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Americans should have the right to contribute only to the religious groups they choose to support (if any). Vouchers, tuition tax credits and other plans to subsidize religious education with public money violate this principle, They also undermine the public school system, which, unlike private religious schools, is open to all. Americans United strongly opposes efforts to divert tax aid to religious schools.

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Church & State

December 20, 2011

Back To The Future

You Don’t Need A Crystal Ball To See The Church-State Challenges Ahead

December 2011 Church & State

School For Scandal

The Growing National Threat Of Vouchers

December 2011 Church & State

Pennsylvania Railroad

Powerful Right-Wing Forces Are Trying To Engineer Voucher Subsidies For Religious Schools In The Keystone State

October 2011 Church & State

Rocky Mountain High

Americans United, Allies Win Colorado Court Case Over School Voucher Subsidies For Religious Schools

September 2011 Church & State

Snow Job In The Sunshine State

Americans United Says Proposed Florida Constitutional Amendment Keeps Voters In The Dark