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Saturday Jan 7
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Monday Jan 9
7AM Save the San Francisco Peaks: Sunrise Ceremony,...
Wednesday Jan 11
12PM Ten Years of Guantanamo: We Say NO MORE!
6PM Author Jack Norris to discuss vegan nutrition and...
7PM SF - Commemorate The 100th Anniversary Of The...
Friday Jan 13
7PM Miss Representation Film Community Screening
Saturday Jan 14
12PM Homes not Jails Convergence
Wednesday Jan 18
12PM Film Showing on Farmworkers Struggle "The...
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Friday, December 2nd will see a full afternoon and evening of protest on the streets of San Francisco. With the rallying cry, "Stop the Cuts! Tax the Rich!", labor and community activists will occupy the Federal Building plaza at 7th and Mission from 2pm. Later in the afternoon they will march past symbols of corporate and financial corruption, continuing into the evening with a rally and concert at the OccupySF encampment at Justin Herman Plaza.
On November 21st, the United States Army scheduled an Article 32 pretrial hearing for PFC Bradley Manning, the Army intelligence specialist accused of releasing classified material to WikiLeaks. The pretrial hearing will commence on December 16th at Fort Meade, Maryland. This will be PFC Manning’s first appearance before a court and the first time he will face his accusers after 17 months in confinement. A rally and march in solidarity with Bradley Manning takes place on Tuesday, November 22nd, starting at 5pm at Market & Powell Streets in San Francisco.
Sat Oct 22 2011 (Updated 10/26/11) National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality
October 22nd 2011 was the 16th National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality, Repression, and the Criminalization of a Generation. In San Francisco protest took place at 12pm in the Bayview, near where Kenneth Harding was killed this year, to draw attention to Harding's death as well as many other deaths at the hands of law enforcement. In Modesto, participants gathered at 2pm at the H St. Jail for a Day of Action Against Police Brutality. In Fresno, a No More Stolen Lives took place at 5 p.m. at Eaton Plaza. Everyone at the protests, as well as supporters who can't make it, wears black in solidarity with people whose loved ones have died in custody.
On October 10th, the former Cathedral Hill Hotel at 1101 Van Ness Avenue in San Francisco was occupied by demonstrators led by the squatters' collective Homes Not Jails and reinforced by the activists of Occupy San Francisco. At 7pm, approximately 30 occupiers were inside the building, which contains 600 housing units. They report that most if not all of the rooms remain furnished and in habitable condition. Activists demand that habitable housing stock be put into use for people not profits, and point out that enough residential units exist in San Francisco to eliminate homelessness in the City.
The Freedom of Information Committee of the Society of Professional Journalists, Northern California Chapter, has sent a letter to the BART Board condemning the "wrongful treatment of journalists by BART police," including the arrest of an Indybay reporter, during the September 8, 2011 protest at Powell Station. The Committee requests "assurances that such actions will never be taken again, and new training for officers to ensure that their interactions with the press remain appropriate and lawful."

On September 17th, over one thousand demonstrators poured into New York City's financial district to confront corporate greed by establishing an ongoing presence, day and night, in lower Manhattan. The idea was to create an American Tahir Square on Wall Street. Police blocked marchers from reaching Wall Street, but hundreds persisted and set up camp in Zuccotti Park, now dubbed Liberty Plaza. In San Francisco, demonstrators likewise called for an occupation of the financial district starting the same day, outside of 555 California Street. The SF occupation is currently located in front of the Federal Reserve building on Market Street, although after midnight on October 6th, SFPD and city workers raided the site and took away the kitchen, tents, and truckloads of other occupier supplies. Several were beaten by SFPD and one was arrested during the raid. Occupations began in San Jose on Oct. 2nd, in Santa Cruz and Sacramento on Oct. 6th, Berkeley on Oct. 8th, Fresno on Oct. 9th, in Oakland on Oct. 10th and one is planned to start in Santa Rosa on Saturday, Oct. 15th.
In San Francisco, members of UNITE HERE Local 2 and their supporters in the labor movement marched on Labor Day, September 5th, to draw attention to Local 2's ongoing struggle with the Hyatt Regency and Grand Hyatt. The march began at Union Square and proceeded to Hotel Frank on Geary, then on to the Grand Hyatt on Stockton Street. Similarly in Santa Clara, hotel service workers of the union UNITE HERE Local 19 marked Labor Day by picketing the Hyatt Regency Santa Clara, which has been the target of a boycott campaign launched by the union six months ago. Hyatt workers, who have been without a contract with the hotel, have been demanding recognition of the union through a card-check/neutrality agreement.
No Justice No BART called for an action to be held on Thursday, September 8th, at the Powell Street Station in San Francisco. The plan announced was that if enough protesters were mobilized, in order to keep riders moving into and out of the station, BART would have to open the emergency exits and let folks ride for free, just as they have for other large events in the past. On September 8th, protesters gathered at Powell station, chanting and holding signs. No fare gates were ever blocked. Within a half hour, BART riot police kettled dozens of protesters and reporters. BART police handcuffed numerous journalists, requesting that SFPD confiscate their SFPD police press passes. Two Indybay journalists were arrested, along with over 22 protesters, and charged with violating Penal Code 369i, which deals with interfering with train operations.
On August 17th, opening night of the 2011 Ringling Brothers Circus in San Jose, nearly a hundred activists gathered to protest and to inform circus-goers about the cruelty involved when wild animals are forced to live in small cages and perform for audiences across the country. Ringling Brothers has a history of maltreating the animals under its care, from physically abusing them as part of their training to failing to adequately meet basic medical needs. Animal activists encourage others to help keep the heat on Ringling to drop the use of animals in their live shows. Demonstrations are planned for Ringling Brothers appearances in San Francisco and Oakland from September 1st through 11th.
The Bay Area is now the first place in the United States to have had its electronic communications deliberately disabled to preempt a political protest. On August 11th, BART cut power to the underground mobile phone antennas within their system for several hours, denying tens of thousands of evening commuters access to the Internet, telephone service, and even 911 calls. The protest BART claimed as the reason for disrupting mobile service never happened, but Anonymous called for online and offline protests in "remembrance [of] the blood that is on the hands of the BART police" and to "stand up for your rights and those of your fellow citizens." Both the and BART Police Officers' Association websites have been hacked. On August 15th and 22nd, protests were held in San Francisco that shut down downtown BART stations during the evening commutes. Over 40 people were arrested on August 22nd. A third demonstration was called for August 29th and two were arrested. No stations were closed by BART but two people were arrested for speaking out inside of Embarcadero station.
Santa Cruz Indymedia & SubRosa are pleased to present Ryan Harvey from Baltimore, MD, an engaging folk singer, incredible story teller, organizer and writer. He will be joined by Nomi, a fabulous folk from the Bay. This event is a record/CD release tour for Ryan Harvey's new album "Ordinary Heroes." It starts at 8pm on Wednesday, July 27th at SubRosa in downtown Santa Cruz. Ryan and Nomi are also performing on Thursday in San Francisco at a benefit event called Operation Recovery.
Nineteen year-old Kenneth Harding was approached by San Francisco police officers doing fare inspections on the Muni platform at Third and Palou on Saturday, July 16th, 2011. Within a half block of running from police through a plaza, he was shot down on Oakdale Street and left to bleed to death as police offered no medical assistance and crowd-control police arrived to hold back a growing mass of angry residents well before any emergency paramedics reached the area. Numerous gatherings, marches, rallies, and vigils have challenged SFPDs evolving version of events and protested police who continue to kill with impunity. Bayview activist Debray Carpenter was arrested by SFPD late last week and he was finally released on July 26th with no charges.
On the evening of July 3rd at the Civic Center BART station in San Francisco, two as of yet unidentified BART police officers shot and killed Charles Hill with three rounds to his chest. BART's police chief Kenton Rainey declared that he is "comfortable" with the shooting. On July 11th, at least 150 demonstrators converged at the very same station to protest the killing, to demand that the officers be held accountable and that the BART police department be shut down. Protesters had promised to disrupt the Bay Area Rapid Transit system's business as usual and BART PR spokesman Linton Johnson was forced to concede, "They succeeded."
UPDATE 7/12: Hunger Striker’s Health Rapidly Deteriorates | calendar7/14: Vigil to support the Prisoner Hunger Strikers

Thousands of California prisoners have come together in solidarity with the prisoners at Pelican Bay SHU. The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation’s own figures acknowledge 6,600 prisoners participated in the hunger strike across 13 prisons in California this past weekend. The first solidarity actions were held on July 1st on both sides of the SF Bay. Further solidarity actions were held in Oakland on July 8th and San Francisco on July 9th.
Homes Not Jails took over the former Hotel Sierra at 20th and Mission streets in San Francisco on July 4th. The Hotel Sierra has been vacant for nearly 20 years. Almost 50 rooms have been empty on the building’s second floor. The action began in the afternoon with a rally in Dolores Park, then a march right into the Hotel Sierra, which had its doors wide open. There was music, food, sunbathing on the roof, and dancing in the streets. Police reportedly assaulted and hauled away one man without provocation.
Prisoners in the Security Housing Unit (SHU) at Pelican Bay State Prison in Crescent City, California announced that they are beginning an indefinite hunger strike on July 1st to protest the conditions of their imprisonment, which they say are cruel and inhumane. An online petition has been started by supporters of the strikers. Key demands include the elimination of group punishments, modification of active/inactive gang status criteria, and the provision of adequate food.
Mon Jun 20 2011 (Updated 12/17/11) March for Alleged WikiLeaker, Gay Hero Bradley Manning
A Bradley Manning Pride Contingent joined the SF Pride parade on Sunday, June 26th. Dedicated to equal human rights, Army Private Bradley Manning stood openly against Don't Ask Don't Tell, and now is imprisoned as the alleged WikiLeaks whistle-blower. Bradley faces life in prison, and even the death penalty, for sharing the "Collateral Murder" video and files pertaining to the Iraq War, Afghanistan War, and Guantánamo.
Joshua Hart, Director of Stop Smart Meters! was arrested on June 21st after blocking the entrance to the Capitola PG&E payment center in protest of PG&E’s illegal “smart” meter installations in the County. The County of Santa Cruz, as well as the Cities of Capitola and Watsonville, have adopted urgency ordinances prohibiting the installation of wireless “smart” meters within their jurisdictions. Forty-three local governments throughout the state have formally demanded a halt to the program because of concerns about health, privacy, accuracy, and fire safety.
Hundreds of people turned out at San Francisco City Hall on Friday, June 17th, to participate in the "Communities Rising to End the Drug War and Mass Incarceration" rally and march to protest the 40-year "war on drugs" and continued criminalization of the poor, the addicted, and communities of color. The protest then marched to the state and federal buildings nearby.
On June 17th, about 75 LGBT activists protested outside the San Francisco International LGBT Film Festival, which accepted Israeli government sponsorship and financing for the second year in a row. The Brass Liberation Orchestra was on hand to provide a spirited soundtrack. QUIT! launched the campaign to get Frameline to divorce the Israeli Consulate in 2007. In 2008 and 2009, the festival did not accept Israeli sponsorship, after having done so for years. But last year, under pressure from the consulate, the new festival director and executive director renewed their partnership with the Israeli government.
CODEPINK Activists confronted GOP presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty on his anti-gay and anti-reproductive rights stance at the annual America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) conference in San Francisco on June 16th. Showering the GOP presidential candidate with pink glitter and confetti, they shouted, "Where's your courage to stand up for gay and reproductive rights? Welcome to San Francisco, home of gay hero Harvey Milk!" Outside the Moscone center demonstrators rallied for a single payer healthcare system and satirical Billionaires for Wealthcare aped the wealthy who benefit from the insurance industry's huge profits.
Several thousand teachers, students, and parents rallied to defend public education in San Francisco on May 13th. Many participants said that they are tired of fighting education cuts every year and are now ready to fight back. The rally was sponsored by the California Teachers Association, the Parent Teachers Association, and student groups, amongst others. Labor unions and community organizations were also represented among the diverse crowd.
May 15th marked 63 years since the Palestinian Nakba (catastrophe). In 1948, more than 750,000 Palestinians were permanently displaced, with more than 500 Palestinian villages depopulated and destroyed. In San Francisco, Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, and across the globe, Palestinians and solidarity activists commemorated the Nakba. In the West Bank and Gaza, thousands took to the streets to demand an end the occupation. Israeli forces responded with live gunfire killing at least 16 protesters and injuring hundreds.
iCal feed From the Calendar:
3PM Wednesday Jan 4 Hotel Frank Picket Line
3PM Thursday Jan 5 Hotel Frank Picket Line
1PM Friday Jan 6 Hotel Frank Picket Line
7AM Saturday Jan 7 Hotel Frank Picket Line
7AM Sunday Jan 8 Hotel Frank Picket Line
3PM Wednesday Jan 11 Hotel Frank Picket Line
3PM Thursday Jan 12 Hotel Frank Picket Line
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Justice 4 Kenneth harding JR. Kenneth Harding JR. Foundation
Monday Jan 2nd 7:33 PM
Homes not Jails Convergence Homes not Jails
Saturday Dec 31st 5:56 PM
OccupySF GeneralAssembly Dec. 7th - Part Three Bill Carpenter (1 comment)
Friday Dec 30th 1:51 AM
IFPTE21 SF City Surveyor Turner Fights For Justice & Against Corporate Unions & Muscat United Public Workers For Action (1 comment)
Thursday Dec 29th 11:35 AM
Ten Years of Guantanamo: We Say NO MORE! Cynthia Papermaster (1 comment)
Monday Dec 26th 11:20 PM
Bay oil spill killed herring, NOAA scientists report Dan Bacher
Monday Dec 26th 1:16 PM
March to ICE Bill Carpenter (2 comments)
Saturday Dec 24th 11:50 PM
San Francisco Mayor Gives Death Sentence to Endangered Frogs Kerry Kriger (3 comments)
Wednesday Dec 21st 2:45 PM
SFO & HRD Bosses Continue Sex Discrimination Against SEIU1021 Senior Curator Knudsen United Public Workers For Action (1 comment)
Tuesday Dec 20th 5:21 PM
Hotel Frank Picket Line (2 comments)
Tuesday Dec 20th 10:26 AM
Occupy SF reoccupies Sue Bierman Plaza Rubble
Sunday Dec 18th 10:09 PM
Occupy SF - March and Rally to Free Bradley Manning Rubble (1 comment)
Sunday Dec 18th 9:46 PM
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J. Edgar Movie Review Marlon Crump
Thursday Dec 8th 11:31 AM
Labor’s Choice in 2012 Mark Vorpahl, Workers Action
Wednesday Dec 7th 9:29 AM
Occupy The Library Red Raven
Sunday Dec 4th 3:38 PM
OWS Must Engage In Non-violent Civil Disobedient Traffic Blocking Now! Lloyd Hart (1 comment)
Monday Oct 17th 12:55 PM
Are They Like Us? anon
Monday Oct 10th 5:37 AM
15 Years of Giving Voice to Women and Transgender Prisoners in California Angola 3 News interview with CCWP
Saturday Oct 8th 12:04 AM
Ed Schultz Co-opts Occupy Wall St. for Democratic Party! Lloyd Hart (1 comment)
Thursday Oct 6th 8:00 AM
Arizona Invites More Gabby Giffords Style Murder/Violence scott huminski
Thursday Sep 15th 10:21 AM
In Support of the Rebellion in Chile Collective Reinventions
Saturday Sep 3rd 7:56 AM
Huffington’s Bogus Defense of Unpaid Bloggers repost
Thursday Aug 4th 3:15 PM
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Hotel Frank Weekly Three-Dot Report (#1) Marc Norton
Tuesday Jan 3rd 9:40 AM
Support Herb Meiberger For SF City Workers Pension Board Committee to Re-Elect Herb Meiberger
Thursday Dec 29th 12:53 PM
They used it on us first Bruce Allison
Friday Dec 16th 7:00 PM
12/19 Hearing-Speak Out To Defend TWU250A Operator Cynthia Carter At SF Civil Service Comm United Public Workers For Action (1 comment)
Friday Dec 16th 12:26 PM
Full Page Chronicle Ad: Occupy's 99% Deficit Solution Because the 1%'s Super Committee Fail Occupy Freedom Plaza (4 comments)
Thursday Dec 8th 10:50 PM
SF Police Commission Hearings on video - Wednesday nights Accountability
Wednesday Dec 7th 11:28 PM
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