2011 goes down in history as the year businesses pushed too far on fees.
The big corner-office changes this past year, and why your living room is the next, big battleground for tech giants like Apple and Google.
Tess talks with David Lazarus, Kathy Kristof, Liz Weston and Chris Farrell about what we might be able to expect in 2012.
How do Americans feel about all the GOP candidates before next Tuesday? Also, Gallup's most admired people of 2011, and gauging support for the Democrats and the Republicans after the payroll tax cuts showdown.
States could expand lotteries and start new games like online poker thanks to a new ruling that allows Internet gambling.
Some sermons praise Occupy for raising concern about those in need. Other pastors say Jesus did not endorse an economic or political view.
Heading into the election year, we speak to Frank Newport at Gallup about how Obama's economic policies are faring in the American public, and why the economy will be the biggest issue in 2012.
As the European Union prepares to increase sanctions on Iran over its nuclear program, the Islamic Republic has retaliated with a threat to close the Strait of Hormuz, a strategic waterway for oil exports.
It'll be the euro's 10th anniversary come New Year's Day. What economists predicted back then, and how true it holds now.
From the Arab Spring to the Occupy Wall Street protests, discussions over income inequality took center stage this year -- and they aren't dying down anytime soon.
We all know that drunk driving kills. But research shows, so does walking drunk.
More than 60,000 sheep have gone missing in the UK this year - three times the usual number - as the rising price of Lamb presents opportunity for thieves.
Dec 30, 2011
Virginia Rometty takes over leadership of "Big Blue," and sees a profitable future in making sense...
Dec 30, 2011
Verizon's had its "B of A moment," reversing on its decision to add a new fee after customers...
Dec 30, 2011
Unemployment may throw a wrench into your personal relationships. Learn tips -- for the employed and...
Dec 30, 2011
The past year wasn’t kind to those with money in the Greek market, but Zambian investors are laughing all the...
From the Arab Spring to the Occupy Wall Street protests, discussions over...
Sorting out a busy year, from Steve Jobs to the Arab Spring to Internet...
It'll be the euro's 10th anniversary come New Year's Day....
At the end of the year, Marketplace takes a look at the best business...
Posted In: Books, Best Books
What do you do when faced with a debt crisis? Get thrifty or look the...
Posted In: Eurozone, quiz
From pesky hidden fees to the status of Dodd-Frank financial reform, from...
Posted In: bank, banking, lending
From Los Angeles to North Dakota to Detroit, Americans are finding new...
Posted In: Jobs, Unemployment
In the wake of a turbulent month for markets and economies around the...
Posted In: Economy, podcast, Jobs
Travel the globe in this special Marketplace broadcast co-produced with...


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Double-digit unemployment? These firms can't find workers

The school system destroyed and stopped Home Econ years ago, so our children don't know how to measure and sew -- or even cook. They have to go...
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It recalls a moment during the Weimar Republic when inflation was at its worst. A man might order two beers at a time instead of one simply because...
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Inside Kodak, U.S.A.

Kodak, DEC and all the minicomputer companies, now H-P - I could name dozens more. Many of the icons of tech business when I started in the mid-60s...
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The Toaster Project: Building a toaster from scratch

Mr. Thwaites is a questionable resident of the UK, because everyone knows that the Duallit is the best toaster in the world (it is the one preferred...
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