
Posts Tagged ‘Search’

Lucid changes default Firefox search provider to Yahoo!

January 27, 2010 Leave a comment

It has come to light that in the next release of Ubuntu (Lucid), the default search provider in Firefox will change to Yahoo!

My first thought on this matter was to shout Noooooo!!!!

This might have been a little extreme, but not expected on my part. I don’t like it when things that I like, change. Especially when it is my default search provider. I am quite fond of the Google search and I want it to stay.

After my trauma had subsided, I thought about it for a moment. Why shouldn’t companies  make money in this way. It was only last week that we heard that Bing was going to be the default search provider on the iPhone after a deal with Microsoft. The change in Ubuntu is not vastly dissimilar. I am sure that the extra cash will be welcomed by Canonical.

I wonder what the future has in store? How many more distributions will change their default search for some cold hard cash.


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