Monday, 12 December 2011 19:28
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cover of Resistance Bulletin 136 November 2011


Anarchists Join with Sparks and Students in London on 9 November, Erosion of Workers’ Rights, Direct Action Gets the Goods, Atos Festive Month of Actions, Power to the People: Electricity Workers Say no to Austerity, Sparks take their message to the boss’s front door, Getting Ready to Strike, Quantitative Easing - Creating Money for Rich People, Greece: Down with the Stalinists and Bureaucrats!, New Riot Statistics Revealed, A Council Worker’s Perspective on Disability Cuts, Rebels with a Cause, Bank of Ideas Opens, Prisoner Support, False Wage Claim

Read more: Resistance bulletin issue 137 December 2011 / January 2012

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Organise issue 77 cover image The latest issue of the AF's magazine is available in print and for free download. See also AF Pamphlets/Booklets.

FROM THEN UNTIL NOW - special anniversary issue, 25 years of the AFED, Local anti-cuts organising, Paris Commune, Mexican Revolution, The Great Unrest 1910-14, Anarchist sculptor HG Brzeska, book review Ghost Dancers, obituary Bob Miller. Click Read more for the full contents and to read the online version. Single issues and subscriptions are available. All back issues are online.

Read more: Organise! magazine Issue 77 Winter 2011

The Anarchist Federation was founded as the Anarchist Communist Federation 25 years ago. We describe ourselves as anarchist communists and revolutionary class struggle anarchists, and operate as a membership organisation. The AF now numbers well over a hundred members in England, Wales and Scotland, and organises federally as local groups plus individuals. As well as their local group activities, members meet up to four times a year at our annual conference and delegate meetings plus self-education events and a summer camp.

We are involved in all manner of social struggles and to support these we produce practical propaganda and theoretical texts including a magazine Organise!, regular agitational bulletin Resistance and a growing series of pamphlets. We also write for Black Flag and Freedom. Members are encouraged to get involved with any activity they wish to and to develop themelves practically and politicially. We collectively run a website and blog. Local groups also run their own blogs and publish local bulletins and pamphlets. Some of our members also meet as women's and LGBTQ caucuses. In recent years we have been involved in organising a number of regional bookfairs.

The AF is a member of the International of Anarchist Federations (IAF-IFA) where we meet and organise with its other member federations. We also engage in other international correspondence and solidarity efforts. We encourage those who agree with our aims and principles to join, and welcome other enquiries.

Read: More information about the AF and how to join us

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