Life After 50 For Baby Boomer Women = Endless Possibilities!

Turning 50 has a different connotation for women today than it used’s easy to see that just by checking this year’s list of baby boomer women turning 50 in 2011. Whether you believe 50 is the new 40, 30 or whatever… life after fifty still may include empty nest, menopause is imminent, and changes you didn’t expect. The good news is that some of the things that used to be so scary at mid-life…just aren’t! “Fifty is the new forty” is a phrase that reflects a renewed energy resulting from improvements in diet, an active lifestyle and healthcare. 

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Today’s women who are turning fifty are, on their milestone birthday, more fit, attractive, capable and in charge of their lives and their personal and financial planning at fifty and beyond than ever before! We want to be the top website for women over 50 looking for answers to physical, emotional, financial and fashion challenges!

Life after fifty for women today includes menopause, changing family dynamics, physical,emotional, social and economic changes. Even a bout with midlife crisis and learning to be a fashionable fifty-something (what do they mean by ‘dressing your age’?) can be a large part of our lives during this time. You may have begun to wonder where your old body went! What the heck are you going to do when your kids leave home? You may be looking at your life partner as though for the first time in a long time, and wondering who that person is. And of course – ugh – empty nest! You may be thinking about travel, or facing decisions in your career or professional life, whether or not of your own choosing. And the thought of being a grandparent…who, me? And if 50 is the new 40 or 30…what about 60?

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