3CR 855am

A Benefit for 3CR

3CR Benefit 15 January 20123CR’s Hot Damn Tamale and Night Owls On Rhythm present a Benefit for 3CR featuring the Chris Wilson band, Dave Hogan's Melt Down, Sweet Felicia and the Honeytones, and Stringy Bark McDowell at the Wayout West Blues Club, Williamstown RSL Club (cnr Melbourne Rd and Ferguson Street Williamstown). Saturday 15 January 2pm – 6pm $20 full, $15 3CR subscribers, Wayout West members and concession. Tickets available at the door. Contact : Steve Fraser 0419 328 729.

Freedom Fighters Commemorated

TunnerminnerwaitOn 20 January 1842 Tunnerminnerwait and Maulboyheenner - two Indigenous freedom fighters - were executed on the corner of Bowen and Franklin Streets in Melbourne. A quarter of Victoria's white population came in carnival mood to see the killings. Join us on Friday 20 January from 12 noon to 1pm for a live broadcast to commemorate the execution of Tunnerminnerwait and Maulboyheenner and to call for the creation of a significant monument on the site they were executed.

(Photo: 3CR broadcasters Joe Toscano and Robbie Thorpe at last year's commemoration)

Position Vacant - Current Affairs Content Producer

3CR LogoA unique opportunity exists for a young person from a culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) background to join this diverse and dynamic community radio station in a paid position as the Current Affairs Content Producer. The role of the CAC Producer is to actively seek and support the development of new current affairs content from culturally and linguistically diverse communities. The CAC Producer will produce a minimum of 3 x ten-minute audio segments a week for multiplatform delivery. 

The position is for a fixed term (11 months) and part time (15 hours per week over 3 days).

Written applications must address the key selection criteria as outlined in the position descriptionApplications close on Monday 23rd Jan 2012 at 5pm and may be submitted via email to stationmanager@3cr.org.au or post to 3CR PO Box 1277 Collingwood Vic 3066. Applications should be addressed to the Station Manager and marked “confidential”.

Farewell 2011!

Cartoon Fiona Katauskas













Thanks for supporting independent progressive media in 2011. 3CR's office will be closed from 24 December and open again on 3 January. 3CR is on air 24/7 over the new year and we encourage you to tune in and enjoy our Summer programming. You can listen live or check out some of the great audio online from this year's Disability Day, Beyond the Bars 2011 or even Robert Doyle wishing us a Merry Christmas - listen here!

(Office hours in January will be 10am - 5pm)

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