Whats HYPED right now?

Alot of cool things
  • scissors
    November 8th, 2011EditorBlog

    There are a number of trends right now that people are really going crazy about, some of the examples are the crazy contact lenses, piercings, and, of course, the tattoos.

    Some of the trends can be good for others and not so good for some. Just like people’s choice in which dating site to join, some prefer the adultfriendfinder.com review and all its success stories, while others still go for the traditional style of finding a life partner.

    People just love to go with the flow sometimes. Conforming is always easier than going against the stream. People always look out for what is fashionable nowadays and other things that people are fond of doing. Although most of these trends are harmless, some people just have to make better decisions and study all the angles first before jumping in. What is hype right now might not be true a few months from now, so people have to be really smart about their decisions.




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  • scissors
    October 6th, 2010EditorBlog

    If you want to bring your look to another level then you might want to do something with your eyes. Having a contact lens would really give a certain effect, a very special look that would make you memorable and attractive. These days, you can also have all the kinds of colors, designs, effects and basically everything that you need a contact lens to be to look more eye-catching and gorgeous.

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  • scissors
    September 25th, 2010EditorBlog

    Having not juts one but numerous body piercings is like the trend these days. And this does not only happen to celebrities but even run-of-the-mill people, even those who are still very young, high school students. Piercings is fashionable and it is really in demand nowadays. People feel like they belong or they are part of the society if they have some piercings.

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  • scissors
    September 14th, 2010EditorBlog

    Celebrities are known for many things, their movies, songs, talents, houses, cars and now tattoos. Just like Angelina Jolie, she became more famous than she already is because of her very beautiful and unique tattoos. Also, there are a lot of singers, rockers and different celebrities getting tattoos these days.

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  • LiLo

    September 4th, 2010EditorBlog

    Lindsay Lohan, even if she is not doing anything, no movie, no TV show, no project whatsoever but she still stays very controversial. She is making her own stories. From a terrible drinking problem, to drugs, to being imprisoned and going to rehab, all of these are almost becoming a synonym of Lindsay Lohan.

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  • scissors
    August 24th, 2010EditorBlog

    People, especially the young ones, have this certain fascination for vampires these days. That is why we have a lot of TV shows now that feature vampires or anything related to it. We also have movies about vampires, songs and the like. This very famous TV show about vampires -- The Vampire Diaries is just one proof of people’s love for vampires nowadays.

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  • scissors
    August 14th, 2010EditorBlog

    If you are thinking of having a healthy lifestyle then doing yoga or Pilates is just one of the many things that you can do. This is a very healthy way of keeping one self healthy and fit. And what is good about this kind of exercise is that there are already a lot of people who are doing this therefore it can be easier for you to find an exercise buddy.

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  • scissors
    August 2nd, 2010EditorBlog

    If you talk about what or who is hot or in demand these days, then there is only one answer the Jonas Brothers. The world stop for a few seconds when they go in a place with hundreds and hundreds of screaming and crying fans, most of them teenage girls, just wanting to have a glimpse of their idol.

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  • scissors
    July 24th, 2010EditorBlog

    These days women are crazy about making their nails pretty. Nail art is painting and designing the nails into different shapes and images. Nail artist can paint or draw anything that the customer requests. This is the trend now among women. There are a lot of nail salons everywhere that can make women’s nails very beautiful.

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  • UFC

    July 12th, 2010EditorBlog

    The UFC is now becoming one of the most popular sports among guys and girls as well. Some people find it very interesting and fun seeing two people fighting and hurting each other. The UFC showcases the different fighting skills of its competitors, may it be boxing, kickboxing, martial arts, judo, wrestling and the like.

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