
Some have argued that the late sixties radically changed America and those changes persist today. Some have argued that the turbulent sixties shaped the values of the Boomer generation that even continue now. Some will argue that the Boomer generation’s coming-of-age experiences during the late sixties will also influence how they’ll live out their final decades.

This time our guest is Rob Kirkpatrick, someone who has meticulously captured the concluding year of the sixties in a book entitled 1969: The Year Everything Changed. He has also written Magic in the Night: the Words and Music of Bruce Springsteen. Rob was a featured commentator in the History Channel documentary Sex in ’69: The Sexual Revolution in America and has worked in the book publishing industry for more than a dozen years as an editor. He is also a blogger for Huffington Post.

In summary of 1969, Rob finished his book by concluding: Whether American society had come full circle or had simply circled back on itself, the ripples of 1969 continued to emanate throughout the rest of the century and into the next.

In this program we explore the significant events of1969, how those events may have influenced core values of leading-edge Baby Boomers, and how 1969 is even shaping our cultural and political future.



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