Around the World

40 Years of Philippine Society and Revolution: Interview with Jose Maria Sison
(November 2010)

FARC-EP: May 1st, the Workers’ Day!
(May 2010)

FARC-EP: Primero de mayo, día del trabajo
(Mayo 2010)

PFLP on the second anniversary of the loss of Al-Hakim: Revolutionaries never die!
January 2010

Reflections of Fidel: The world half a century later
January 2010

Reflections of Fidel: The annexation of Colombia to the United States
November 2009

PFLP: So-called "settlement freeze" is merely a deceptive cover for settlement building and war crimes
December 2009

PFLP: U.S. is not a mediator but an enemy of the Palestinian people
November 2009

Raul at 26th of July Rally in Holguin: The resistance, organization and solidarity of our people has been demonstrated
July 2009

PFLP calls for investigation into death of Arafat
July 2009

Comrade Sa'adat: Urgent need for national unity to confront the occupation and defend prisoners' rights
July 2009

International Communist Seminar held in Brussels on youth and the crisis
May 2009

Philippines: U.S. soldier wounded fighting New Peoples Army
Satement from the Communist Party of the Philippines, May 2009

PFLP: World must boycott the criminal government of Netanyahu
Statement by Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, April 2009

PFLP salutes Palestinian and Arab women on International Women's Day
Statement by Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, March 8, 2009

Philippines: The blood of Rebelyn Pitao is on the hands of President Arroyo and General Ermita
By Luis G. Jaladoni, Chairperson, Negotiating Panel, National Democratic Front of the Philippines (March 6, 2009)

Click here for Around the World archive

Voices of Revolution
M-L mp3s

FRSO has created audio files of some of the classics of Marxism-Leninism. Check it out!

Latest Statements

U.S. Hands off Syria! End the sanctions now! (December 11, 2011)

One year after FBI raids on anti-war, international solidarity activists: Stand against repression, drop the charges against Carlos Montes and prepare for more challenges ahead
(September 22, 2011)

Resolution in solidarity with the Freedom Road Socialist Organization against new McCarthyism
Statement from the 20th International Communist Seminar, Brussels, Belgium, May 13-15, 2011

No War Against Libya
(March 17, 2011)

Support the Fight of Wisconsin Workers and Students
(February 17, 2011)

The people of Egypt are standing up
(January 28, 2011)

On the Passing of Comrade Ray Sosa
(November 2010)

FRSO Statement Condemning FBI Raids, Grand Jury Witch Hunt
(October 2010)

Emergency Actions to Support Anti-War and International Solidarity Activists: Stop FBI Raids and Harassment
(National Call to Action from the Twin Cities Anti-War Committee, September 25, 2010)

Activists Denounce FBI Raids on Anti-War and Solidarity Activists' Houses
(September 24, 2010 statement reprinted from Fight Back! News Service)

Stop Koran Burning and Racist Attacks 
(September 2010)

Support the Legalization of Undocumented Students and Youth
(August 2010)

Resolution granting honorary membership to Iwao Lewis Suzuki
A resolution from the Sixth Congress of Freedom Road Socialist Organization, held in 2010

Resolution: Support Palestinian Liberation! 
A resolution from the Sixth Congress of Freedom Road Socialist Organization, held in 2010

FRSO's 2010 Main Political Report
International Situation
FRSO's assessment of the international situation. This is the Main Political Report (MPR) from FRSO's Sixth Congress, held in 2010.

FRSO's 2010 Main Political Report
Domestic Report
FRSO's assessment of the conditions facing us. This is the Main Political Report (MPR) from FRSO's Sixth Congress, held in 2010.

Resolution: Boycott Arizona
A resolution from the Sixth Congress of Freedom Road Socialist Organization, held in 2010

Resolution on the Struggle for Immigrant Rights 
A resolution from the Sixth Congress of Freedom Road Socialist Organization, held in 2010

Solidarity with Iran
A resolution from the Sixth Congress of Freedom Road Socialist Organization, held in 2010

Support the Colombian Revolution!
A resolution from the Sixth Congress of Freedom Road Socialist Organization, held in 2010

Continue the Struggle Against Effects of the Economic Crisis
A resolution from the Sixth Congress of Freedom Road Socialist Organization, held in 2010

FRSO's 2010 Main Political Report
The U.S. Economy
FRSO's assessment of the conditions facing us. This is the Main Political Report (MPR) from FRSO's Sixth Congress, held in 2010.

Statement from FRSO's 6th Congress
"We are advancing in the struggle, and building the people’s fight backs. This is a congress of victory."
(June 2010)




On the Student Movement in the United States
by Josh Sykes (June 2009) - FRSO's contribution to the 2009 International Communist Seminar in Belgium (Spanish | Español) (PDF pamphlet version)

Looking back at Tiananmen Square, the defeat of counter-revolution in China
(May 2009) (PDF printable version)

The Immigrant Rights Movement and the Struggle for Full Equality (New FRSO pamphlet, April 2009)

Build a Fighting Workers Movement
A new pamphlet by the Labor Commission of Freedom Road Socialist Organization (February 2009) (PDF pamphlet version)

Lessons From the RNC: Mass Mobilization and Militant Actions Advance the Struggle
(November 2008)

Some Points on the Mass Line
A study prepared by a leading member of FRSO in the late 1980s. This study has been used extensively inside and outside our organization and it has been reprinted in a number of different political settings. (pdf pamphlet version)

Fred Hampton – A Fighter for Black Liberation, Revolution and Socialism
An essay for Black History Month, 2008


FRSO's 2010 Main Political Report
The U.S. Economy | Domestic Report | International Situation
FRSO's assessment of the conditions facing us. This is the Main Political Report (MPR) from FRSO's Sixth Congress, held in 2010.

Revolution at the Roof of the World - Articles and Analysis on the Revolution in Nepal
A new FRSO pamphlet released July 2008
Screen Viewable and Printable PDF

Pamphlet Layout PDF

Class in the U.S. and Our Strategy for Revolution
This document is a portion of the political program of Freedom Road Socialist Organization. It was adopted at our 5th Congress. Other parts of the program are still in the process of development.

FRSO's 2007 Main Political Report (pdf of full document)
International Situation | Domestic Report | The U.S. Economy
FRSO's assessment of the conditions facing us. This is the Main Political Report (MPR) from FRSO's Fifth Congress, held in 2007.








Freedom Road Socialist Organization is a Marxist-Leninist organization in the United States. This website contains information about our organization, our politics and some of our activities in the people's movements. | email us | PO Box 87613, Chicago, IL 60680-0613, USA