New Internationalist

A harsh winter for China's discontented

A harsh winter for China's discontented

Shuang Gho on the plight of those who dare to complain against abuses by the authorities.
The Arms Trade infographic

The Arms Trade infographic

Shocking facts and figures.
Can Zambia stand up to China?

Can Zambia stand up to China?

Is the money flooding in from China doing any good?
Is the European Union damaging to democratic rights?

Is the European Union damaging to democratic rights?

Read two opposing arguments and join the debate.
Japan must say no to nuclear!

Japan must say no to nuclear!

Outspoken politician Kono Taro tells Tina Burrett why.
A rare victory for Western Sahara

A rare victory for Western Sahara

The European Parliament has voted down a proposed one-year extension to the fisheries deal between the EU and Morocco. Chris Brazier reports.


Can Zambia stand up to China?

Many Zambians feel that the flood of money from China has done nothing to improve their lives, as Andrew Bowman reports.

Film review: We Were Here

A compassionate and inspiring film about the AIDS epidemic in 1980s San Francisco.

Arms trade infographic

The ‘war on terror’ saw the west splurge its peace dividend in a frenzy of arms spending. Check out some astonishing facts and figures…

Book review: Who Killed Hammarskjöld?

Fifty years after the UN Secretary-General’s death, are we any closer to the truth?

Film review: Resistance

What if the Germans had invaded the Welsh valleys during the Second World War?

Is the European Union damaging to democratic rights?

Anti-poverty campaigner John Hilary and politics professor Carlos Closa go head-to-head - read their arguments and join the debate.

Haiti’s decision to rearm is an obstacle to peace, development and freedom

Costa Rica’s former President Oscar Arias Sanchez – who was instrumental in abolishing his own country’s army – explains why.

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Podcast: Mark Schuller on Haiti after the earthquake

Mark Schuller, an expert on the relief effort after Haiti’s 2010 earthquake, talks about the positive and negative aspects of NGO relief work in the two years since.

A harsh winter for China’s discontented

Complainants against abuses by Chinese authorities are forced to sleep rough in sub-zero temperatures and those that help them are harassed by police, reports Shuang Gao.

The Arctic will burn

Predicting the effects of global warming is never easy, says Zoe Cormier. But the signs are not good. 

Occupy London goes to court

On 19 December Occupy London went to court for the beginning of their eviction proceedings and scored some early points, reports Jamie Kelsey-Fry.

President parties while the Philippines mourns

Where is Benigno Aquino’s empathy for his people? asks Iris Gonzales.

Why we need imagination in medicine

People are not dying of HIV and TB because there is no cure but because medicine can be stubbornly inflexible, explains Anna Hughes.

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