
Mutually participatory dialogue has been embraced as a key to evolving and transforming consciousness, evoking a flow of meaning – a dia (flow) of logos (meaning) — beyond what any one individual can bring through alone. My guest this week is an expert at creating these dialogues, and he has done so with hundreds of the world’s most imaginative and intelligent visionaries.

Duncan Campbell holds degrees from the Sorbonne, Yale College and Harvard Law School. In the last 40 years he has gained extensive experience in the fields of psychology, philosophy, spirituality, law, business, finance, politics, communications and teaching. He has traveled widely in industrial and developing countries, engaging indigenous cultures and receiving initiation in a number of traditions in various parts of the world.

Duncan’s radio program, entitled Living Dialogues®, features conversations with consciousness pioneers — some known to a larger public and others lesser known or as yet unknown — yet all embodying the best in new paradigm thinking in a broad variety of fields.

With such guests as Andrew Weil, Deepak Chopra, Judy Collins and many more, Duncan engages in mutually participatory and co-creative dialogue evoking a flow of meaning and understanding beyond what any of these individuals might present themselves. His weekly radio program features pioneers in new paradigm thinking in a broad variety of fields.

Duncan’s focus is to develop a new consciousness and a much better educated citizenry that will be required for each of us to play a positive, collaborative leadership role in our emerging global world. He possesses a unique gift of tying world views, insights and philosophies together to deliver transformative revelations to the culturally creative listener, thereby evolving consciousness.

Each installment of Living Dialogues with Duncan Campbell provides a different facet of a vision emerging from the work of many to transform our individual lives — and our planet. Duncan goes beyond typical interview formats to a deeply analytical, sophisticated dialog of issues ranging from the bio-dynamics of longevity to the origins of belief structures that define our culture.

These dialogs function as a kind of Cliff Notes for the consciousness revolution. In this program, we’ll construct a Cliff Notes for a new consciousness around aging, elderhood and the opportunities before the Boomer generation.


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