Baby Boomers have been the focus of intense marketing initiatives since they wore diapers. Today they are responsible for $2.4 trillion in consumer spending, dominating 1023 out of 1083 consumer package goods categories, according to Nielsen. And Boomers will dominate the economy for the foreseeable future.

Yet advertising aimed at Boomers has often been characterized as pandering, stereotypical and in some cases bluntly ageist. With author and blogger Chuck Nyren, Brent Green examines the good, bad and ugly of contemporary advertising targeting Boomers. We also discuss the future of advertising targeting this unwieldy generation.

Chuck Nyren is an award-winning advertising video producer, creative strategist, copywriter, consultant, and speaker focusing on the international Baby Boomer market. He is author of Advertising to Baby Boomers.

He has been a consultant for advertising and marketing agencies and companies with products for the 40+ Market, including  AARP, NAHB, Harris Interactive, AstraZeneca, Bayard Presse (France), Roularta Media Group (Belgium), PLUS Magazine (The Netherlands), WPP’s Commonhealth, and Omnicom Group.  He is a member/consultant with The Faith Popcorn BrainReserve TalentBank and is on the Advisory Board of GRAND Magazine.


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