Media Democracy

America’s Slippery Slope

“We recognize the debasement of standards, we see the signs of intellectual decay. Yet we do nothing.” A look at what happens when we refuse to pay attention to what’s important.

The End of Childhood

Exposure to nature benefits kids in more than one way.

Val Plumwood’s Natural Death

A portrait of Australia’s pioneer environmentalist who battled a crocodile and called for the end of environmental abuse.

Thought Control in Economics

Are economics students, and everyone else for that matter, being cheated out of the truth?

Media Democracy

What it means to Dan Rather, Arianna Huffington, Amy Goodman and more.

Selected Articles (13)

Showing 13 articles from the print edition of Adbusters Magazine
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  • Thought Control In Economics


    Thought Control In Economics

    A high level of conformity in academic institutions makes it difficult for economists to tackle the world's most pressing problems.

  • Val Plumwood's natural death


    Feminism and the Mastery of Nature

    Val Plumwood saw the danger of the western attitude towards nature decades before eco-consciousness went mainstream.

  • Net neutrality


    Net Neutrality

    Net neutrality has become a rallying cry for a new generation of media activists. A new media democracy movement is spawning from these Big Telecom acts of aggression, and the movement is having a surprising level of success.

  • Death of Nature



    When humans traded log cabins for laptops and huts for strata housing, they may have lost more than they gained.
  • Hollow Land


    Hollow Land

    Israel’s Architecture of Occupation.
  • It's The Blowback, Stupid!


    It's The Blowback, Stupid!

    The 1953 coup is widely seen as having set the conditions for the 1979 Islamic Revolution. It is a consequence the US and Iran are still dealing with today.

  • Psychodesign



    What if design stood up for itself? What if instead of bowing immediately to our demands, design gently pushed back?
  • Rage



    What will it take to make this generation passionate about change?

  • American journalism is in a crisis


    American journalism is in a crisis

    The idea of news being operated as a public trust in the public interest has virtually disappeared.

  • Perpetual War


    Perpetual War

    London is entombed in ice, New York submerged underwater and Paris burnt to a crisp. But the artists remain silent.

  • What You Don’t Know About Cuba


    What You Don’t Know About Cuba

    Cuba was known as the whorehouse of the Caribbean and it gained a reputation as the capital of American vice shortly after the start of Prohibition in 1920.

  • The End of Childhood


    The End of Childhood

    Children who spend more time inside than in the wilderness experience poorer health in adulthood. We must let them roam free.
  • America’s Slippery Slope


    America’s Slippery Slope

    "We recognize the debasement of standards, we see the signs of intellectual decay. Yet we do nothing." A look at what happens when we refuse to pay attention to what’s important.