Featured Posts

  • My first boomer statement 2012!

    Jan 1, 2012 23:58

    My first boomer statement 2012!

    I had a wonderful New Years eve with my hubby Fredrik. My first one as a 50plus. We  spent the weekend at Fredrik’s country house by the sea. Just the two of us. It was my first time not being together with lots of other people. This year our relatively [...]

  • Hadrians wall

    Dec 30, 2011 23:12

    Hadrians wall

    I visited an amazing travel blog the other day. Its called Fabulous 50`s and you`ll find some really good travel ideas on this site. A few days later, as I was thinking about some of Shellys travels, I suddenly remembered a quite special travel me and my hubby did last [...]

  • A symbol of a milestone in my life!

    Dec 25, 2011 21:09

    A symbol of a milestone in my life!

    My parents started spending their vacations in Jondal, Hardanger, Norway from aprox 1965. (I was 4 years old.) In the beginning they rented a place by the sea but after a few years they built a house. Its a fairly large house, 2 floors, 5 bedrooms. As I grew older [...]


    Dec 23, 2011 22:06


    I love the name Chanel. The combination of consonants and vocals leaves a perfect balance. And the letters look good next to each other! Must remind myself that Chanel is not a construed name but the last name of Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel. She founded her own fashion house in 1909 [...]

  • The crying consertmaster!

    Dec 17, 2011 23:25

    The crying consertmaster!

    I was in the Musikverein, with 25 other classmates, on a journey to Vienna to experience classical music and opera. We were seated on the two front rowes and my seat was literally right behind the conductors rear end. On my left, the concertmaster. Obviously my sight was limited and [...]

  • Christmast in Vienna!

    Dec 17, 2011 14:53

    Christmast in Vienna!

    I was in Vienna the first weekend in December. The city has solid traditions for Christmas decorating. Here are some examples:   Beautifully wrapped departement store

  • A symbol of a milestone in my life!

    Dec 25 21:09

    A symbol of a milestone in my life!

    Jondal in Hardanger My country house in Jondal My parents started spending their vacations...

  • Growing up?

    Oct 16 12:02

    Growing up?

    A former colleague of mine at “Vi over 60″ showed me this logo the other day....

  • Empty nest, 2 time round

    Oct 12 20:34

    Empty nest, 2 time round

    My daughter Ida (20) left the house today. She went to London where she will stay only a few...


Seven Ways Business Owners Can Beat the January Doldrums http://t.co/kfA3zd8z via @entmagazine. Nokså inspirerende lesning!

Recent Posts

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  • The naked truth!

    The naked truth!

    Dec 1, 2011 22:28

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    Oct 16, 2011 21:46

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    Nov 26, 2011 19:50

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    Nov 28, 2011 9:02

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    Friday night in Vienna!

    Nov 30, 2011 8:34

    We leave Bergen early on friday 2. December. After a quick stop in Oslo we should have arrived safely in the hotel in Vienna...

  • My first boomer statement 2012!

    My first boomer statement 2012!

    Jan 1, 2012 23:58

    I had a wonderful New Years eve with my hubby Fredrik. My first one as a 50plus. We  spent the weekend at Fredrik’s...

  • Happy new year!

    “As we take the next steps in our journey, I know you’ll be right there with me, as always, in my heart and...

  • Hadrians wall

    Hadrians wall

    Dec 30, 2011 23:12

    I visited an amazing travel blog the other day. Its called Fabulous 50`s and you`ll find some really good travel ideas on...

  • A symbol of a milestone in my life!

    A symbol of a milestone in my life!

    Dec 25, 2011 21:09

    Jondal in Hardanger My country house in Jondal My parents started spending their vacations in Jondal, Hardanger, Norway...



    Dec 23, 2011 22:06

    Genius logo I love the name Chanel. The combination of consonants and vocals leaves a perfect balance. And the letters look...

  • The crying consertmaster!

    The crying consertmaster!

    Dec 17, 2011 23:25

    I was in the Musikverein, with 25 other classmates, on a journey to Vienna to experience classical music and opera. We were...

  • Christmast in Vienna!

    Christmast in Vienna!

    Dec 17, 2011 14:53

    I was in Vienna the first weekend in December. The city has solid traditions for Christmas decorating. Here are some examples: Beautifully...

  • Boomer facts – Austria

    Boomer facts – Austria

    Dec 2, 2011 13:51

    The Stephansdome in Wien, Austria Average life expectancy at birth is 79.5 years. Average life expectancy males are 76.6...