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    Authorities believed the gunman was still in the woods, with weapons. They asked people to stay away from the park, and for those already inside to leave. Kevin Bacher, a spokesman for the park, said about 125 people would spend Sunday night in the visitor center basement along with five law enforcement officers protecting the facility.
    MOUNT RAINIER NATIONAL PARK, Wash. (AP) -- A Mount Rainier National Park ranger was fatally shot following a New Year's Day traffic stop, and the 368-square-mile park in Washington state was closed as dozens of officers searched for the armed gunman over snowy and rugged terrain.
  • Report/Mark as Spam
    The NFL playoff picture is clearing. The Broncos are in. The Jets are out. The Pats will have home-field advantage in the AFC playoffs. Still to be decided: whether the Giants or Cowboys will advance to the postseason.
    Even without any Tim Tebow heroics, the Denver Broncos have won the AFC West.
    • Matthew Barr, Sonny Radovanovich, Herbi Rihiratu and 22 others like this.
      • Brian Perfect The Cowboys lost, 2012 is shaping up nicely.
        4 hours ago
      • Carl Hasz marv albert is a panywearing homo who should never be allowed to open his mouth, why did i let him ear rape me for three hours, he made me feel like a dirty racist.
        3 hours ago
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    NASA's two Grail probes _ short for Gravity Recovery And Interior Laboratory _ are expected to give scientists the most detailed maps of the moon's uneven gravitational field and insight into its interior down to the core.
    PASADENA, Calif. (AP) -- A NASA spacecraft fired its engine and slipped into orbit around the moon Saturday in the first of two back-to-back arrivals over the New Year's weekend.
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    Two days before the leadoff presidential caucuses in Iowa, roughly half of likely caucus-goers say they are undecided or willing to change their minds.
    DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) -- With time running short, Ron Paul, Rick Santorum and other Republican presidential contenders argued Sunday that they could beat President Barack Obama as they worked to persuade undecided Iowa Republicans to choose them over chief rival Mitt Romney.
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    ‎"It was the best thing I ever did with my life. I wish I had more; I would do it again." - April Capone, who donated a kidney after reading a Facebook post from a patient in need of a transplant.
    SEATTLE (AP) -- Here's another reason for holdouts to join the social media site Facebook: It's a great place to find a kidney.
    • Gerardo Ruiz, Julia Spencer-Franklin, Minna A. Ekman and 58 others like this.
      • Chris Deputy What a beautiful thing to read about the first day of the new year. Thank you for sharing this.
        12 hours ago · 2
      • Kinx Speeds Frankly inspite of all the whinin sm ppl do, facebook n twitter re sm of the greatest platforms ever introduced to 21century humanity. Quick means of info n knowledge dispersal.
        12 hours ago · 2
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    Iran says it's produced a nuclear fuel rod for the first time. The announcement marks another step in Tehran's efforts to achieve proficiency in the entire nuclear fuel cycle, despite U.N. sanctions and measures by the U.S. and others to get it to halt its atomic work that could provide a possible pathway to weapons production.
    TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -- Iranian scientists have produced the nation's first nuclear fuel rod, a feat of engineering the West has doubted Tehran capable of, the country's nuclear agency said Sunday.
  • Report/Mark as Spam
    AP VIDEO: This video, which aired in New York's Times Square on New Year's Eve, takes a look back at some of the most notable moments of 2011.
    The Associated Press takes a look back at some of the notable events that helped define the last year. (Jan. 1)
  • Report/Mark as Spam
    Four more car fires broke out in the Los Angeles area New Year's Eve, leaving authorities to probe for any links to a series of arson blazes that burned dozens of cars and spread to some structures in recent days.
    In a sobering counterpoint to the typical revelry of the night, fire trucks were stationed in neighborhoods, police patrolled the city, switchboards took hotline calls and thousands in rewards were offered.
    • Sundar Rajan, Steven L Bobb, Isamu Kurosawa and 12 others like this.
      • Debby Abbott I'm thinking at this point it's either homegrown terrorists (the Man mad at the Corporation) or a sorority prank gone wild.
        12 hours ago
      • Ranger Damrod Its work place violence, or maybe occupy protesters or terrorists trying to spread things thin and then hit big
        8 hours ago
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    AP VIDEO: U.S. soldiers and those serving with the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan celebrate the New Year at the NATO base in Kabul, Afghanistan.
    US soldiers and those serving with the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan celebrated the New Year at the NATO base in Kabul, Afgha...
  • Report/Mark as Spam
    ‎"We've got an economy that is showing some positive signs; we've seen many consecutive months of private sector job growth," President Obama said last week before departing for Christmas in Hawaii. "But it's not happening as fast as it needs to."
    WASHINGTON (AP) -- Bullish yet wary, President Barack Obama is highlighting recent economic bright spots while taking care not to overstate a recovery that still has not put millions back to work.
    • Debby Abbott, Eric Dewayne Johnson, Eileen Loh and 18 others like this.
      • Andy Pucko
        Business is not business. People getting discarded like garbage matters- to the people discarded. But I suppose people getting screwed is a real kneeslapper to you. Let's just say the Evil Party gets everything they want- no more unions, no... more Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the Affordable health Act rescinded, no regulation of banking, the environment, or business, minimum wage eliminated, pensions cancelled. Oh, and wars without end, amen. When does it get good again? Or do you not care because you think you will be among the chosen?See More
        10 hours ago
      • Thomas Lartin The Economy is doing terribly and the government has reacted WAY too late to the prescription drug problem. Barry is full of it as usual. The american people need Ron Paul.
        6 hours ago
  • Report/Mark as Spam
    With more than 1.5 million baby boomers a year signing up for Medicare, the program's future is one of the most important economic issues for anyone now 50 or older. Health care costs are the most unpredictable part of retirement, and Medicare remains an exceptional deal for retirees, who can reap benefits worth far more than the payroll taxes they paid in during their careers.
    WASHINGTON (AP) -- Baby boomers take note: Medicare as your parents have known it is headed for big changes no matter who wins the White House in 2012. You may not like it, but you might have to accept it.
    • Debby Abbott, Honey Airborne, Tom Jones and 20 others like this.
      • Debby Abbott
        It's sad that so many citizens of the USA don't know the history of the country. Medicare and Medicaid have *always* been a pyramid scheme where the current generation pays for the previous generation. Since population growth follows war an...d destruction and population shrinkage follows wealth and prosperity, it's doubtful that the two presidents there for the signing of the original document (see below) were blind enough to know that the legislation would bring financial distress in short order.
        "The Medicare and Medicaid programs were signed into law on July 30, 1965. President LBJ is pictured at the signing ceremony in Independence, Missouri at the Truman Library. Former President Truman is seated beside him. LBJ held the ceremony there to honor President Truman's leadership on health insurance, which he first proposed in 1945. You can read LBJ's speech at the signing ceremony and listen to his taped conversations relating to CMS programs." <www.cms.gov/History>
        See More
        12 hours ago
      • Debby Abbott
        Still, both presidents (and those who have come afterward and left it in place) believed it was important to provide for the general welfare of the people. Most likely they have looked at examples of other countries--where the population wa...s not all well--and found that poor people who get sick change the status of rich people who are healthy. (Those are the maids, chauffeurs, and other household staff, the receptionists, clerks, and mailroom employees.) Thus enters the common sense that people who are going to be around people who could be ill have two choices: (1) Help them stay healthy, or (2) Sanitize, sanitize, sanitize. Personally, I don't like point #2 as it reeks of Hitler.See More
        12 hours ago
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    ‎"We'd heard all about the fires in Hollywood and West Hollywood, then we heard what sounded like a giant hose and ran downstairs and found everything burning," said Sheila Kirk, whose own car had a partly melted bumper despite being some 30 feet away from the cars that were set on fire. "It looks like they chose the spot where the cars were bunched together so they could do the most damage. Thank God no one got hurt."
    LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Fire trucks parked in neighborhoods. Police patrolled the city. Switchboards took hotline calls. City officials scrambled on a busy New Year's Eve to identify who was behind dozens of arson fires that have spooked the Hollywood area for two straight nights.
    • Steven L Bobb, Tom Jones, Sumedh Pande and 17 others like this.
      • Dennis Latham When they catch the arsonists, they should be lined up on the curb and shot. It's the only thing want-to-be killers of innocent people understand.
        19 hours ago
      • Joe Domnanovich They invited all the loons to LA, you reap what you sow.
        16 hours ago
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    ‎"Glorify this year 2012 as a year of proud victory, a year when an era of prosperity is unfolding," said the New Year's message, carried by the official Korean Central News Agency. "The whole party, the entire army and all the people should possess a firm conviction that they will become human bulwarks and human shields in defending Kim Jong Un unto death."
    PYONGYANG, North Korea (AP) -- North Korea vowed Sunday to stage an all-out drive for prosperity as it unites behind new leader Kim Jong Un, ushering in 2012 with promises to resolve food shortages, bolster its military and defend Kim Jong Il's young son "unto death."
    • Lawrence Cox, Azad Karim, Terrance McIntosh and 4 others like this.
      • Wendy Buckleman The only way to deal with major fan worship is to not make a martyr out of them. It is a fresh start and sanctioning No. Korea is only sending their dirt wages refugees to work in China making the shit we buy that even the Chinese wouldn't use. End sanctions, which our enemies like, and let them migrate to So. Korea to make our Hyundais.
        15 hours ago
      • Amy Ingram Christensen His or theirs?
        10 hours ago
  • Report/Mark as Spam
    Six jumbotrons in Times Square are playing an Associated Press video of 2011 news and entertainment highlights! It's the result of a partnership between the AP and the Times Square Alliance. (Want to watch from home or on your mobile phone? Go to http://timessquarenyc.org/ or download the alliance’s free New Year's Eve app.)
    Visit the Official Website of Times Square for the most up-to-date information on Broadway theater, New Year's Eve, restaurants, special events, deals, promotions, history, facts, figures, media info and more at the Crosswords of the World.
    • Andrew Miga, Jim Graham, Haikel Drine and 29 others like this.
      • Thomas Lartin More than anything the crazy news stories I have heard this year has freaked me out. Seemingly everyday there is evidence of people struggling or losing it. The economy has changed the way of the life for many people and prescription drugs have crippled our society in the name of profit that only hurts the middle class in every way. Leadership is lacking, but will the public care enough to make better decisions?
        Saturday at 8:20pm
      • Tulay Azize Tuncay The propaganda machine cranks on, even for New Years Eve. Non stop.
        Saturday at 10:04pm
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    The court's ruling of Obama's health care law, expected by late June, could have serious political ramifications in the 2012 presidential elections. Both sides know that taking away just one vote could tip the outcome on the nine-justice court.
    WASHINGTON (AP) -- Chief Justice John Roberts said Saturday that he has "complete confidence" in his colleagues' ability to step away from cases where their personal interests are at stake, and noted that judges should not be swayed by "partisan demands."
    • Brian Gorman, Terrance McIntosh, Matt Lord and 7 others like this.
      • Karen Foster Clarence Thomas sat at dinner with the attorneys from the law firm that brought the challenge to the health care law to the supreme court. Who does that?
        Saturday at 10:58pm
      • Karen Foster For the record asshole, we didn't want a personal mandate. We wanted a public option
        Saturday at 11:18pm