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Blogs about: Photography

For those of us who prefer to show rather than tell, photography takes precedence over words. In a mere second, it allows us to efficiently capture our perspective on life and spread it to the masses. These days, there’s all sorts of genres, such as jaw-dropping photojournalism and portrait photography as art. Not to mention food photography that gets your stomach growling. We don’t quite understand why, but somehow, no matter how accidental, almost all photography manages to stimulate our emotions.  (Cases in point: We bet you couldn’t resist browsing the Icelandic volcano photos.)

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Weekly Photo Challenge ~ Winter x 3
Starbear's Weblog

More of my favorite images. Today I offer 3 – For me, they represent some of the beauty I see, share, create, notice… in Winter Water… Sunset Reflections on Winter Water Is it Snow? Clouds? I call it "SnowClouds" Winter Water sand and stone. I call it " Rippling Gold" I have long known that water is important to me. I recently realized: Winter Water is fascinating, frozen… still, melting, rippling Spring rain is enchanting… musical Summer Water is refreshing… relaxing Fall Water is cleansing… recycling, reflecting We could rearrange the words and seasons and they may still be true… I am fascinated by the change of seasons and water and how it affects everything in my life. I depend on water. For me, Water represents flow, change, clarity, thirst-quenching…. In Winter, I am surrounded by Winter Water in the form of snow. In Spring the Winter Water melts and flows. In Summer it rains and dries up and then rains once again. Fall downpours take down the leaves fro

//// BEN ROWE photography ///////
An island in the south pacific
l u n e p o l i t i k o n
It’s a new year. Make it what it is.
Rich Copley Photography, etc.
Steel Snake
Through the Rambler's Eyes
Walking into the Rising Sun
What do you see when you stare out the window?
The sea and the sand

This past festive season, I was in Tenerife…again. Ans despite all the previous experiences, it was just as good. The excitement of seeing the new wasnt as high, but the views of the rising mountains, the shimmering ocean and black and golden sands were just as relaxing as the first I saw them…  

Hitesh Saikar's Blog

While I was strolling on Calanguet beach in Goa, i noticed two friends holding each other’s hand and enjoying the waves.

AV Concepts

To complement Sony Fletcher’s 3-Part Review in the current issue of ‘AV CONCEPTS’,  the creator of 3D COMBINE has now allowed me to offer the very latest Beta updated copy of this popular stereo image manipulation programme. If you are a subscriber to the weekly ‘AV CONCEPTS’ you can receive it on either a CD, via the old snail post, or as a direct download.   This updated version includes the ability to open, edit, and run the Fuji Real 3D MPO movie files as well as their stills shots.  And yu can get your free copy by subscribing to:   So, to coin a very old, hairy, advertising prase:  “Don’t delay, do it today!”   TONY SHAPPS Editor: AV CONCEPTS Now in excess of 7000 readers and you can subscribe at:: You can also meet me on my new blog: Or follow me on!/tshapps <

For the love of PHOTOGRAPHY

I’ll be leaving for Singapore in couple of days and I can’t stop myself from browsing online searching for analogue shops selling film cameras. As I browse every website that I see and convert every price to Philippine peso, the more I realize that I need to save up before my trip to buy all the things I need to. My hopes are up considering that it’ll be Chinese New Year on the 23rd and for sure there will be price reductions in a lot of stores *fingers and eyes crossed*. I’ve been eyeing one specific product which is the Polaroid 600 Box Set – Cool Cam Pink which costs S$280. The package is already complete: 1 camera + 2 packs of film = endless fun! However, I need S$280 and besides that, I need to buy a 35mm back for my Diana F+ CMYK which costs around S$85. Imagining how sweet it would be to buy those items during Chinese New Year also makes me feel so poor since I have to save up that much money before I get there. Not to mention I have to bring enough

First Light, A HDR Time-lapse
Gold Tinted

I’ve seen so much terrible HDR photography in my time I thought it was right to share this short time-lapse video by Gaintatzis Pavlos. CREDITS Image Processing – Directed by Gaintatzis Pavlos Music: ‘Intro’ by The XX ( ChronoCon constructors: Mechanical Components by Voulgaris Aristeidis Electronic Components / PCB Programming by Athanasiadis Tilemachos and Gaintatzis Pavlos Locations: Grevena (Filipaioi, Dotsiko), Trikala (Meteora), Halkidiki (Pirgadikia) / Greece Equipment: Canon EOS 350D and 500D ChronoCon dolly slider.

Project 365 Colourless Day Three
Our Big Trip

Today is my last day of Christmas Holidays. It’s back to work tomorrow in my haste to get prepared for this I have only just taken today’s photograph. I have only being doing this project for three days but each day I look at everything as I would look through a camera lens. It’s amazing how many interesting and beautiful things there is to photograph. This is a simple object of a light in our room yet it turns out to be an interesting photograph utilising light. Day Three: Suspended Light

Pictures to Start the Year Off, Starring…
The Un-Interesting Life

MR. AWESOME FACE!! I bet you thought it was me   The Awesome Crew: Miss Awesome Kitty (Left) accomponied by Mr. Awesome Smiley Face (Right)   Here is Mr. Awesome Face Hiding...And here he is burning!Here he is saying hello from his Awesome Planet, Awesome Saturn.   I hope you guys had an awesome possum New Year and I wish the awesomest for you. Now, shoo!   *** I DO NOT OWN THESE PICTURES AND ALL RIGHTS GO TO THE OWNER: SOMEONE ON GOOGLE IMAGES***

What Is In A Name?
The Incredible Lightness of Seeing

Belleplain Recreational State Park Two large, white cedar trees frame Lake Nummy (named after a Native American chief). Funny name, huh? When we were very young, my brother, sister and I would call one another a nummy (short for numbskull/numskull) when we did something stupid or klutzy. Pretty mild compared to the name calling today! Daily Gratitude: finally finishing an art project for a friend Quote of the Day for YOU: From our ancestors come our names, but from our virtues our honors.  ~Proverb © Teresita Abad Doebley All rights reserved 2009-2012.