The Chiaroscuro


Changes in the New Year

Last year, ChiZine introduced a new look and new management for the Megazine issue. We were blown away by the support we had from our readers and authors, who came through for us at a difficult time. A heartfelt thanks to you all!

By the end of 2011, however, it was clear that we would not be able to keep ChiZine exactly as it has been maintained in the past. Our own (Brett and Sandra's) efforts have become more absorbed by ChiZine Publications and the associated CZP side ventures. At the same time, the ChiZine family has grown as well, and there are more hands around to pick up the slack and to try new things. We have been and will be continuing to experiment with the magazine and its managment. We are trying to keep what works and do away with what doesn't.

Largely, these changes are to make the magazine simpler to maintain and less driven by deadlines and more by content. This January, we will begin experimenting with a new release schedule. We will be moving away from a four-issue-per-year format and into something more appropriate to the way people read and access the magazine. Expect to see something here—a book review, a piece of fiction, a poem, or an essay—every week or so.

What won't be changing is the ChiZine brand. Expect to find the finest dark literary content and uncompromising commitment to oddity that we have provided in the past.

Thank you and Happy New Year!

Sandra Kasturi and Brett Savory

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