
Michael Pollan, a prolific book author and writer about food for The New York Times brilliantly condensed his manifesto about eating: “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” Allow me to condense my manifesto about Boomers and the future of technology:

· Boomers like and adopt new technologies: One of the ludicrous myths that I have been dispelling for almost a decade is the notion that Boomers are technophobes. Popular culture and media have sometimes conspired to create the impression that anyone who didn’t grow up with Nintendo is somehow bereft of skills to adopt and adapt to new technologies.

· Not unnecessary complexity or useless frills: This, in a nutshell, is what Boomers hate about some new technologies. When a product requires us to turn our lives over to the product so that we can master its nuances, then we’ll look for alternatives that insulate us from maddening minutia.

· Mostly for learning, entertainment, and communication: Few Boomers are interested in technology for its own sake. Geeks within the generation are in a minority. Most Boomers purchase technologies to achieve other goals—or values—and those motivations generally center on learning, entertainment, and communication.

These are excerpts from my newest book Generation Reinvention in a chapter entitled “Boomers and the Future of Technology.” Throughout this chapter I refer often to a significant study conducted by Microsoft Corporation and AARP entitled “Boomers and Technology: An Extended Conversation.”

My guest this time is Gary Moulton, Ph.D., a product manager in Microsoft’s Trustworthy Computing Group. He is responsible for the company’s strategic initiatives that focus on the use of technology by older adults (50+). In this role he is in charge of all efforts the company is making in the aging market segment. This includes product innovations for Baby Boomers.

Prior to his current aging-related responsibilities he was the company’s assistive technology relations product manager. In this role he was responsible for coordinating Microsoft’s marketing efforts with assistive technology manufacturers, and he was the manager of Microsoft’s Assistive Technology Vendor Program. He is co-author of Accessible Technology in Today’s Business: Case Studies for Success (MSPress 2002).

Before working for Microsoft, Gary was Manager of Disability Solutions at Apple Computer. Gary was trained as a clinician and has worked with children and adults with disabilities. He has taught child growth and development at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Gary has doctorates in education and business administration.

Thanks to our listeners for joining this show. Post your comments and questions on my Facebook page:, or you can follow me and send direct messages to me on Twitter: @BoomerMarketing. My blog, beginning its sixth year, presents a continuing conversation about the Boomer future:

Tell your friends and colleagues about a worldwide Boomer revolution, discussed here weekly, called Generation Reinvention.



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