
William Gibson, the famous science fiction writer and author of Neuromancer, the breakaway novel that launched the cyberpunk movement, once observed: “The future is already here; it’s just not evenly distributed.”

I recall reading an influential book by Stewart Brand entitled, The Media Lab: Inventing the Future at M.I.T. Written in the late-1980s, this absorbing book discussed many futuristic research projects going on at the M.I.T. Media Lab under the direction of founder Nicholas Negroponte. One technology already operative at the Lab but not available to the general public was HDTV – or high-definition television.

Today we can stop by our neighborhood Best Buy and pick up a 42-inch, flat-screen, HDTV for under $1000.00. HDTV existed at the time Brand wrote his book, but the technology was not evenly distributed. Consider how this technology is totally changing the way we watch and enjoy television. Almost any living room can now become a stunning home theater for a relatively small investment.

So what are the technologies of the future that will change everything, especially for a generation that has always been eager to adopt new technologies that improve quality of life? What technologies are available today that are not evenly distributed but will help change the experience of aging?

This time we continue our exploration of the future with one of the world’s most respected futuristic thinkers and speakers.

Thomas Frey, Ph.D. is Executive Director and Senior Futurist at the DaVinci Institute, a futurist think-tank based near Boulder, Colorado.

Because of his work inspiring inventors and other revolutionary thinkers, the Boulder Daily Camera has referred to him as the “Father of Invention.” The Denver Post and Seattle Post Intelligencer have referred to him as the “Dean of Futurists.” He is the top-rated futurist speaker in Google.

Before launching the DaVinci Institute, Tom spent 15 years at IBM as an engineer and designer where he received over 270 awards, more than any other IBM engineer. He is also a past member of the Triple Nine Society (High I.Q. society over 99.9 percentile).

Pls visit Dr. Thomas Frey’s Website


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