Here are a few to choose from:
Fill out this one-step form and you’ll be blogging seconds later!
However the following blog addresses are available:
Do you own this domain and want to map it?
Choose an address for your blog. Don't worry, you can change this later.
If you don't want a blog you can signup for just a username.
Your username should be a minimum of four characters and can only include lowercase letters and numbers.
Great passwords use upper and lower case characters, numbers and symbols like !"£$%^&(.
Password Strength
We'll send you an email to activate your blog, so please triple-check that you've typed it correctly.
Your selection here will determine which language to show menus and settings in.
Save 40%!
Grabbing the upgrade bundle on signup can save you some cash over buying upgrades at a later date.
For more information on each upgrade, hover over the name for an explanation of the feature.