
Baby Boomers have lived a rich history, colored by several foreign wars, myriad protest demonstrations, fall of the Soviet empire, and never-ending conflicts in Northern Ireland. Sitting on the front row of this unfolding history, Greg Dobbs has chronicled many of the major events that have defined the last 40 years. Join Brent Green as he discusses some of these remarkable stories with a remarkable journalist.

Greg worked for ABC News for 23 years, starting in Chicago as an editor for ABC Radio’s Paul Harvey, then for TV as a producer, then in 1973 becoming a correspondent. In 1977 he was assigned to ABC’s bureau in London, then in 1982 to Paris, and in mid-1986 to ABC’s new bureau in Denver. He has won two national Emmy awards: one for “Best Spot News Coverage on a Network” for coverage of a terrible earthquake in Italy in 1980, the other for “Best Network Documentary” in 1989 for a documentary on the environmental poisoning of America. He has also had several stints as an award-winning radio talk show host. Today he is a correspondent for HDnet and still covering unfolding news stories worldwide.

Greg is also cofounder of, now in its 11th year, the original place on the Internet that focuses on Boomers and their active lifestyles. We’ll also discuss this significant networking and creative community.


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