Florida Attorney General’s Rewrite Of Proposed Religion Amendment Is Disappointing, Says Americans United

Florida Voters Are Still Unlikely To Realize That Amendment 7 Would Mandate Taxpayer Funding Of Religion, Says Church-State Watchdog Group

The Florida attorney general’s rewrite of a religion amendment scheduled for the November ballot is disappointing, according to Americans United for Separation of Church and State.

Amendment 7 would repeal provisions in the state constitution that prohibit the use of public funds for religious institutions, yet the language of the ballot measure does not make that fact clear. Legal experts say the measure actually requires the government to fund religious institutions.
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Florida Judge Says Ballot Initiative On Religion Is Misleading And Must Be Rewritten

Church-State Watchdog Group Welcomes Court Ruling On Amendment 7

A Florida court today said a proposed constitutional amendment on religion is misleading and must be rewritten before being submitted to the voters.

Judge Terry P. Lewis of the Second Judicial Circuit Court of Leon County agreed with Americans United for Separation of Church and State and other groups that had challenged  the wording of Amendment 7 as deceptive. Read more

Groups Seek Information From Federal Agencies On Hiring Bias In 'Faith-Based' Programs

Coalition Against Religious Discrimination Questions Government Offices To Determine Action On Discriminatory Policies

A coalition of religious and public policy organizations is asking several federal agencies to explain how they handle issues of religious bias in hiring when allocating taxpayer funds to “faith-based” programs.

Federal agencies often award contracts or grants to religious groups to provide social services. Civil rights and civil liberties advocates have argued that faith-based groups that accept public aid should hire staff on the basis of qualification, not belief about religion. Read more

Americans United Asks For Preliminary Injunction In Sussex County Prayer Lawsuit

Government-Sponsored Recitation Of The Lord’s Prayer Clearly Violates Constitution, Church-State Watchdog Group Says

A federal court should grant a preliminary injunction blocking a Delaware county council from opening its meetings with distinctively Christian prayer, Americans United for Separation of Church and State said in a court filing today.

Americans United, a Washington, D.C.-based watchdog group, is challenging the Sussex County Council’s long-standing practice of opening each of its meetings with the recitation of a Protestant version of the Lord’s Prayer, led by Council President Michael H. Vincent. Read more

Full Federal Appeals Court Agrees To Review Decision Allowing Public School Commencements in Wisconsin Church

Students Should Not Be Forced To Graduate In Sectarian Facility Underneath Large Cross, Americans United Contends

The full 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has agreed to decide whether it is constitutional for a public school to hold graduation ceremonies in the sanctuary of a Wisconsin church.

Americans United attorneys asked the full appeals court to reconsider a recent appellate panel decision upholding the Elmbrook School District’s use of Elmbrook Church to hold graduation ceremonies for two local high schools.

In a Sept. 9 decision, a three-judge panel of the 7th Circuit ruled 2-1 that the practice does not violate the separation of church and state. Read more

Florida County's Commandments Display Violates Constitution, Americans United Tells Appeals Court

Watchdog Group Urges Court To Strike Down Sectarian Display At Dixie County Courthouse

Officials in Dixie County, Fla., have no right to erect a Ten Commandments display in front of their courthouse, Americans United for Separation of Church and State has told a federal appeals court.

In a friend-of-the-court brief filed today, Americans United argues that efforts to display the six-ton granite Commandments monument at the seat of government are spearheaded by Religious Right groups that want to send a message of exclusion to Americans who don’t share their fundamentalist theology. Read more

Americans United Announces 2011 Religious Liberty Awardees

Mikey Weinstein And Corwyn Schultz To Be Honored During Nov. 7 Ceremony In Washington, D.C.

An activist for religious liberty rights in the military and a high school student who stood up for separation of church and state in Texas will be honored by Americans United for Separation of Church and State during a special ceremony Nov. 7. Read more

Americans United Blasts Congress For Wasting Time On ‘In God We Trust’ Resolution

Church-State Watchdog Group Calls On Legislators To Drop Religious Crusade

The U.S. House of Representatives is scheduled to vote today on a resolution reaffirming “In God We Trust” as the official national motto and encouraging its display in public places.

Americans United for Separation of Church and State urged Congress to stop squandering time on meaningless issues like this and move on to more important matters. Read more
