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Marriage, reproduction and other privacy issues are some of the intimate and personal matters affecting Americans. As much as possible, decisions about these issues should be left to the individual. Government must refrain from basing policy in these areas on any group's theology. Laws in this area should reflect secular rationales and, as much as possible, respect private choice and individual rights.

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First Freedom First:

A Citizen's Guide to Protecting Religious Liberty and the Separation of Church and State

Press Releases

Church & State

December 20, 2011

Back To The Future

You Don’t Need A Crystal Ball To See The Church-State Challenges Ahead

December 19, 2011

Religion And Campaign 2012

Religious Right Forces Are Seeking To Control Presidential Politics And Play A Dominant Role In This Year’s Elections

November 2011 Church & State

Unholy Harangue

Summit Speakers Hit New Heights Of Extremism