
All Songs Considered

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All Songs Considered Blog

Bob Boilen's Favorite Songs Of The Year

Listen to Bob Boilen's favorite songs of the year, from Cults to Caveman and Milagres to M83.

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Weekly Show Archive

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Darlene Love on Saturday Night Live

December 20, 2011 There's more to the season than "Jingle Bell Rock." This week on All Songs: holiday deep cuts.


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Justin Vernon, a.k.a. Bon Iver.

December 14, 2011 Though spring releases mostly held their ground, a few dark horses swooped into top slots.


Wednesday, December 07, 2011

tUnE-yArDs made a big impression in 2011 with the album w h o k i l l.

December 7, 2011 The All Songs gang compares notes on their favorite songs, albums and discoveries of 2011.


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

South of Salem dragon.

November 29, 2011 Lars Gotrich highlights the year in Swiss gondola recordings, progressive metal and dramatic drone.


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About Bob Boilen

Boilen directed All Things Considered from 1989 to 2007. Interest in the music he chose for the air lead him to start All Songs.

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Bob Boilen

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