, he at least does not want to die in vain.1 Tadeusz Patzer, concentration camp survivor As analyzed in the previous ...
    Posted 10 Apr 2011 11:50 by Admin uk
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