
Posts Tagged ‘Linux’

The perfect job… Where are you?

January 13, 2011 4 comments

I have lived in the rat race that is London for 11 years now. It feels a long time. My wife and myself feel that it is now long enough. So we have pondered the idea of moving to Cambridge. Both of us love the city. It is so much smaller, with plenty of green open space. My wife love’s it because of its cycle friendly nature (she is Dutch after all). We have two small children. So somewhere like Cambridge would be a great place for them to grow up. Hopefully if we are lucky we can get a house with a garden for them to play in and enjoy.

My problem is that I don’t want to just go and get any job in Cambridge. I want to work for a company that I really like. Either based in or around Cambridge or home based.

The place that would really like to work for is a little known company that is responsible for a certain open source operating system. The company in question is Canonical.

So far I have applied for two different jobs, but I have not heard anything back at all. I know that they probably only want the highest calibre of people to work for them. Personally I feel that I do fit in this category. I guess it is just a matter of getting their attention and proving it. This just feels a bit tricky in the time scales that we have set ourselves. If only they would give me some feedback.

What can I do? Just keep applying to Canonical or look for something else instead? It is very difficult. I feel torn. I want to work for Canonical, but I don’t know how long I will have to wait. :(

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