
Scientists Try to Fend Off Costly Wheat Disease

Image of Scientists Try to Fend Off Costly Wheat Disease
PBS NewsHour

Wed Dec. 28, 2011

Scientists in Kenya's Rift Valley are taking part in a complicated and protracted global fight against Ug99, a fungal disease called wheat rust that could destroy 80 percent of all known wheat varieties. Special correspondent Fred de Sam Lazaro reports as part of the Under-Told Stories Project. Continue

The Child Cases

Play Video Image of The Child Cases

Fri Dec. 30, 2011

What happens when a child dies under suspicious circumstances? Abuse is often suspected, but are forensic pathologists being properly trained to find out the cause of death? Continue

U.S. Asks Journals to Keep Bird Flu Studies Secret

Image of U.S. Asks Journals to Keep Bird Flu Studies Secret
PBS NewsHour

Thu Dec. 22, 2011

How much research about the deadly bird flu virus should be available to the public? Ray Suarez discusses the question that many in the science, bioterrorism and national security fields are considering with Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and Bruce Alberts of the journal Science. Continue

In Morocco, 20,000 Imams Trained to Teach HIV/Aids Awareness, Compassion

Play Video Image of In Morocco, 20,000 Imams Trained to Teach HIV/Aids Awareness, Compassion
PBS NewsHour

Thu Dec. 22, 2011

The taboo topic of HIV, particularly how to prevent it and treat it, rarely surfaces in public ways in Muslim societies, but religious leaders across Morocco are trying to change that. Ray Suarez reports. Continue

Slideshow: An Imam with an HIV Prevention Mission

Image of Slideshow: An Imam with an HIV Prevention Mission
PBS NewsHour

Wed Dec. 21, 2011

On Wednesday's NewsHour, the global health unit reports on how Morocco is training imams to educate people in their communities about the HIV virus. Continue

An Imam with an HIV Prevention Mission

Image of An Imam with an HIV Prevention Mission
PBS NewsHour

Wed Dec. 21, 2011

Imam Mohamed Ziani talks about HIV prevention at his mosque and teaches other imams how to do the same in their communities. Continue

Flaws in Death Investigation Leave Elderly Vulnerable

Image of Flaws in Death Investigation Leave Elderly Vulnerable

Wed Dec. 21, 2011

An investigation by ProPublica and FRONTLINE finds the system to examine unusual fatalities often fails seniors, leaving them vulnerable to neglect, abuse and even murder. Continue

NYE for families

Image of NYE for families
PBS Parents

Tue Dec. 20, 2011

The best way to teach your children the importance of New Year's resolutions is by making it part of the family tradition. Here are some tips on how to help your kids benefit from making resolutions. Continue

Morocco Avoids Arab Spring Violence, but Progress Is...

Image of Morocco Avoids Arab Spring Violence, but Progress Is...
PBS NewsHour

Mon Dec. 19, 2011

In 2009, a Moroccan newsmagazine worked with a French pollster and asked a simple question: "Do you approve of the King?" The results are something democratically elected politicians anywhere in the world would give their eye teeth for: More than 90 percent told the pollsters they approve of King Mohammed the VI. Continue

Preview: Is Morocco's 'Evolution Not...

Image of Preview: Is Morocco's 'Evolution Not...
PBS NewsHour

Fri Dec. 16, 2011

Ray Suarez and the NewsHour team traveled to Morocco to see where reform efforts stand in light of the Arab Spring revolts in northern Africa, as well as another progressive program ongoing in the country -- a campaign to train imams to talk about HIV/AIDS in mosques. Continue

If It's Not a War on Cancer, What Is It?

Image of If It's Not a War on Cancer, What Is It?
PBS NewsHour

Thu Dec. 22, 2011

It was President Nixon's "Christmas gift to the nation." On Dec. 23, 1971, he faced the television cameras in the East Room of the White House and declared "total national commitment" to finding a cure for cancer and the funds -- "whatever is necessary" -- for the "conquest" of the disease. What he didn't call it was a "war." Continue

Gold-Mining Boom Ignites Mercury Concerns in Peru

Image of Gold-Mining Boom Ignites Mercury Concerns in Peru
PBS NewsHour

Tue Dec. 27, 2011

In remote regions of the Peruvian Amazon, extensive gold-mining operations have stirred major environmental concerns over mercury contamination in fish, fish-eating wildlife and humans. In collaboration with the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, special correspondent Steve Sapienza reports. Continue

Separating Twins

Image of Separating Twins

Thu Dec. 22, 2011

Follow the amazing story of Trishna and Krishna, girls born joined at the head, as surgeons prepare to separate them. Continue

In Morocco, 20,000 ImamsTackle HIV/AIDS Education

Image of In Morocco, 20,000 ImamsTackle HIV/AIDS Education
PBS NewsHour

Wed Dec. 21, 2011

The taboo topic of HIV, particularly how to prevent it and treat it, rarely surfaces in public ways in Muslim societies, but religious leaders across Morocco are trying to change that. Ray Suarez reports. Continue

December 23, 2011

Play Video Image of December 23, 2011
To The Contrary

Wed Dec. 21, 2011

We take a look at the big stories of 2011 that involved women and diverse communities. Then women as peace makers and peace keepers. Continue

Reporter's Notebook: Morocco Battles HIV, Stigma...

Image of Reporter's Notebook: Morocco Battles HIV, Stigma...
PBS NewsHour

Wed Dec. 21, 2011

Ray Suarez with Imam Mohammed Ziani, who helps train other imams to talk about HIV in their communities. Continue

Scenes From Morocco: A Nation in Flux

Image of Scenes From Morocco: A Nation in Flux
PBS NewsHour

Tue Dec. 20, 2011

Morocco is a conservative, mostly Muslim country whose king has taken on voluntary political reforms in the wake of the Arab Spring. Continue

Hospital Chain Eyed for Possibly Bilking Medicare

Image of Hospital Chain Eyed for Possibly Bilking Medicare
PBS NewsHour

Mon Dec. 19, 2011

Americans spends more than $500 billion every year on Medicare, and as the cost of health care rises, many are examining how that money is spent. NewsHour's partner The Center for Investigative Reporting conducted a year-long probe into one prominent hospital chain's bills to Medicare. California Watch's Lance Williams reports. Continue

Is California's Marijuana Crackdown Coming to Colorado?

Image of Is California's Marijuana Crackdown Coming to Colorado?

Fri Dec. 16, 2011

A coordinated, statewide crackdown on medical marijuana might soon find its way to Colorado. A law enforcement official told the Associated Press earlier this week that the government is considering a coordinated offensive early next year in Colorado, a state that has some of the nation's most comprehensive medical marijuana regulations. Continue

Tissue Engineers Aim for Lab-Grown Limbs and Lungs

Image of Tissue Engineers Aim for Lab-Grown Limbs and Lungs
PBS NewsHour

Thu Dec. 15, 2011

A new research breakthrough has enabled scientists to grow human tissue to repair or replace organs, and someday, maybe even limbs. Science correspondent Miles O'Brien reports. Continue

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