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Just Another WordPress Weblog

Posted: Tuesday, December 27th, 2011 at 6:41 pm. Filed in Community.

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Kick Off 2012 with Project 365

by Erica Johnson

If you were going to blog about one thing for an entire year, what would you choose?

Would you post photographs of your favorite place? Interview different people from your hometown? Create a new piece of art each day?

Here are eight unique blog projects (some are updated every single day) to inspire you to kick off 2012 with your own Project 365:

Blog Radstone

The goal, every day for the next year, approach one stranger, photograph them and promptly blog the experience. Rain or shine, hot or cold, healthy or ill, no days missed. I’ll do my best to create interesting photos, and for the sake of entertainment, work to get myself into a sticky situation from time to time. It’s a huge commitment. I’m sure there will be some hero photographs and some not so magnificent ones. Let’s see what happens!

The Creative Panic

The project right at this moment is to illustrate something (anything!) as quickly as possible every day.


Each day a new image will be uploaded with a small caption, phrase, quote, poem or whatever.

Everything Burger

I created 365 pieces of burger artwork for a year from May 17, 2010 until May 16, 2011.

An Afternoon With

This is a project about people. It is a project about our space and the things we keep and the things we don’t throw away. It is a project about looking for and finding connections we all have. It is about seeing yourself in these spaces. Every picture is a portrait of the owner – be it a room, an object or a view. Every portrait in the end becomes a self-portrait. So in the end this is a project about me.


I often walk around the city in my beloved Liverpool FC jersey. I never miss to notice every other person wearing a soccer shirt, no matter how big the crowd. I’ve decided to approach and meet them, and photograph. Here are my brief encounters, far away from the pitch.

A Drink with Chicago

Since making Chicago our home, we have found that all it takes is one great conversation over one drink to create a long lasting friendship, change your outlook or learn something new. We have had so many of these experiences that we thought we’d start to share them as we continue getting to know the many fascinating people around our city. Join us as we sit down and have a drink with local entrepreneurs, chefs, celebrities, socialites, artists and athletes who all love Chicago as much as we do.

{365} Breakfasts

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. A blog to celebrate this is worth it.

So, do you have any ideas for your own Project 365?

For tips on choosing a topic, check out the Learn tutorial on Getting Focused. You can also find writing ideas, blogging tips, and photo challenges at The Daily Post.

Happy New Year from all of us at Automattic!

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  1. Cathy

    Every single blog listed here is just amazing. I admire how these bloggers religiously update their posts. :)

  2. thatvoiceagain

    Some great ideas there – May have to steal a few lol

  3. jasontromm

    Not that I really want to be too picky, but 2012 will actually have 366 days.

  4. tirree

    What wonderful, creative ideas! They are all very inspiring and make me want to pick up my dusty camera.

  5. timethief

    These blogs are interesting but i don’t have any ideas for your own Project 365 or oinclicnation to start a new blog either. I’ll keep this idea on the back burner for now. Thanks for sharing it.

  6. ECACE Productions

    After seen this, now I have a vision of how my blog is going to look for next year 2012, please follow me!

  7. marriagecoach1

    I will be looking forward to it. I write a blog on marriage, sex and relationships but only post a couple of times a week. Perhaps I should take you up on your challenge to blog at least once a day


  8. Armando Netto

    Love the 365 days project blogs, thecreativepanic is just amazing!

  9. Risman Dukhan

    Thanks for sharing and I would like to participate and be part of blogger for Kick Off 2012 with Project 365

  10. IEBA

    I admire their dedication. But, honestly, what I write about takes days to craft, refine, link out, photograph, etc.
    My articles are the polar opposite of these little blips of life. Not only could I not do one every day, but there’s no way I’d be able to make them anything other than a passing, momentary glance from whomever.

    I applaud those who endeavor to do a post a day. Have at it and enjoy. :)
    I’m sure I’ll be reading some of your work in the year to come.

    I’m going to continue to focus my work on longer, meatier articles about video production & technology.

  11. Island Heat Products


  12. Cathryn Wellner (@StoryRoute)

    I’ll be looking at all these blogs, each so unique. Thanks for the links! On May 11, 2011, I began a blog to celebrate 1001 reasons for hope (the number of nights it took Scheherezade to change the heart of the king). Last night I posted reason #225 on This Gives Me Hope. Since it’s a leap year, I’m aiming to post #596 by the end of 2012.

  13. Mikalee Byerman

    Great inspiration here–always amazes me how many ideas there are in the blogospere! :)

  14. antoniospinto

    Amazing post, makes you wanna do all of them eheh

  15. Ty

    Wow. Both inspiring and daunting. I am going to accept this challenge. As an educator, I encounter all manners of learning every single day. I am going to make an effort to blog about them each day. The only decision to make is whether to post from my current blog or to start a new one.

  16. breieninpeking

    Since 2012 has 366 days I will have the 29th of february as an extra day. I will be focussing on the positives this year and maybe put in more poetry. And we will be visiting the Olympics in London, so lots to blog about.

  17. nessafrance

    I’m sorry to sound a real wet blanket but I have always thought that blogging every single day is a really bad idea. How many people can genuinely supply enough interesting and relevant comment to make a good blog post every day? I found the blog post a day challenge in 2011 a real turn-off. The blogs I followed previously started to get repetitive and lacking in sparkle and I stopped following them. I have always thought that if you have something to say, then say it. Otherwise just keep quiet and let the world get on with it.

    This doesn’t mean that I’m not very appreciative of what WordPress does for we bloggers. Happy New Year.

  18. Kevin Raber

    I have been doing a picture a day for a while, it’s great discipline and people enjoy it a lot

  19. blkdrama

    I love the idea. 365 days An Afternoon With…


    Thanks for the suggestion…

  20. charinabrooks

    Thanks for sharing!

  21. KPdesign

    Great info and share – thanks :-)

  22. Alan Burke

    Do we get to rest on Feb 29?

  23. designplan

    Okay – here’s mine…..I write a weekly DesignBlog : : and/or

    So – every day for 365 days I will take a photograph using only my neato Nikon 12-22 mm wide angle lens – and upload it for all to see……
    topic/subject will be whatever catches my fancy at he moment……the Nikon wide angle lens is one of the best with the least amount of distortion – so images don’t look goofy…..


  24. Victoria C. Slotto

    I’m a novelist/poet and blog several times each week now. Why not go for a daily post, if only a haiku reflective of what I observe each day. I’ll give it a go, without promising perfection.

  25. olafhusby

    In 2011 I blogged every day (in Norwegian) about things in my home office. The inspiration for this was my 2 year old grandson who, on entering the room, said: “Oooooh, lots of things”.

    The 2012 project is inspired by the French author Raymons Queneau’s book “Exercises in Style” which is a is a collection of 99 retellings of the same story. Next year is leap year, so I am heading for 366 retellings (also in Norwegian).

  26. Hanna

    Why its called project 365? Why 365? I thought this year (2012) has an extra day? ;) .
    Good luck everyone with Project 365! All the best to you bloggers ^_^!

  27. Christa

    Such fun projects! In 2012 I am blogging every day about moving from being an employee in a large corporation to running my own nonprofit full-time. I’m calling the project “Leap” and it will be detailed on my blog

  28. Vijayasimha Radhakrishnan

    Great Idea and suggestion. I would personally be more happy and more inclined to do a Project 52. Once a week sort of thing :D

  29. gilles wunsch

    Great idea, thank you Erica!
    My project, starting next January, is called “wOmEn@work”, (maybe not 365) b&w pictures showing women and men, working, over here in Luxemburg, Europe. Hope you all njoy!

  30. Harish Ghodki (@harishWITHalive)

    Those are some great ideas, would love to implement some of them :)

  31. carolisle

    I have a blog title I never used. This 365 challenge may be just the right place for it. A picture or a few words that’s doable. Thanks Can”t wait to get started.

  32. douglasjohndouglas

    “PS, Remarkable” will be a daily comment on one government participant. Culled from personal experience, neighborhood conversations, print media as well as digital, twitter, facebook sources, et al. We will endeavor to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable with 100 to 1,000 word postings calling attention to politicians, candidates, social workers, candidates for office, neighbors, and other public figures doing either very good — or very bad — things.

  33. Valerie Suydam

    Awesome idea! I’ve been inspired to Kick Off my own Project 365 on my writer’s blog, ( where I will write about a different Author’s quote about the writer’s life every day. Thank you!

  34. Steven Evens

    Each day, I will be writing a letter of gratitude to an individual who has helped me become who I am today.

  35. knittingdad

    Great ideas. I’m looking forward to reading the posts! Mine is a bit more straightforward. posts a new Google n-grams chart every morning. Cheers.

  36. worldwishes

    I’m In :)

  37. Paul Handover

    Nice examples but no great deal. I say that as I have been posting every day since July 15th 2009! ;-)

  38. peternockolds

    2012 is a leap year so should be project 366

  39. eclectic revisited by maureen bower

    fabulous blogs and blogging ideas…
    I love decor and design…I’ve blogged about it for over 1 entire year!
    am on year 2…

  40. amedah

    I’ve started mine! And shared…. I think it’ll be fun!

  41. Ronn Jordan

    I really like this idea but I’m not sure I would be able to post something every day, so I am going to try Political Project 52. Where I will post one blog every week regarding the 2012 Elections and beyond. I would love to get some feedback and followers. I will follow back all who follow me. Looking forward to a prosperous New Year!!!

  42. Team Oyeniyi

    I did write about the same topic for an entire year during 2011 and this will continue during 2012. Some posts may appear to be off topic to some readers, but they are tied into my main topic due to my husband’s history as an asylum seeker.

    Clearly WP didn’t notice me, as I’m not included above :lol: but I know why, I am too much of a niche market! Not everyone fights their own government for the right to have their husband by their side!

  43. ayotimotysocial

    great idea i will get on the wagon for 365 days

  44. beautifulhello

    I am already doing this! I post about amazingly inspiring artist or designer (with a few photographers mixed in). I provide several amazing images of their work as well as a short bio about their work, style, and lives. I love it. As an artist and designer, it keeps me inspired and focused. I hope my readers enjoy the project as much as I do!

    in 2010 I painted a painting EVERY day for several months. Full-sized, full detail oil and watercolor paintings. Then I sold them for the dollar amount of the day (day #62 = $62) It was one of the most amazing learning experiences of my life. I still paint regularly, but don’t stress about COMPLETING a painting every day. (you can find that project here:

  45. D.A.

    I’m doing the same! I can’t wait to start my pilgrimage in 2012!

    Check it out!

  46. Shoshi Free

    Great idea for those who want/need to increase traffic to their blog. When vloggers on youtube post every day, they’re subscribers rapidy increase 10 ten fold. And keep multiplying like rabbits!

    Great post. Thanks Erica!


  47. David

    This appeals to me and I am all set – new blog started; ‘about’ page updated; test post tomorrow to make sure the image size fits with what I want to do.

    The theme I have chosen is ‘Overlooked Objects’ – blogging about any object wherever I happen to be that I have not really ‘looked’ at.

  48. remurray

    It’s a much-anticipated 2012 and a special leap-year with an extra day…my Project 366 will be to post one photograph and one haiku together, each day – what I call a “haikumage” – on my blog site… Sure, others have done daily haiku and daily photographs, and nessafrance is right – daily blog posting is typically NOT great – it’s difficult to do well (by anyone). A daily post is certainly no guarantee of quality, and many daily blog posts run the risk of becoming “noise” after a while…so my (our) challenge is that, if we undertake this, to do a good job – our best work! :)

  49. docdebbee

    If I was back to practicing medicine, I’d write about something interesting that had happened during a patient each day. Did they have an unusual condition I had to look up? Did something resolve we’d worried about? Did rules/regulations cause a problem or did we resolve one of those issues in a way other docs could benefit from knowing? BUT since I DO have fibromyalgia and do so well with the medications I’m on and LOVE the 5 grandchildren I’ve been blessed with in 3 years with another due in May, I would probably be more inclined to write about how amazed I’ve become at watching this next generation of babies grow into toddlers and how I really DO love them every bit as much as I loved and still love my own 3 that I had in 5 years before I started medical school–and now wonder how on earth I did it, aside from the fact I was younger and truly did have more energy. Bottomline, I give praise to God for helping me keep life together and enjoying life even when it changed from what I had considered the ultimate.

  50. Sovian Choeruman

    thanks for your share!

  51. aphotoforeveryday

    I just started a 365 project of pictures I try to take every day. Come check it out

  52. MoonLightened

    I just set up my second WordPress blog that I’ll launch on the 1st thanks to this Project 365 idea. Mine is The Wurd Turtle: fun with well-known words, quotes and phrases. I don’t think I’ll have any trouble coming up with something every day. First one is written and waiting in draft form. I can’t wait!

  53. chattamama

    Such a timely post! I’m excited for my own 365 project blog this year and it was fun to see others’ ideas. My 365 is to share simple, inexpensive and wildly fun play ideas for toddlers, updated daily. It’s a little intimidating looking down the road 7 or 8 months from now and hoping I’m not wondering what the hell I got myself into. It’ll be nice to have these other blogs to follow if nothing more than for solidarity :)

  54. ipinterest

    trying my hand at 365 days of Pinterest creations:

  55. simplesettings

    I am going to challenge myself to blog for the 366 days of 2012! It might be quick, but it will be a blog. I love to take pictures, so it will be randomness at it’s best!

  56. scintilla

    i find tis concept intellectually stimulating and love the idea!

  57. chattamama

    I would also like to add any mother with a toddler needs at least 1 new idea a day to keep the wee ones busy. Certainly some topics and themes are not suited for a blog-a-day format, others are perfect for it.

  58. Mac

    I started a 365 blog last month (I’m going from birthday-to-birthday). Reading through The Bible in a year, highlighting the crazy stuff found within. Updating roughly twice a week.

  59. Dee

    I love the 365 Project – the creativity is out the box – I would choose a word or phrase a day to explore……..because people say the most interesting things

  60. pensandoenparis

    Good idea, i loved it. Now I need inspiration… ^_^ HELP PLEASE

  61. Picky Niki

    I’m trying one new food a day …

  62. Glenda Pitts

    This is a great post – I think if I was to post on only 1 subject every day for the entire year, I would do it on YouTube videos of music from the 20′s, 30′s & 40′s. That would be SO much fun! Thank you for asking the question!

  63. brendataggart

    I love this challenge. Being brand spanking new to blogging, I find the idea of a 365 day project thrilling. As of January 1st, it’s on.

  64. tanglesintime

    I am inspired. This is what I’m thinking, I like the idea of interviewing people. I also like the picture a day. It is easier to do a picture a day than to interview people; however, I can mix it up and do both on different days. I think the goal here is to post everyday, which is inspiring. I’ll take the inspiration and the ideas. Thanks!

  65. pamelastanfield

    Today my wordpress blog was “Out in the Streets with Ashley’s Back to Nature Day 38.” I plan on blogging everyday for at least a year about what it’s like out in the streets selling my handcrafted aromatherapy skincare products that are safe for people, pets and the environment. When I’m not out in the streets selling, I write about what I did at home that day to grow my business. My goal is to show people daily the ups and downs of being an entrepreneur, including sacrafice. I try and add a twist of humor in every blog. Pamela –

  66. WordsFallFromMyEyes

    I like the 365 days of interviewing strangers, hail or shine, idea – I checked in on that already. It’s a very dark (black) site; a bit difficult to read. But a very interesting blog started up. A great idea :)

  67. Jennifer Wilcox

    I love this idea. As a new blogger, only six posts to date, I struggle with coming up with different blogging ideas, and this one is great. I do take the challenge to blog on my site at least once per day in 2012. Thanks for the ideas!

  68. ariannasrandomthoughts

    Just saw this. Such great ideas. I was actually inspired this break to write every day in 2012. That will be my project for the coming year: 365 Random Thoughts :)

  69. Rae-Anne

    I am a relatively new blogger and find my posts have been very irregular to this point to say the least. Maybe taking on something like this would give me the discipline to write every day? I have a couple of ideas brewing….hmmm food for thought. :)

  70. Donkey Whisperer Farm

    Donkey Whisperer Farm :}

  71. evymoon

    I did it everything single day of year 2005. 1 photography + 1 quatrain on

    I’ll be back next year here on wordpress

  72. shortymagee

    Hi Erica, I am new to this whole blogging world and I loved your article. It quickly helped me to find my passion and also to see why I have got no responses. This is am excellent tool for newbies like me. Thank you! Happy New Year!

  73. laurieanichols

    I have stress over the idea of devoting each day to one thing, so many people are so creative and I feel so very sub-par. I am writing a book so I do that every day but that is not a daily blog dedicated to one idea. Argh, stress!

  74. vijay Kachru

    great stuff…i might have to start one…several ideas…

  75. Miles

    :-) I’m already doing this for one of my blogs!…

    Only I started mid-year this year so I’m continuing on this 2012. I’m on a self-imposed clothes shopping diet and can only “shop” from my own closet – and not use an outfit twice. Thought it was fun at first, and it is, but it’s also a lot of work to take pictures of, well, me everyday, edit, write,and post everyday :-D but so far, I’m still enjoying the whole experience!

    This year, for my other blog, I’m doing a theme of doing something new every week…

  76. fishoilguru

    I think the idea of the 365 blog is great. I enjoy meeting new people and respect the idea that you are going to challenge yourself to meet someone new everyday of the year and photograph them for your blog. Sounds interesting and I wish you the best on your adventure.

  77. readytochangenow

    Great way to highlight some very interesting blogs – thank you! I especially liked An Afternoon with…

  78. chrisjohnson3

    I am going to spend this upcoming year studying through the first four books of the New Testament in the Bible. I want to better understand who the Lord Jesus Christ is. If I was going to blog about a single subject every day for a year, that would be it.

  79. moosebreath74

    It really sounds interesting. I would love to do something like this but I would have a difficult time doing it every day. Being a single father with a 13-year old son, and sharing my home with two large Old English Sheepdogs, time seems to slip away from me. I could probably come up with a weekly blog on the goings-on around these parts. Winter may contain some to their homes, but if you dress for it, it can be very beautiful and exciting. Need a laugh? Watch the male pull me down the sidewalk when it’s icey out. That dog is a 125-pound hairy tow truck! Whatever it may be I would like to stop back and read about life through other people’s eyes.

  80. Dr. Angela Kowitz Orobko

    I have brewed up an idea and I am excited about starting my Project 366 for this upcoming Leap Year! I have actually already started posting. Check it out…A Kiss of Bliss. :)

  81. manpreetsekhon

    thanx for sharing this post!!

  82. shalimarali

    My blogs will continue to be about the dance paths and journeys that I have crossed in the past 30 years, including belly dance and other dance forms.

  83. flamidwyfe

    As I’ve done since August 20th (with a few exceptions while traveling, no VPN, etc) I will continue to blog about my journey to lose 90 pounds on the Dukan diet and keep it off. I’m down 56 pounds, so more than half way there!

  84. cooldudekt

    Nice idea and concept. But I don’t think I’ll be able to do a post a day. I’ll try my best to do as many I can.
    But really good suggestions…. :)

  85. parul

    Superb ideas and amazing dedication of all the people who are so regular with their blogs despite the daily grind!
    Hats off!
    I will strive for this level of dedication in the coming year!

    Thanks for the superb ideas! :)

  86. groffeaston

    There are a few things I could blog about, but not sure I could manage to do it every day of the year due to health issues at this time. My ideas would have to be:

    1) How Depression affects me in my daily life. Why would I put that out there publicly for the world to see? so that others who have Depression may be helped, know that they are not alone, and for people who have a friend or loved one with depression they can get a better understanding of what this illness does to someone and hopefully they will have a better understanding of what their friend or loved one is going through so they can better help them cope and hopefully eventually overcome it.

    2) Beginning of each week, pick a topic based on current world or US events, then each day write a new post for discussion.

    3) Politics/Politicians.

    4) How can we as a society and as individuals make this world better for everyone?

    5) Blog about what ever is on my mind. One day it might be “Education in America”, next day it might be “Religion”, and the next “My Depression”. Basically a little of everything.

    I might even do a combination of all of the above. It will be a little difficult for me to do every day, due to a bulging disc in my lower back, The bulging disc causes severe pain. I can only sit, stand and walk for only a couple minutes at a time until the pain becomes so bad then I have to lie down to relieve it. Right now the only way for me to use my computer is to lie down on my bed and to type laying down on my stomach. Fortunately I go for another injection of pain medication tomorrow. So hopefully that will ease the pain enough to were I can sit and type normally again.

  87. 360hcopa

    I already planned my daily blog for next year: I will “repost” my old PAPER diary, which I started as a kid.

  88. John Cho

    My project is simple: just write when I find something is interesting and is worth sharing in 2012.

    Happy New Year to Automattic, you really did a nice work in 2011. :D

  89. Jae

    365 days of photos and recordings!

    Yay! Now that it’s possible for me, I might as well try.

  90. Lukil Arayà

    yes I guess I have an idea to create something.

  91. Heather Rogers Thompson

    I can see what nessafrance is saying, above, about how a daily blog could get repetitive, and worse, boring. I think maybe the idea is to make it a simple blog. Something that could stay interesting day after day. (Finding joy and beauty in the mundane, daily activities is a source of happiness, I believe). Anyway, I took inspiration from this, and started thinking of what I could blog about daily. We’ll see what happens…

  92. ninalora

    This inspired me to do my Project 365! –

  93. Color the World

    Fantastic – Inspiring – Glorious – Hilarious – Keep it up and thanks for sharing

  94. Fachmy Casofa

    365 about sky and cloud. it will awesome ;)

  95. mspinkysartimpressions

    I cannot blog everyday, but I will be blogging. One of my blogs is about my paintings I will be posting from time to time each time I complete them. If someone would like to purchase one, we could make arrangements. I’m a starving artist! Lol Another is about pets are part of the family too. I will blog about pets I have owned in the past and own in the present and the funny and quirky things about them and their activities I’ve experienced and currently experiencing. Anyone who has a pet would be able to relate. Those who do not own one would probably enjoy some stories and it would probably entice them to get one. or they could live vicariously through the blogs.

  96. Patricia Stuart Ministers

    What happens if in between these 366 day blogs I have other things I might want to talk about, or share? I’d have to let those other topics go. I love the idea, just not sure I can remain true and consistent with it.

  97. Morten

    Im thinking about answering the “” every day for a year! But I dubt my own discipline

  98. mr_sars

    hmmm …. nice.. thanks :)

  99. extraordinarymiracles

    This takes great dedication and I admire that. However,like Anthony (IEBA), I prefer to read and write more meatier, meaningful blogs which attempt to bring hope and inspiration to a world badly in need of it.

  100. nuvofelt

    I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my postaday2011 project on my blog, and will continue to blog often there, but probably not every day. However, my daily project for 2012 is to fill the world with a splash of colour. I started doing it in September 2011, and plan to continue every day during 2012.

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