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Week 17

Icons link to that team's subreddit.

Time Home @ Away TV
Sun 1:00 PM NYJ @ MIA CBS
Sun 1:00 PM CHI @ MIN FOX
Sun 1:00 PM BUF @ NE CBS
Sun 1:00 PM IND @ JAC CBS
Sun 1:00 PM CAR @ NO FOX
Sun 1:00 PM WAS @ PHI FOX
Sun 1:00 PM SF @ STL FOX
Sun 1:00 PM TEN @ HOU CBS
Sun 1:00 PM DET @ GB FOX
Sun 4:15 PM TB @ ATL FOX
Sun 4:15 PM SEA @ ARI FOX
Sun 4:15 PM BAL @ CIN CBS
Sun 4:15 PM PIT @ CLE CBS
Sun 4:15 PM KC @ DEN CBS
Sun 4:15 PM SD @ OAK CBS
Sun 8:20 PM DAL @ NYG NBC

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