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Solar Power

Solar Power is the energy generated by sunlight. Solar energy is being increasingly adopted throughout the globe because of its environmental benefits. This use of energy produces no waste and does not give out any harmful emissions. Also, it does not put strain on the Earth’s ecosystem by using up too much land space, as it requires minimal machinery to operate.

Sunlight is actually the Earth's primary source of energy.
For instance, it makes possible the photosynthesis process of plants, algae and bacterias that maintains the atmosphere's level of oxygen thus making life possible as we know it. The amount of energy generated only by photosynthesis on Earth's organisms is about six times larger than the whole human power consumption.

Currently mankind's energy production is mostly derived from fossil fuels, such as coil, oil and gas. An interesting fact is that most of that energy is really Sun's energy stored. So one way or another it is the Sun's energy that we are using, why not do it in the most efficient, clean and direct way?.

There are two ways of converting sunlight energy into electricity: directly on indirectly. was formed in 1995 to assist consumers to apply solar energy to everyday life in home, business and transport, for the benefit of the Earth and the next generations.

If you are considering installing Solar Panels, we recommend you our sections: How much solar power could you produce? and How are solar panels installed?

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