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  • Daily Digest

    Good Morning from Occupy Boston! 

    Stories of the Day. America’s elites are getting all John Galt on the 99%, bemoaning the “imbecile” attacks on billionaires and proposing that instead of targeting the 1%, “let’s call it an attack on the very productive.”

    News from Occupy Boston. Occupy Boston has voluntarily dropped its lawsuit against the city of Boston. As we close this chapter, we note the terrific work that the attorneys from ACLU, NLG, and Todd & Weld did for the movement; with a big thanks to Benjamin Wish and Howard Cooper.

    Occupemos El Bario. Is becoming a growing force in the 99%

    Other Occupies. Occupy Atlanta helps save a vet from losing her home, and protesters in Iowa occupy a Newt Gingrich press conference.

    Thursday, December 22nd 2011

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    The OB Media Rundown for 12/21/11

    Homeless allies’ plight haunts Occupy protesters

    For many of those who spent their nights at the Occupy Boston encampment, Dewey Square was not just a meeting place – it was a home.

    In the nearly two weeks since Mayor Thomas M. Menino ordered the closing of the Financial District camp, the movement has scrambled to find housing for some of its most vulnerable members.

    And for many involved in Occupy Boston, the challenge of finding shelter for those people every night has opened a window onto the vast complexity of homelessness, framed by substance abuse, mental health issues, and economic forces.


    OWS metamorphosis three months later


    Joseph Ramsey, a member of Occupy Boston, joins us (RT) to discuss how the Occupy movement is doing nationwide.


    Ocupemos el Barrio: A Growing Voice Within the 99 Percent

    They marched and chanted and gave speeches, lamenting the ills of corporate greed. But these are not your typical Occupy Boston protesters.

    Meet Ocupemos el Barrio, a group comprised of Latinos from all walks of life. Its participants say they formed the group to address issues within the larger Occupy Wall Street movement, matters – namely, immigration – specific to Latino concerns. It is one of a handful of so-called affinity groups that have emerged since the Occupy protestors first hit the streets.

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    Daily Digest

    Good Morning from Occupy Boston! 

    Stories of the Day. David Cay Johntston documents ten major companies that spend far more on lobbying than they pay in taxes, all while reaping billions in profits. And while Congress could tap these companies for revenue, it has instead decided to allow the expiration of a cut in the regressive payroll tax , leading to a sharp tax increase for working Americans. It seems only some tax cuts are worth extending. Can you tell the difference!

    News from Occupy Boston. A theologian at Boston College expresses his gratitude for Occupy Boston for “spurring our consciences, sparking a sense of urgency and offering a vision of alternative economic practices that promote the countercultural principle of ‘people over profits.’” Amen!

    Occupy Egypt. Marching in defiance of the brutal military crackdown, thousands of Egyptian women took to the streets yesterday in what historians are calling the largest women’s demonstration in modern Egyptian history, demanding justice and democracy.

    trans Daily Digest

    Wednesday, December 21st 2011

    trans Daily Digest

    “The curse of poverty has no justification in our age. It is socially as cruel and blind as the practice of cannibalism at the dawn of civilization, when men ate each other because they had not yet learned to take food from the soil or to consume the abundant animal life around them. The time has come for us to civilize ourselves by the total, direct and immediate abolition of poverty.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

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    The Boston Occupier needs your help!

    occupierImage 300x200 The Boston Occupier needs your help!

    Photo: Tess Scheflan/ Activestills.org

    The latest issue of The Boston Occupier is coming out THIS WEDNESDAY (Dec 21st), We want to get out the word — all over Boston, and beyond — that our movement is growing, changing, and as urgent as ever. WE NEED HELP DISTRIBUTING. Here is the game-plan.

    * Our BIG DISTRIBUTION PUSH is the Wednesday afternoon commute. WE NEED VOLUNTEERS!! We want to hit all the busiest T stations; let’s have commuters on every line reading our papers. Volunteers should MEET AT 4 PM at “E5” (33 Harrison Ave, 5th floor). (If you can’t come until 5 or 6, that’s ok too.) It’s more fun to go out in pairs, so hopefully we’ll have enough volunteers to make that possible. Wear your Santa hats, your OB tee-shirts and buttons, whatever — and let’s get out the Occupy news!

    * Copies of the paper will be available for anyone and everyone to pick up, beginning at noon on Wednesday in the Occupy Boston cubicle of “E5” (33 Harrison Ave, 5th floor). All of the papers (all 10,000 of them!) must be gone by the end of the week. Please take a stack and commit to distributing them in your community (small stacks in cafes, libraries, bookshops, laundry mats, community centers, waiting rooms, etc). In this issue: coverage of OB since Dewey, the raid, City Life / Vida Urbana, the student debt boycott, democratizing the economy, “Occupy la Migra,” protests at Harvard, movements all over Massachusetts, & more.

    * If you are a part of another local-area Occupy movement, a union, or a community organization that is willing to distribute papers — let’s make it happen! Send questions or suggestions about distribution to Julie O (juliettejulianna@gmail.com) — or, better yet, just pick up a big pile of papers from E5.

    Daily Digest

    Good Morning from Occupy Boston! 

    Stories of the Day. While much of America struggles, reports indicate that 2011 will be a record-breaking year for bonuses at America’s largest (and bailed out) banks;  Historical studies indicate that modern USA has greater inequality than ancient Rome, and Matt Yglesias suggests that one way the 99% can increase their influence is to increase their engagement. Lastly, the early primary/caucus states are feeling the repercussions of weakened campaign finance rules as a plethora of secret money is spent trying to influence voters.

    News from Occupy Boston. WBUR looks at the next phase for Occupy Boston, while John Stephen Dwyer profiles Occupier extraordinaire Nicole Sullivan.

    Occupy America: Occupy Des Moines is making their presence felt in Iowa’s political processes and Occupy London continues to battle in the courts to let them continue their bloody occupation.

    trans Daily Digest

    Tuesday, December 20th 2011

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    occupybostonmedia@gmail.com | Dewey Square | 617.286.6805