Chuck Nyren

International Advertising/Marketing Techniques Targeting Baby Boomers

Chuck Nyren is an award-winning advertising/marketing video producer, creative strategist, copywriter, consultant, and speaker focusing on The National and International Baby Boomers Market. 
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Creative Strategy

Speaking/Consulting/Creative Seminars

Belgium   France   Germany   Norway   Spain   Sweden  Turkey   The Netherlands  United States

Speaking/Consulting Information  (PDF)

On :     

Advertising Age/AARP White Paper 2011 (PDF):

Advertising Age/AARP White Paper

Ottawa Citizen Boomer Magazine Summer 2011:

Online Presentation:

2010 Review: National & International
Marketing/Advertising To Baby Boomers

Presentation Video   (2007 European Tour)

Business Blog: 
Advertising to Baby Boomers

Up-to-date information about advertising and marketing to this unwieldy demographic.   

2007 Updated and Revised
Advertising to Baby Boomers


Book Reviews   

Advertising to Baby Boomers

is selected as a Classroom Resource by
The Advertising Educational Foundation

Advertising to Baby Boomers in College and University Libraries

Available on

Chuck Nyren has contributed sections or chapters to these international business books:

The 50-Plus Market
by Dick Stroud (Kogan Page)

Using the results of OMD's groundbreaking research plus interviews with leading marketers, Dick Stroud shows why the obsession with youth-centric marketing must end.

The Silver Market Phenomenon  
2nd Edition (c) 2011
Edited by Dr. Florian Kohlbacher and
Dr. Cornelius Herstatt (Springer Press)

This book offers a thorough and up-to-date analysis of the challenges and opportunities in leveraging innovation, technology, product development and marketing for 50+ consumers and employees.
Preface and Introduction (PDF)

Henry Stewart Talks Online Seminar:

Latest Thinking in Marketing to the Older Consumer (2009)

Advertising to Baby Boomers (42 min):

Workshop/Presentation in Istanbul, Turkey March 19, 2010 sponsored by IMI Conferences

The International Mature Marketing Network


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