Shots - Health Blog

Avastin Falls Short In Treatment Of Ovarian Cancer()  

A vial of Genentech's Avastin.

December 29, 2011 Avastin slowed the progression of the cancers a bit, but two studies didn't find the drug improved survival overall. Patients getting Avastin as part of treatment with several medicines had more side effects, including blood clots and high blood pressure, than the people who didn't get it.


The Salt

When The Food Isn't All Right On The Night Shift()  

Rachel Zayas, a registered nurse, sets up the shift board for the night shift at the Cleveland Clinic.

December 29, 2011 Working nights is bad for your health. But scientists haven't really looked at whether the poor food available is really to blame. New studies ask whether providing better food to shift workers would be an easy fix for a big public health problem.


The Salt

Is There Really Such A Thing As Brain Food?()  

People who ate a diet high in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D, which are commonly found in fish, and in vitamins C, E and B, which are often found in vegetables, were less likely to have their brains shrink, and were more likely to score higher on the memory and thinking tests, a study found.

December 28, 2011 A diet high in omega-3 fatty acids and some vitamins could help improve memory and performance on memory tests, researchers found.


Shots - Health Blog

Could Obesity Change The Brain?()  

A fatty diet may trigger inflammation of the hypothalamus, deep inside the brain, and hinder weight loss.

December 28, 2011 Pigging out for even a day causes inflammation in the brains of lab rats, and scientists think this might help explain why it's so hard for people to lose weight. If eating too much inflames human brains, too, then scientists might be able to come up with new ideas for taming obesity.


Shots - Health Blog

Antiviral Drugs Sparkle In The Race To End AIDS()  

Eric Goosby, United States Global AIDS coordinator, says field testing is necessary and urgent to determine if HIV testing-and-treating services are feasible.

December 28, 2011 AIDS researchers dealt the disease a major blow in 2011 by showing that antiviral drugs not only save the lives of infected people, they also stop them from spreading the virus.


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Shots - Health Blog

Reversal On Health Mandate Came Late For Gingrich And Romney()  

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney chat after finishing a GOP debate in Sioux City, Iowa, earlier this month.

December 28, 2011 Both Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney once supported the requirement that almost everyone have health coverage — a key plank of the federal overhaul. And both GOP presidential hopefuls stuck with that position a lot longer than you might realize.


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The Salt

Inhalable Caffeine: Party Drug Or Handy, Pocket-Sized Boost?()  

One AeroShot contains 100 mg of caffeine and sells for $2.99, making if roughly comparable to buying a latte.

December 27, 2011 AeroShot, a breathable form of caffeine, offers coffee and energy drink addicts a new way to get their fix. But some say the product is being marketed like a drug, and could be a health risk for young people.


Shots - Health Blog

For Hospitals, There's No App For Adopting Tablet Computers()  

Tablets are easy to find at the local coffee shop but are still scarce at hospitals.

December 27, 2011 Hospitals may be the only places in America that aren't crazy for iPads. Security issues and incompatibility with hospital systems are two big reasons why tablet computers haven't caught on. But some doctors and patients say they're great for explaining complex medical issues.


Shots - Health Blog

Infectious Fungus Common In Household Drains()  

Looks clean up here, but down below it could be a mess.

December 27, 2011 The fungus that causes moldy toenails and rare, serious eye infections lurks in many bathroom sink drains, researchers say. That may help explain an outbreak of serious eye infections among contact lens wearers, and perhaps other health problems as well.


Digital Life

The Touchy-Feely Future Of Technology()  

 While many think of the tablet computer as a new idea, the concept can traced back to the original Star Trek series and Arthur C. Clarke's 1968 novel 2001: A Space Odyssey.

December 26, 2011 With the gift-giving season winding down, All Things Considered takes some time to look at a technology that likely played a part in many of this year's offerings — touch screens. From its early innovators to its most recent, groundbreaking applications, the one thing that's for sure is there's still plenty of change on the way.


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