Commentary Rashid Khalidi

A Reset for U.S. Policy? Not Now, But Watch the Base

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Commentary Samah Sabawi

What's Next for Palestine?

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Commentary Laila el-Haddad

The Geopolitics of the Hamas-Israel Prisoner Exchange

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Commentary Mouin Rabbani

Prisoner Exchange Levels Hamas, Fatah Playing Field

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The Russell Tribunal on Palestine and the Question of Apartheid

Al-Shabaka Policy Brief
Victor Kattan

The third session of the Russell Tribunal on Palestine recently convened in Cape Town, South Africa. Its perhaps most controversial finding was that Israel applies a system of apartheid to the entire Palestinian people, including its own citizens. What is the significance of this finding, and what does it mean for civil society in Palestine and the Diaspora – and for Israel and its supporters? In this policy brief, Al-Shabaka Program Director Victor Kattan describes what apartheid means under international law, highlights the Tribunal’s findings, and explains its significance.

Palestinian Answers in the Arab Spring

Al-Shabaka Policy Brief
Jamil Hilal

In this policy brief, Al-Shabaka Policy Advisor Jamil Hilal examines the conditions necessary for Palestinians to join the democratic movements sweeping the region. He identifies some of the key principles necessary for a "Palestinian spring," including a reunified body politic with representative mechanisms and political and intellectual pluralism.

Achieving a Palestinian Spring

Al-Shabaka Roundtable
Ali Abunimah,
Rana Barakat,
Beshara Doumani,
Toufic Haddad,
Jamil Hilal,
Hani al-Masri,
Mezna Qato,
Will Youmans

In this Al-Shabaka roundtable, a cross-section of policy advisors reflects on Jamil Hilal’s policy brief, “Palestinian Answers in the Arab Spring.” They discuss the state of Palestinian politics and society, the future of the Palestinian national movement, and how to achieve a Palestinian Spring.