Monday, January 02, 2012

Helter Geller

Malevolent Cocktail

Hate-spewing Coelecanth and Anders Behring Breivik muse, Pamela “Aynist” Geller, is simply beside herself since WordPress shut down the vile anti-Muslim hate site Bare Naked Islam. Pam is ready to sue for the freedom of BNI commenters to urge , as quoted by CAIR via TPM, ““What’s all this pussy-footing??? Throw 10 Molotov cocktails into these mosques and burn them down even with a**-lifters in them, especially with a**-lifters in them.”

By curious happenstance, 2012 began with a series of four terrorist firebombings in Queens last night. Molotov cocktails, at least three of which utilized Starbucks frappucino bottles, were thrown at mostly Muslim targets: a bodega, a prominant mosque and Islamic Center, a private home, and a house which was known to host Hindu services, which of course we all know are just Islam in paisley camo. 

Would I dare to suggest that last night’s anti-Muslim terrorist firebombings were in any way connected with Pam Geller’s incessant anti-Muslim agitation? Oh heavens, no! Any more than she would suggest that Anders Breivik’s victims were too brown to be considered real Norwe——oh, oops! Inapt simile. Any more than Free Republic would assume that Los Angeles Firebomber Samuel Arrington was Mus——

——Well, Hell’s Bells. Only 363 or so days until New Year’s! New beginnings, and all that. I can hardly wait.

Posted by Mrs. Polly on 01/02/12 at 04:48 PM
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Categories: ImagesNew York CityNewsPoliticsNuttersRelijun

Slap-Fight at the Blow-Spray Corral


Wingnut blogger sissyfight alert! Colonel Mustard of Legal Insurrection front-paged comments from a reader who had allegedly analyzed wingnut blogs for a graduate course and concluded the following:

Compared to the anonymous, edgy Ace of Spades and the soapbox self-promoter The Other McCain, the ethos of Legal Insurrection is much more subtle….

The graduate blog-analyzer, who must be the life and soul of all parties he attends, lauded the Colonel’s ethos-enhancing ability to imbue post titles with dry-as-a-popcorn-fart humor to hint at the screamingly funny content within. If you’re healthy enough to endure a prolonged fit of the giggles, behold these undeniably droll results: “Another Day, Another Nonsense PPP Poll”; and “PolitiFact Has a Serious Problem, But I Repeat Myself.”

Christ, that’s good stuff! Who can blame Colonel Mustard for wanting to relive the glory? Subtlety is as agreeable in the blog world as it is in an honest yellow condiment, and it’s natural that Colonel Mustard found his reader’s flattering synopsis pleasing.

But what of his friend Stacy at The Other McCain, whom the graduate-reader basically called a skanky blog-whore? My guess is Colonel Mustard honestly didn’t anticipate that McCain would post paragraph after puling, puerile, self-pitying paragraph in response:

Being treated as persona non grata by those who profess friendship is a bewildering experience, one which permits only two possible explanations:

1. The professions of friendship are false and these people who say they harbor no animosity toward me are concealing a profound hatred toward me which, for some reason, they are unwilling to admit; or

2. My work is utterly worthless, and therefore undeserving of recognition.

Allow me to offer a third explanation, Stacy: It’s BOTH. Man, I hope this evolves into a full-on internecine blog-war with florid denunciations extending unto one thousand generations. The bowl games today are a kind of a snore.

Posted by Betty Cracker on 01/02/12 at 02:33 PM
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Categories: PoliticsBedwettersNuttersTeabaggery


I have my first new blog crush of the year: drpaul2012 (“America’s 57th President, If He Can Just Hold On”), wherein the Dr. Zeuss theme is pursued mercilessly.


In this book, you’ll find out who stuck the cactus up Dr. Paul’s ass. He dispenses some tough love to the lazy people mucking it up for the rest of us. Dr. Paul explains the difference between “makers” and ”takers” and how being a maker is preferable unless you’re taking business risks or making babies. Tony Robbins credits this book with changing his life and writes a moving foreword. (Ha! “Moving foreword” cracks me up every time I read it.)


Posted by YAFB on 01/02/12 at 09:47 AM
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You’ll get Willard’s tax returns…


...when you pry them from his soft, impeccably manicured hands.

Posted by Betty Cracker on 01/02/12 at 09:28 AM
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Categories: PoliticsElection '12Mittens

Sunday, January 01, 2012

Ding. Freedom. Dong. Opportunity.

I realize most people would rather let 2011 quietly slip into the mists of memory and get on with life, but you’ll pardon me for taking a hangin’s-too-good-for-it stance; it really was a bastard of a year. In the spirit of very much letting the door hit the old sash-wearing cretin in the ass on his way out, I humbly submit my choice for Worst Of the 2011 Best Ofs. I haven’t actually read any other 2011 Best Ofs, but I can’t imagine I’d find a worthy challenger if I did.

read the whole post »

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 01/01/12 at 05:27 PM
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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Have Yourself A Merry Little RumpYear

Pointing And Laughing Since Just Ever

Goodbye to the year that gave us Newt ReNewed, Occupations Removed, and Bachmann Corndog Lovin’. The year to come promises to be target-rich, and though the Roast has taken a hit, we will be up and snarking with every bit of childish, unrepentant glee we can muster. Thank you to our Roasty readers for your support through the years of our existence, and health to all, especially our Strange.

Posted by Mrs. Polly on 12/31/11 at 11:09 PM
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Categories: ImagesMessylaneousRumproast Related

Santorum Surges From Behind

Sometimes the jokes just write themselves.

Posted by Tom65 on 12/31/11 at 09:26 PM
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Categories: Knee SlappersNewsPoliticsElection '12Nutters

Your DIY 2011 Roundup

Just about every media outlet is running its own roundup of the events of 2011. I’d like to try something different (and, obviously, be somewhat lazy), and throw it open to you, our lovely Rumproast community, to spare a little time from your preparations for seeing in the New Year (“when it comes,” as they always say here in still-superstitious and never presumptious Scotland) to sift out the notable events, happy and sad, hilarious and tragic, conclusive and ongoing, that you consider most significant.

To kick us off, on the media front, I’d have to rank the continuing revelations and recriminations of the phone hacking and associated scandals involving Rupert Murdoch’s News International as a development that was long in coming and gleefully enjoyed, coupled with Fox News’s sharp decline in ratings and the Tea Party-humping residual shitstorm that is currently engulfing the GOP.

In terms of international politics, the fall and demise of Gaddafi is obviously among the most notable events, along with that of Osama bin Laden, against the background of international economic and social turmoil.

Breitbartocalypse and the predicted tidal wave of wingnutry that would sweep all before it have apparently been postponed, though there are still a few hours left yet, so I’ll hang off on declaring that a bust.

On a personal note, I couldn’t round up 2011 without wishing that StrangeAppar8us was able to share his own views with us at this moment, and the sad events that saw him facing a long, but not hopeless, road to recovery have obviously overshadowed the closing of the year. I wish him—as I wish you, our visitors and commenters, and not least my co-bloggers—a Happy New Year when it comes. An interesting 2012 is more or less assured. Let’s hope it’s a happier one for us all.

Posted by YAFB on 12/31/11 at 03:44 PM
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Categories: MessylaneousNewsPolitics

Shield your circuitboards from cold, rain, and wind with TruFlesh!

You really need the stammer to get the full flavor of panderrific flacidity—seriously, this cat exudes the raw sexuality of a 1950s grade-school PSA—but I can’t find embeddable audio. Quoth the Replican’t:

He’s in Hawaii right now. We’re out in the cold and the rain and the wind because we care about America, he’s out there. He just finished his 90th round of golf.

Hee hee, this jagoff’s gonna try to go the “my patriotism’s bigger” route, because y’know, it’s still 2005, and Bush has yet to cause a tunnel collapse in that particular passageway.

Who’s getting elevated this week, is it Santorum’s turn yet? Whatever, drop the act and line the fuck up behind this twerp, GOP, you know you’re gonna eventually. I’d say I feel your pain, but Mitt Romney makes John Kerry look like Snake Plisskin.

Yes, I realize Democratic consultants and strategists are hard at work figuring out a way to lose to the Plastic Colon, and while that’s certainly cause for concern, remember the old saying: “You can put lipstick on the piggy bank from Toy Story, but it’s still just a polyurethane knick-knack, no matter how much Bob Shrum insists it’s a wildly electable boar.” Pretty sure that’s how it goes, I barfed all over my copy of Bartlett’s when I heard Romney use golfing as code for elitism.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 12/31/11 at 10:09 AM
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Categories: PoliticsElection '12Mittens

Friday, December 30, 2011

Crackpottery Barn


The good folks at Balloon Juice have been righteously mocking Andrew Sullivan and other professional contrarians who rashly jumped on the Ron Paul bandwagon when the old kook’s campaign suddenly gained a pulse in Iowa. Sully walked back his endorsement after being hammered for issuing it to a candidate with such a troubling history of publishing racist, homophobic rants. But he’s still lamely attempting a post-hoc justification by citing random un-offended black folk and posting inane Paul supporter comments such as this one linked by Mr. Cole:

“I voted for Obama in 2008 but we need a change. Dr Paul is consistent and honest, which is very hard to find. He is not just telling us what we have heard before,” - Samantha Dunn, a 28-year-old teacher in Iowa, to the Daily Telegraph.

This is the kind of shit that makes me want to snort Wild Turkey with a Neti pot. It’s not just the sheer tonnage of stupid packed into those three sentences; it’s the horrific realization that these are the people who will decide the 2012 election.

read the whole post »

Posted by Betty Cracker on 12/30/11 at 04:13 PM
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Categories: PoliticsElection '12MittensBarack ObamaPUMAsNuttersSarah PalinTeabaggery

Mr. Fantastic: “You’re Rubber”

Ten grand sez this line of attack falls flat.

What are you out of touch with this morning? And before you say that referring to 11:30 a.m. as “morning” paints me as out of touch with the struggles of the working-class common man, you should know that I’ve been out and about earning my keep since 7. On Rollerblades, just like the working-class common man.


Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 12/30/11 at 11:26 AM
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Categories: PoliticsElection '12Mittens

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Late Night Reality Check: you’re ten years older than you were a decade ago

Do you have the logo of a band nobody’s ever heard of tattooed on your arm? I do! HIPSTER VICTORY ASSURED. Remind me to tell you sometime how this factoid relates to Mary Tyler Moore ripping me a new asshole.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 12/29/11 at 09:46 PM
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Hammer of the Gods


I got nothing. Open thread.

Posted by Betty Cracker on 12/29/11 at 07:42 AM
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Categories: MessylaneousRelijun

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

He’d like something named after him, but there’s already a Dover Air Force Base (UPDATED)

“For 20 years, I’ve been doing things on behalf of the people of Nebraska and putting things off,” he said. “There comes a time when you have to make that decision, do you continue to put things off and do what you’ve been doing?”

What’s next for Ben Nelson?

~Replace John Hodgman in Apple’s “I’m a Mac” ad campaign; get fired for showing up to shoots dressed in hipster signifiers & agreeing vigorously with Justin Long

~Join PepsiCo Board of Directors, buy world a Coke

~Sell arms to anti-American forces abroad, cite decades-long experience providing ammo to the other side

~Become lobbyist; spend most of his time hanging out at service entrance, because he always does the opposite of what he’s supposed to be doing, see

~Attempt to take down IRS from the inside; unaware that IRS Records and Internal Revenue Service are not the same thing, record surprisingly competent rock/reggae fusion album

~Get job as Wal-Mart greeter, invoke “conscience clause” to avoid saying hello to potential sluts

~Find a way to look even more like Jerry Van Dyke

~Whenever there’s a patch of freshly laid, unhardened cement nearby, “tag” it with side of head, because the dude just loves earmarks

~Belatedly realize “Ask Ben Nelson To Resign” Facebook campaign was most likely started by liberals, run for Senate

~Spend more time undermining his family



UPDATE 10:34pm—I knew I was bitin’ Letterman’s style, but I was like whatever, all my stuff’s ripped off from somebody. Now that I’ve counted the number of items, though, I should probably apologize for making everyone at RRHQ vulnerable to an infringement lawsuit.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 12/28/11 at 09:02 PM
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Categories: NewsPoliticsBushCo

Noises Off

I don’t know if I’m alone in this, but the brief period between the Christmas holiday celebrations and the full-on bacchanalian blitzkrieg that is Hogmanay in these climes always seems like an unreal limbo.

Maybe it’s because I work from home, but every weekday seems like Sunday, the skinny newspapers that do appear are pared down to the important issues, like coverage of bloatered knobs in drag hunting varmints with hounds, and my lackadaisical first world-problem lassitude as I pick my way around the not-yet-stowed or yet-to-be-delivered Christmas gifts and the debris of a dozen meals and beer sessions cluttering the kitchen to try to muster the enthusiasm to do some work is not improved by yet another round of 90 mph gales and darkness at noon, with the ever-present threat of a random power cut to scupper the plans of the day.

Buffeted and dazed, I cast around the Web, while I still can, in search of illumination and comfort, and am buoyed by one less than seasonably generous thought. Every day when I wake up, I thank the Lord I’m not a Republican:

Paul maintains his lead

For President in 2012, Mitt Romney

Romney in striking distance of Iowa win

Gingrich wouldn’t vote for Ron Paul

Paul holds slim lead over Romney in first post-Christmas Iowa poll

The Retooled, Loose Romney, Guessing Voters’ Age and Ethnicity

7 Reasons Why Mitt Romney’s Electability Is A Myth

Mitt calls Newt ballot fail ‘more Lucille Ball’ than Pearl Harbor

Posted by YAFB on 12/28/11 at 09:19 AM
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