
So, what is educational travel?

Here’s one definition: Educational travel facilitates deeper, more enduring connections between travelers and the communities they visit through strong interpretation, experiential programming, and meaningful engagement.

The Educational Travel Community (ETC) is a membership organization dedicated to promoting lifelong learning through travel and advancing the field of alumni and affinity travel. If you’ve graduated from college or joined a museum, chances are you’ve been offered some pretty spectacular travel experiences via direct mail.

What is the relevance of ETC to you? If you travel and want to travel more and more meaningfully, then the professionals who gather annually at the Educational Travel Conference are collaborating to create experiences and travel moments that will enrich your future. There is little doubt that educational travel will be at the top of most Boomers’ bucket lists in coming years.

My guest is J. Mara DelliPriscoli, President of Travel Learning Connections, Inc. She is the founder and architect of the Educational Travel Conference. With this conference platform she has facilitated the growth of strategic business partnerships and business-to-business networking of those in the field of alumni, museum, conservation and affinity group travel. With over 30 years experience in the tourism industry, Mara has directly worked in most sectors of the travel industry including marketing, sales, tour and hotel operations, and transportation, trade and government research firms. Mara is in a sense synonymous with educational travel, and with Boomers educational travel is the future.


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