The WIIU - A Union For All Workers


No matter what your job 

Whether your job is unionized or not


All workers belong in the union of their class


Join us in the struggle for a better future


The Workers' International Industrial Union seeks to unite workers into a single unified force with the goal of peacefully changing the system from one based on greed and fear to one where all the means of producing what we need to live and enjoy our lives are controlled democratically by society. Everyone will have voice and vote in how the new society operates. We propose creating, for the first time on earth, a genuine democracy. This democracy will not only live in the factories and services, offices and plants, but in our communities and cities. We will have not only ultimate control over our lives, but over our economic well being as well.


Help us make this vision a reality, join the WIIU today.

All workers are welcome, employed or unemployed, part time or full time, documented or undocumented, active or retired, handicapped or not, all are wanted and needed in the WIIU.