
The BBC generated some controversy this week with its year-end lists. What happened?

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Monkey See

The 10 Best Video Games Of 2011()  

A screenshot from L.A. Noire.

December 29, 2011 Commentator Harold Goldberg runs down his top ten video games of the year, from strange alien worlds to noir mysteries set in the Hollywood of the past.


Author Interviews

Bill Cosby Enlists Santa's Staff For A Silent Night()  

'I Didn't Ask to Be Born (But I'm Glad I Was)'

December 25, 2011 Every year, the comedian's three young grandchildren visit him for Christmas. Problem is, "they're annoying," he says. So Cosby came up with a plan to calm the squabbling children and restore Christmas cheer to his household.


On All Things ConsideredPlaylist

Sunday Puzzle

Unwrap The Phrase To Reveal A Gift()  

Sunday Puzzle.

December 25, 2011 Identify a gift for a child spelled by consecutive letters in familiar two-word phrases. For example, if given "tomato paste," the answer would be "top."


On Weekend Edition SundayPlaylist

Deceptive Cadence

The Santaland Philharmonic Orchestra In Rehearsal()  

Santa's Reindeer Philharmonic.

December 23, 2011 Fridays are funnier with a classical cartoon at noon, from Deceptive Cadence.


Wait Wait...Don't Tell Me!

Author Neil Gaiman Plays Not My Job()  

Neil Gaiman is also the author of Coraline, American Gods, Anansi Boys,Stardust and M Is for Magic. He was born in Hampshire, England, and now lives near Minneapolis. You can follow him on Twitter @neilhimself.

December 24, 2011 The author of Coraline and American Gods was born in Hampshire, U.K., and now lives near Minneapolis. We'll ask him three questions about the royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton.


On Wait Wait...Don't Tell Me!Playlist

NPR's Holiday Favorites

David Sedaris Reads From His 'Santaland Diaries'()  

elf shoes

December 23, 2011 It's tradition! Writer and humorist David Sedaris reflects on his short tenure as Crumpet the Elf at Macy's. Sedaris first read the "Santaland Diaries" on Morning Edition in 1992 — and instantly, a classic was born.


On Morning EditionPlaylist

Wait Wait ... Don't Tell Me!

Wait Wait Snack Pack: The Play-At-Home News Quiz()  

Hand completing a multiple choice exam.

December 18, 2011 This week in the play-at-home news quiz: persons of the year, shut up and drive, a lovely parting gift, making yourself Facebookproof, and bookish Barbies.


Sunday Puzzle

Rearranging Titles On The Magazine Rack()  

December 18, 2011 Rearrange a series of anagrams to identify some well-known magazines. For example, if given "never point," rearrange the letters to spell "Prevention," the name of a popular health magazine.


On Weekend Edition SundayPlaylist

Wait Wait...Don't Tell Me!

Comedian Bill Maher Plays Not My Job()  

Bill Maher

December 17, 2011 Maher is following up his 2005 book, New Rules, with a book called The New New Rules. We've invited him to answer three questions about old rules — arcane laws that have been on the books for a long, long time.


On Wait Wait...Don't Tell Me!Playlist

Monkey See

The 20 Unhappiest People You Meet In The Comments Sections Of Year-End Lists()  

A woman making a disgusted face.

December 14, 2011 Now is the time when critics make their year-end lists. Unfortunately, you cannot please everyone, and if enough people read your list, you will eventually run into these 20 unhappy people.


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