power and influence

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Latest blogosphere posts tagged “power and influence”

  • What’s next for Klout? Turning a “blunt object” into a useful tool?

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    Click here if you can’t see this interview with Klout CEO Joe Fernandez . Klout seems to be the little company that could. From a perilous journey to attract investment to its early PR controversies, it has sometimes been a hard company to love. But with a more stable scoring process, a flurry of high-profile ...
    2 days ago
  • Do you have to cheat to be successful on the social web?

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      I spent a great part of my career in B2B marketing positions and the part I loved most was traipsing around the factory floor. I loved watching things work and being with people who were actually “making stuff.” There was one manufacturing manager I knew who seemed to be a wizard.  The guy always led ...
    1 week ago
  • A great leadership brand – Abraham Lincoln: the timely resurrection of a political genius

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    TROY BRAMSTON, The Australian, February 09, 2013 Daniel Day-Lewis as Abraham Lincoln, in the film “Lincoln”. EIGHT months after the assassination of Abraham Lincoln in April 1865, the martyred US president’s former law partner William Herndon began a series of lectures in which he promised to reveal ...
    2 weeks ago

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