
The inaugural program of Generation Reinvention examines many issues confronting Boomers and older men today. With special guest Jed Diamond, Brent Green will explore biological, psychological and sociological factors that affect men in mid-life. Listeners will gain insights into men’s changing roles and how together men can achieve greater engagement and value in a society that has traditionally marginalized older men. Listeners will discover more about the facts of male aging as well as consider rich economic and social possibilities for men 45 and older.

Jed Diamond, Ph.D. is Director of the MenAlive, a health program that helps men live long and well. Since its inception, Jed has been on the Board of Advisors of the Men’s Health Network. He is also a member of the International Society for the Study of the Aging Male and serves as a member of the International Scientific Board of the World Congress on Men’s Health.

Jed has been a licensed psychotherapist for over 40 years and is the author of nine books including the international best-selling Male Menopause that has thus far been translated into over 24 languages. He has also published The Irritable Male Syndrome with Rodale Press in the fall of 2004. His most recent book is Mr. Mean: Saving Your Relationship from the Irritable Male Syndrome.

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