National Security

Terrorists Struggle To Gain Recruits On The Web()  

The Twitter page for al-Shabab, the radical Islamic group in Somalia that has been branded a terrorist organization by the U.S. Such groups are active in social media, but have not attracted many recruits.

December 29, 2011 Terror groups are using social media to find new followers. But analysts say if you look at the recruiting numbers, the strategy has failed. What's more, their frank exchanges on Facebook and Twitter have been a boon to law enforcement.


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The Salt

Chefs Roll Out Hearty, Homey Meatballs On The Cheap()  

Meatballs over pasta from Michel Richard's restaurant in Washington, D.C.

December 29, 2011 What's not to love about a meatball? Restaurateurs are discovering these thrifty orbs as a comforting cure for hard times.


The Salt

When The Food Isn't All Right On The Night Shift()  

Rachel Zayas, a registered nurse, sets up the shift board for the night shift at the Cleveland Clinic.

December 29, 2011 Working nights is bad for your health. But scientists haven't really looked at whether the poor food available is really to blame. New studies ask whether providing better food to shift workers would be an easy fix for a big public health problem.


Hard Times: A Journey Across America

In Katrina's Wake, New Orleans Enjoys Startup Boom()  

Sudhir Sinha's company, InnoGenomics, is one of hundreds of startups that call New Orleans home.

December 29, 2011 New Orleans has long been known as one of America's hardest luck cities, struggling over the years with poverty, crime, corruption and tragic disaster. But the city's darkest days have sparked a surprising new entrepreneurial spirit.


On Morning EditionPlaylist


Year In Review: Mega Tech Brands Raise Megabucks()  

LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman watches as his company is listed on the New York Stock Exchange in May. Despite the global economic uncertainty, tech companies held steady on Wall Street.

December 29, 2011 This year was tumultuous for stocks. But that didn't scare off mega brands in technology. Twenty-eight tech companies went public and raised more than $6 billion — a whopping 85 percent increase over 2010. Winners included LinkedIn; busts included Groupon.


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It Was A Good Year For...

2011 Put Chrysler Back In The Fast Lane()  

 Chrysler President Olivier Francois reintroduced his company to the world at the 2011 Detroit Auto Show.

December 29, 2011 In 2011, Chrysler recovered from bankruptcy by redefining itself as a better, more luxurious car company and paying off nearly $8 billion in bailout loans. To top it all off, Chrysler sales are up 25 percent this year, about twice the industry average.


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