Chart Stats


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Welcome to the site with the most comprehensive stats on the UK chart. There are graphs showing song's performance accross the weeks and pictures for singles and artists.

The site contains an archive of the UK singles and albums charts with complete weekly listings, the period covered is from the 1950s to the present day. Feedback is welcome from the contact page.

November 7th, 2011
Thanks for all the messages about updating the site, I have just got married and normal service will be resumed in the next couple of days.

September 8th, 2011
I've now realised why we were getting all those 500 internal server errors, it turns out that none of the pages were being cached as I had intended and this was hugely overloading the server. The whole site should be significantly faster now.

August 5th, 2011
I've now added an edit button to each release, this will enable you to fix basic errors such as miss-spelled titles or duplicate releases. All suggested fixes are only approved after other users of the site have had a chance to review them.

July 16th, 2011
I finally got around to tidying up most of the singles and artists that have got featured artists listed in inconsistent ways. Now all an artist's releases should be visible from their page with any featured artists listed in the title of the release. This will result in some broken links but should make it easier for people to find odd releases that I get asked about.

June 14th, 2011
There's been a lot of problems with the site recently, firstly the site was compromised and adverts injected by hackers. Then in my efforts to clean up after the hack and protect against future invasions I managed to break something somewhere. Apologies for all the inconvenience caused, and thanks to all the kind people who emailed to let me know the detail of the problem.

May 8th, 2011
I've now added links onto the release pages to help people to find songs to buy. I'm receiving fairly regular emails from website users who are asking me if I will sell them one of the singles listed on the site, now there are some resources to help them find the music without bothering me. So far there are links to Matt's CD Singles and to amazon UK.

April 25th, 2011
I've done quite a bit of work on the site this evening, the new charts have been added using a new mechanism which should be a significant improvement on the previous system. If you notice any bugs please let me know using the contact page.

December 2nd, 2010
I have now set the website to use the new database backend by default. If you're having trouble with it then you can disable it here and contact me here. You can also try out the new editing system for approving uploaded cover art, you will need to log in using an OpenID to contribute to the site. You can give it a try here.

October 27th, 2010
I have done some more work on the new database backend and have now got graphs working on release and artist pages. I've also finally got around to fix a few bugs in the chart pages on the new backend. I'm hoping to switch over to using the new backend by default some time soon, in the mean time please try it out and contact me about any bugs.

July 26th, 2010
I have now got a beta version of the new database backend up and running for testing purposes. If you would like to turn on the different database backend and try it out then you can do so here. You can turn on or off the new database backend. At present the two datasets are identical, the new backend doesn't currently have graphs and the information is laid out in a slightly different way. Let me know your feedback on the contact page.

April 6th, 2010
So it appears that the official charts company has given their website quite an overhaul and they now include an archive of the charts going back to the 1960's. I wonder where they got that idea from? In their wisdom they have also stopped listing the top 100 and now only list the top 40 chart (hence that being all I have). Stand by for more progress on the transition to a new database backend and more user interactivity as I get the time to program it.

January 28th, 2010
Colin over at PolyHex dropped me a line to show me a fancy new chart display thing he's made which is a great interactive way of viewing chart data, you can have a look at it here!

September 27th, 2009
The site was moved to a different server the other day and this created a few problems. For a brief period the cover art was not being displayed and uploads were not being saved properly. If you uploaded a cover in the last day or two and it has not yet appeared on the site then please upload it again.

August 4th, 2009
Many thanks to Daniel Gardiner who got in touch to provide me with album chart data for the period from 2001-2003 where I only had the top 20. I have now imported the data and this led to the creation of 20 artists and 290 albums which had not previously been featured on the site. Hopefully this should reduce the number of questions I get from people who complain that an album is missing from the site! If anyone else has any more data I would be very glad to receive it. The next step is to add cover art for these new albums.

June 29th, 2009
The death of Michael Jackson has sent shockwaves through the music industry and this weeks chart is a fair reflection of this, no less than 28 of the top 100 singles feature the artist and 7 of the top 100 albums, including the number 1 album.

January 1st, 1970

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