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Photo Credit: facebook.com-- Mitch Lewis

Hypocritical Sexual Society: Focused on the Petty Sex Scandals, Ignoring the Ones That Really Matter

By Melissa Gira Grant / AlterNet

Why isn't it a bigger scandal when politicians chip away at our rights to control our bodies and our sexuality?

Alternet Special Coverage - Occupy Wall Street
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Why Do Conservatives Hate Americans?

By David Atkins | Hullabaloo

What's on the Food Politics Agenda for 2012? Here's What to Expect.

By Marion Nestle | Food Politics

Mitt Romney Layoff Victim Speaks: 'It Was All About Profit Before People'

By Laura Clawson | Daily Kos

Rising Egalitarianism Is Changing American Politics -- For the Better

By Jim Hightower | Other Words

Ron Paul Believes Segregation-Ending Civil Rights Act "Destroyed Privacy"

By Julianne Escobedo Shepherd | AlterNet

To the American Right, There is No Such Thing as Society

By Steve M. | No More Mister Nice Blog

Religion Plays Major Role in Iowa Caucuses

By Emmanuel Parisse | Agence France Presse

REPORT: The Republican Candidates’ Economic Agenda For The 1 Percent

By Josh Dorner | ThinkProgress

Cantor Can't Handle the Truth about Reagan

By Steve Benen | Washington Monthly

Occupy New Year's Eve: 68 Arrested in Zuccotti Park, Director Sam Levinson Captures Arrest Video Near Union Square

By Julianne Escobedo Shepherd | AlterNet

Russ Baker, WhoWhatWhy.com
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