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De terugkeer van de jeugdbeweging: Minister Opstelten wil een hangjongeren uitwisselingsprogramma. #opstelten #jongeren #politiek #

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My cat stole my camera. #
Did another 3 steps today, pretty tricky ones too. Rewarded myself (and I.) by making a big pot of chili. 6 more steps to go. #stairs #trap #
Now what was that earth worm doing in our lounge? And where did it come from? The back door hasn't been open [...]

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Yum. #
Almost forgot: #trap #stairs #
Goal for today reached: six steps cut to size. And my arm's dropped off. #stairs #trap #hardgraft #
Fiddly stuff, this. First step was a nightmare, on to the next. #
Wow, never knew neckties were modelled on the earliest life forms. I will still refuse to wear them [...]

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#publitiek is echt geweldig als je geinteresseerd bent in de Nederlandse #politiek Briljant. #
Right hand shaken and slightly stirred after sanding the attic staircase #
Gusty winds are making the cat restless. 'Tis one of them nights. Perfect for a #dram and a good book, both of which are present as I tweet. #

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And now it's Fantasy by Earth, Wind & Fire. Groovy! #
Ooh, I do love The Streets, great music for driving. Traffic jam? Dry your eyes mate. #
Düsseldorf is pretty nice, actually. #
Why on earth does "stir fry mince" need to be 30% vegetable matter? Why do we need "stir fry mince" anyway? #

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Hey, lord Xenu is on Twitter. In many incarnations. So quite a social guy, really. #stupidscientology #
Watching the #stupidscientology program. Good thing they're not into suicide bombing… #
Eigenlijk is het natuurlijk het kabinet Wilders, hij heeft tenslotte de touwtjes in handen. Dus nu doe ik het ook: POEP! #
My beloved made us yummy Reibekuchen ( [...]

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At my mum's: #
Don't you need a new #tshirt I. has uploaded lots of fabulous new designs to her #Spreadshirt #shop again: #
Repaired a hacked Wordpress site yesterday, an educational experience. All hail WP: updating from 2.6.5 to 3.0.1 was a breeze #
No need to read on, just testing tweeting from Posterous… [...]

Sometimes the rain decides whe…

Sometimes the rain decides where you’ll have dinner. The rain does not read the Guide Michelin, though.

RT @Brightsite Social media ve…

RT @Brightsite Social media vergrijzen, jongeren haken af

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