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Tue Oct 4 2011 (Updated 10/14/11) Inspired by Egypt, Motivated by Financial Inequality, Occupy Wall Street Expands Across US
Occupy Everywhere
Thursday Nov 17th, 2011 12:03 PM : Small crew of folks is picketing FBI racial profiling and civil liberty abuses as director Mueller gives speech at 595 Market St #OccupySF
Wednesday Oct 12th, 2011 10:11 AM : #occupysf continuing picket and sit-in at Wells Fargo headquarters, Montgomery and California St. #ows
Wednesday Oct 12th, 2011 8:26 AM : Just Cause says call Joseph OHayon, Wells Fargo VP and tell him stop arresting the 99% 240-586-7661 #OWS #OccupySF
Wednesday Oct 12th, 2011 8:17 AM : Speakers and street theatre at California St entrance of Wells Fargo headquarters #occupysf #ows "You owe us"
Wednesday Oct 12th, 2011 7:57 AM : Hundreds have arrived at Wells Fargo in march from #occupysf. building is surrounded by crowds in the street on all sides #occupysf #ows
Wednesday Oct 12th, 2011 7:52 AM : BLO - Brass Liberation Orchestra - serenading at Wells Fargo's back door. SFPD writing up report w/ locked-out bank executive #occupysf
Wednesday Oct 12th, 2011 7:46 AM : Frustrated Wells Fargo bankers out on the sidewalk sipping their lattes "Banks got bailed out we got sold out" #occupysf #ows
Wednesday Oct 12th, 2011 7:42 AM : Wells Fargo headquarters in SF sealed off by #occupysf, no sign of SFPD. #ows "Who bailed out the banks? We bailed out the banks"
Wednesday Oct 12th, 2011 7:33 AM : Dozens have locked down at Wells Fargo headquarters, Montgomery and Sacramento in "foreclose on wall st west" #occupysf #ows
Saturday Oct 8th, 2011 10:58 AM : NorCal, share yer own reports, vid, & pics at

On September 17th, over one thousand demonstrators poured into New York City's financial district to confront corporate greed by establishing an ongoing presence, day and night, in lower Manhattan. The idea was to create an American Tahir Square on Wall Street. Police blocked marchers from reaching Wall Street, but hundreds persisted and set up camp in Zuccotti Park, now dubbed Liberty Plaza. Hundreds were arrested on October 1st, after marchers took the Brooklyn Bridge. The occupation continues today in New York.

In San Francisco, demonstrators likewise called for an occupation of the financial district starting on September 17th. Protesters arrived outside of 555 California Street, formerly known as the Bank of America Center, and spoke out for a new economic order in the U.S. that does not favor the wealthiest 1% at the expense of everyone else. After an hour of speeches, a large group from 555 California marched and chanted throughout downtown, with numerous passers-by cheering on the demonstration and its message of economic equality. While not as large as the East Coast action, demonstrators have maintained an ongoing presence ever since. The occupation is currently located in front of the Federal Reserve building on Market Street, and protesters marched on the afternoon of October 5th. After midnight on October 6th, SFPD and city workers raided the site and took away the kitchen, tents, and truckloads of other occupier supplies. Several were beaten by SFPD and one was arrested during the raid.

Occupations began in San Jose on Sunday, October 2nd, Santa Cruz and Sacramento on Thursday, Oct. 6th, Berkeley on Oct. 8th, and Fresno on Oct. 9th. In Sacramento, police arrested twenty occupiers and gave them stay-away orders on the first night of the occupation. Occupation began in Oakland on Monday, October 10th and another is planned for Santa Rosa beginning on Saturday, Oct. 15th.

Similar occupations have started or are being planned across the U.S. in Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, San Diego, Eugene, Portland, Seattle, Hawaii, and dozens of other cities.

San Francisco: eventBenefit for Occupy SF (3pm Oct 10th) | photoOccupy SF, Anti-War March Down Market Street (Oct 8th) | photoFed Reserve Vigil and Meeting (Oct 7th) | eventLabor and Community Groups Announce March Through SF Financial District (Oct 12th) | audioMayor Ed Lee's statement on the rights of OccupySF (Oct 6th) | photoOccupy SF Not Discouraged (Oct 6th) | videoOctober 2011 Solidarity - SF - 2 (Oct 6th) | videoOctober 2011 Solidarity - SF (Oct 6th) | photoFederal Building Occupation Rally in SF Features Daniel Ellsberg (Oct 6th) | photoCodePink, Raging Grannies and Friends at Federal Building (Oct 6th) | audioOccupy SF - General Assembly - Part 2 (Oct 6th) | audioOccupy SF - General Assembly - Part 1 (Oct 6th) | videoOccupySF Resists Raid by Police and City Workers After Midnight, | videoOccupy San Francisco, Interview with Allie List (Oct 6th) | Letter to OccupySF from the National Lawyers Guild (Oct 6th) | photoOccupySF Resists Raid by Police and City Workers After Midnight, 2 of 2 (Oct 6th) | photoOccupySF Resists Raid by Police and City Workers After Midnight, 1 of 2 (Oct 6th) | videoPolice Brutality at Occupy SF Encampment (Oct 6th) | Cops Raiding Occupy SF Site Right Now 40-50 cops (Oct 6th) | OccupySF (Oct 5th) | videoOccupy SF March (Oct 5th) | photoOccupy SF March (Oct 5th) | eventOct. 5th march | eventWeekly open mic night | photoOccupy SF Getting Stronger on Market Street (Oct 2nd) | We Are The San Francisco 99 Percent Occupiers - We Are Here To Stay | Global Revolution Marches Through San Francisco | SF economic protests focus on foreclosures (Sept 29th) | Occupy San Francisco | videoOccupy Financial District San Francisco, Interview with Guy (Sept 19th) | photo#OccupyFDSF - Occupy Financial District San Francisco, Day One March (Sept 17th) | eventOriginal Occupation Announcement

San Jose: photoOccupy San Jose: A few photos (Oct 9th) | photoNo Arrests Yet at Occupation of San Jose City Hall Plaza (Oct 8th) | videoOccupy San Jose! Marching/Chanting (Oct 7th) | photoSan Jose City Hall Occupiers Await Arrest in Wee Hours (Oct 7th)

Santa Cruz Indybay Feature | Occupy! zine: an intro to consensus, your rights, and occupation

Sacramento: OccupySacramento Day 3: 14 Arrested Early Sunday Morning (Oct 8th) | OccupySacramento protests at Jail; ~13 arrested Saturday night (Oct 8th) | OccupySacramento will stay until midnight Friday (Oct 7th) | Twenty Arrested: Challenge Unfair Punishment of Occupiers! (Oct 6th)

Fresno: photoOccupy Fresno begins (Oct 9th) | videoMake Wall Street pay to Heal America (Sept 1st)

Berkeley: Occupy Berkeley protest starts one week early (Oct 8th) | Occupy Berkeley Meeting (Oct 5th)

Oakland Indybay Feature | photoNew Flyers & Images for Occupy Oakland!

Los Angeles: 1,000 march to occupy L.A. (Oct 1st) | LA IMC

San Diego: Occupy San Diego movement planning major action for downtown, Oct 7th

Wall Street: Wall Street Runs America | 20,000 marched to Occupy Wall Street (Oct 5th) | Ed Schultz Co-opts Occupy Wall St. for Democratic Party | photoProtesters in it for the Long Haul | Fuel for Occupy Wall Street's Fire | audioBrooklyn Bridge Takeover and Arrests (Oct 1st) | Saturday action 400-700 arrested (Oct 1st) | Friday update: March to Police Station (Sept 30th) | Rage Against Wall Street | Thursday update: Labor solidarity (Sept 29th) | Tuesday update: March and talks with labor (Sept 27th) | Wall Street Occupation Continues (Sept 26th) | Information about NYPD officer Anthony Bologna, who allegedly pepper sprayed innocents | videoWhite shirt NYPD pepper spray women behind barricade at #OccupyWallStreet (Sept 25th) | videoLive video feed from Occupy Wall Street | videoWall $treet Occupation Has Begun - Watch LIVE

See Also: Occupy Oakland | Occupy SF | Occupy Wall Street | Occupy Together | Adbusters

Publish your own occupy reports, photos, and video to Indybay

01/03/12 The 7th Annual Last Night DIY New Year's Parade in Santa Cruz   Arts + Action | Santa Cruz Indymedia
12/29/11 Oscar Grant 3rd Anniversary Memorial March and Rally in Oakland   Police State and Prisons | Racial Justice
12/19/11 HIdden in Plain Sight: Media Workers for Social Change, Chapter 12   Indymedia | Arts + Action
12/19/11 California Coastal Commission Approves Controversial $5 Million Arana Gulch Master Plan   Environment & Forest Defense | Santa Cruz Indymedia
12/18/11 Community Members March Through Piedmont to Protect Sacred Places   Racial Justice
12/17/11 PFC Bradley Manning's Military Trial for WikiLeaks Revelations Begins   Police State and Prisons | Anti-War
12/12/11 Occupy Movement Takes It to Wall Street on the Waterfront with Mass Blockades   Global Justice and Anti-Capitalism
12/11/11 Demonstrators Say, "Fuck Prison, Tear Down the Walls"   Police State and Prisons | Santa Cruz Indymedia
12/08/11 Legal Fund Established for Six Arrested at Occupy Santa Cruz and Held on $25,000 Bail   Police State and Prisons | Santa Cruz Indymedia
12/06/11 Vacant Lot at Pacific and Spruce Reclaimed in Solidarity with Occupation Movement   Health, Housing, and Public Services | Santa Cruz Indymedia
12/01/11 75 River Street Occupied as Community Center for 75+ Hours   Global Justice and Anti-Capitalism | Santa Cruz Indymedia