Alfred Tennyson
http://wn.com/Alfred_Tennyson -
Bede (pronounced "Bead" / ; ; 672 / 673 – 26 May 735), also referred to as Saint Bede or the Venerable Bede (), was a monk at the Northumbrian monastery of Saint Peter at Monkwearmouth, today part of Sunderland, England, and of its companion monastery, Saint Paul's, in modern Jarrow (see Wearmouth-Jarrow), both in the Kingdom of Northumbria.
http://wn.com/Bede -
Buddhism (Pali/Sanskrit: बौद्ध धर्म Buddha Dharma) is a religion and philosophy encompassing a variety of traditions, beliefs and practices, largely based on teachings attributed to Siddhartha Gautama, commonly known as the Buddha (Pāli/Sanskrit "the awakened one"). The Buddha lived and taught in the northeastern Indian subcontinent some time between the 6th and 4th centuries BCE. He is recognized by adherents as an awakened teacher who shared his insights to help sentient beings end suffering (or dukkha), achieve nirvana, and escape what is seen as a cycle of suffering and rebirth.
http://wn.com/Buddhism -
Elijah () or Elias , ; Arabic:إلياس, Ilyās), whose name (El-i Yahu) means "Yahweh is God," according to the Books of Kings was a prophet in the Kingdom of Israel during the reign of Ahab (9th century BCE).
http://wn.com/Elijah -
Gautama Buddha
Siddhārtha Gautama (Sanskrit: ; Pali: Siddhattha Gotama) was a spiritual teacher from ancient India who founded Buddhism. In most Buddhist traditions, he is regarded as the Supreme Buddha (P. sammāsambuddha, S. samyaksaṃbuddha) of our age, "Buddha" meaning "awakened one" or "the enlightened one." The time of his birth and death are uncertain: most early 20th-century historians dated his lifetime as c. 563 BCE to 483 BCE,
http://wn.com/Gautama_Buddha -
Gerald Gardner
Gerald Brousseau Gardner (June 13, 1884 - February 12, 1964), who sometimes used the craft name Scire, was an influential English Wiccan, as well as an amateur anthropologist and archaeologist, writer, weaponry expert and occultist. He was instrumental in bringing the Neopagan religion of Wicca to public attention in Britain and wrote some of its definitive religious texts. He himself typically referred to the faith as "witchcraft" or "the witch-cult", its adherents "the Wica", and he claimed that it was the survival of a pre-Christian pagan Witch cult that he had been initiated into by a New Forest coven in 1939.
http://wn.com/Gerald_Gardner -
Germanic chieftain
http://wn.com/Germanic_chieftain -
Germanic tribes
http://wn.com/Germanic_tribes -
Jesus of Nazareth (c. 5 BC/BCE – c. 30 AD/CE),
http://wn.com/Jesus -
Jesus Christ
http://wn.com/Jesus_Christ -
Lord Justice Clerk
The Lord Justice Clerk is the second most senior judge in Scotland, after the Lord President of the Court of Session.
http://wn.com/Lord_Justice_Clerk -
Lord of Mann
:"Lady of Mann" redirects here. For the wives of the Lords of Mann, see List of Manx consorts; or for the ship, see MS Lady of Mann.
http://wn.com/Lord_of_Mann -
Mahavira (Sanskrit महावीर, Kannada ಮಹಾವೀರ and Tamil அருகன்("Arugan") lit. "Great Hero", traditionally 599 – 527 BCE) is the name most commonly used to refer to the Indian sage Vardhamana (Sanskrit: वर्धमान "increasing") who established what are today considered to be the central tenets of Jainism. According to Jain tradition, he was the 24th and the last Tirthankara. In Tamil, he is referred to as Arugan or Arugadevan. He is also known in texts as Vira or Viraprabhu, Sanmati, Ativira,and Gnatputra. In the Buddhist Pali Canon, he is referred to as Nigantha Nātaputta.
http://wn.com/Mahavira -
Peerage of Scotland
The Peerage of Scotland () is the division of the British Peerage for those peers created in the Kingdom of Scotland before 1707. With that year's Act of Union, the Kingdom of Scotland and the Kingdom of England were combined into the Kingdom of Great Britain, and a new Peerage of Great Britain was introduced in which subsequent titles were granted.
http://wn.com/Peerage_of_Scotland -
Anaheim () is a city in Orange County, California. As of January 1, 2010, the city population was about 353,643, slightly less than Santa Ana, making it the 10th most-populated city in California, and ranked 54th in the United States. The city anticipates that the population will surpass 400,000 by 2014 due to rapid development in its Platinum Triangle area as well as in Anaheim Hills. The Platinum Triangle is the fastest growing area in Orange County. Anaheim is the second most populous city in Orange County (after Santa Ana) and second largest in terms of land area (after Irvine), and is known for its theme parks, sports teams and convention center.
http://wn.com/Anaheim_California -
Great Britain is an island situated to the northwest of Continental Europe. It is the ninth largest island in the world, and the largest European island. With a population of about 60.0 million people in mid-2009, it is the third most populated island on Earth. Great Britain is surrounded by over 1,000 smaller islands and islets. The island of Ireland lies to its west. Politically, Great Britain may also refer to the island itself together with a number of surrounding islands which comprise the territory of England, Scotland and Wales.
http://wn.com/Great_Britain -
The House of Lords (commonly referred to as "the Lords" and also known as House of Peers for ceremonial purposes) is the upper house of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, the United Kingdom's national legislature. Parliament comprises the Sovereign, the House of Commons (which is the lower house of Parliament and referred to as "the Commons"), and the Lords. The House of Lords, like the House of Commons, assembles in the Palace of Westminster.
http://wn.com/House_of_Lords -
The Irish Free State () (1922–1937) was the state established as a Dominion on 6 December 1922 under the Anglo-Irish Treaty, signed by the British government and Irish representatives exactly twelve months beforehand. On the day the Irish Free State was established, it comprised the entire island of Ireland, but Northern Ireland almost immediately exercised its right under the Treaty to opt out of the new state. The Irish Free State effectively replaced the self-proclaimed Irish Republic (itself established on 21 January 1919). Similarly, the new government of the Irish Free State replaced both the Provisional Government of Southern Ireland and the Government of the Irish Republic although W. T. Cosgrave, the first President of the Executive Council of the Irish Free State had, in any event, led both governments since August 1922.
http://wn.com/Irish_Free_State -
The Kingdom of England was, from 927 to 1707, a sovereign state to the northwest of continental Europe. At its height, the Kingdom of England spanned the southern two-thirds of the island of Great Britain (including both modern-day England and Wales) and several smaller outlying islands; what today comprises the legal jurisdiction of England and Wales. It had a land border with the Kingdom of Scotland to the north, and at the start of the period its capital and chief royal residence was Winchester, but Westminster and Gloucester were accorded almost equal status—with Westminster gradually gaining preference.
- Adonis
- Alfred Tennyson
- all caps
- Anaheim, California
- Anglican Church
- aristocracy
- assistant bishop
- Aztec
- Baal
- Bar Council of India
- baron
- Bede
- Bel (god)
- Bible
- Brahma
- Buddhism
- Caananite
- Cernunnos
- Christian
- Christianity
- Church in Wales
- Church of England
- Church of Ireland
- Church of Scotland
- coadjutor bishop
- commoner
- cosmos
- Court of Session
- courtesy title
- Diana (mythology)
- diocesan bishop
- duke
- earl
- Early Church
- Elijah
- Elohim
- EN (cuneiform)
- Enki
- Enlil
- etymology
- fealty
- feudal
- Feudalism
- Gautama Buddha
- gentleman
- Gentry
- Gerald Gardner
- Germanic chieftain
- Germanic tribes
- Gnosticism
- God
- Great Britain
- Greek language
- Hadad
- Hebrew
- Hebrew Bible
- Henosis
- hereditary peers
- hereditary title
- High Courts of India
- Hindu theology
- Holy Spirit
- House of Lords
- Irish Free State
- Ishvara
- Islam
- Jainism
- Jehovah
- Jesus
- Jesus Christ
- Jewish
- Judaism
- King James Bible
- King James Version
- Kingdom of England
- Kyrie
- lady
- Laird
- landlord
- Law Lord
- Law Lords
- life peers
- Lockman Foundation
- Lord Bishop
- Lord Buddha
- Lord Chamberlain
- Lord Chancellor
- Lord Chief Justice
- Lord High Admiral
- Lord High Constable
- Lord High Treasurer
- Lord Justice Clerk
- Lord Mayor
- Lord of Mann
- Lord of Parliament
- Lord of the Manor
- Lord of the Treasury
- Lord Privy Seal
- Lord Rector
- Lords Spiritual
- Lords Temporal
- Mahavira
- manorialism
- Marduk
- marquess
- Milord
- Mormon cosmology
- Mormonism
- My Sweet Lord
- Nahuatl
- Neo-Platonism
- Nguyễn Lords
- Norman Conquest
- oath
- Old English
- Old English language
- Old Testament
- Pan (god)
- Pantheism
- Parliament
- Patricia Crowther
- peerage
- Peerage Act 1963
- Peerage of England
- Peerage of Ireland
- Peerage of Scotland
- personal god
- Prime Mover
- Prince
- Rabb
- Sanskrit
- Scottish Reformation
- Semites
- Senhor
- Septuagint
- serf
- Shiva
- small caps
- Spiritual Hierarchy
- Starhawk
- Svayam Bhagavan
- tetragrammaton
- The Absolute
- The All
- The Honourable
- The LORD
- Theosophy
- Trịnh Lords
- upper house
- vassal
- viscount
- Vishnu
- Wicca
- Yahweh
The A Lords
Releases by album:
Album releases
The Lords
Releases by album:
The Lords - 1964-1971 |
Album releases
The Lords - 1964-1971
- Shakin' All Over
- Poor Boy
- Que Será
- Poison Ivy
- Have A Drink On Me
- Gloryland
- John Brown's Body
- Cut My Hair
- Late Last Sunday Evening
- Good Side Of June
- Sing Hallelujah
- Seven Daffodils
- Fire
- Raindreams
- Rockin' Pneumonia
- What They Gonna Do?
- Greensleeves
- Don't Mince Matter
- People World
- And At Night
- Four O'Clock In New York
- Three - Five - Zero - Zero
- Manchester England
- Inside Out
Releases by year:
Releases by album:
Set in Stone |
Ascendence |
Kifutok a világból |
A Personal Journey |
Lord 2002 |
Szemedben a csillagok |
Ragadozók |
Fehér galamb (1972-1982) |
Big City Lights |
Olcsó és ügyes |
Az utca kövén |
3. |
Album releases
Set in Stone
(Released 2009)
- Spectres of the Ascendant
- Redemption
- 100 Reasons
- Eternal Storm
- Set in Stone
- Someone Else's Dream
- Forever
- Beyond the Light
- The End of Days
- Be My Guest
- New Horizons
- On a Night Like This
(Released 2007)
- Echoes of the Past
- Reborn
- Going Down
- Same Old Lines
- Rain
- My Own Way
- Through the Fire
- The Calm
- Limb From Limb
- 220
- Legacy
- Shattered
Kifutok a világból
(Released 2006)
- Intro
- Szállj szabadon
- Nem elég!
- Kifutok a világból
- Anyám
- Felejts el!
- Ha tudnám
- Ördögtánc
- Nem kell!
- Holló róka
- Hazám
- Csak zene
- Szeress!
A Personal Journey
(Released 2005)
- The Dreaming
- Footsteps in the Sand
- Reflections
- Freedom
- By George!
- The Richest Man
- Journey Through Hell
- The Traveller
- One World
- Behind the Mask
- Rainy Nights
- Last Rites
- The Duel
Lord 2002
(Released 2002)
- Intro
- Nekem elég
- Ne légy ostoba
- Nincs bocsánat
- Kábulat
- Érzés
- Ki mondja meg?
- Csak a szívem foglalt
- Úgy szeretném!
- Szabadon
- Nincs szerencséd
- Mondj mesét
Szemedben a csillagok
(Released 2000)
- Álmodom
- Éjszakák
- Fázom a szélben
- Virágdal (a XXI. századból)
- Amikor a köd bezár
- Érezzél engem
- Síri csend az éjjel
- Tombolhat a szél
- Szemedben a csillagok
- Tisztelet a mestereknek
- Vándor
- Tépett álmok
- Akarom őt
(Released 2000)
- Miért jó, ami nem jó?
- Ragadozók
- Csenddel üzenek
- Kisfiú
- Szóljon a rock
- Itthon vagy otthon
- Álmaim asszonya
- Te légy fény!
- Zöld szemű lány
- Hajsza
- Rossz fiúk
- Megváltás nélkül
Fehér galamb (1972-1982)
(Released 1995)
- Kiálts tiszta szívedből
- Fehér galamb
- Ne higgy senkinek
- Egy új élet születése
- Pofonok
- Rakétamotor
- Állj meg ember
- Félórás emlék
- Most fordulj vissza
- Vágyam egy dallam
- Vak szemek
Big City Lights
(Released 1994)
- Kisfiú
- Mesedal
- Fordul a Föld
- Addig jár a korsó a kútra...
- Száz év
- Zaklatott fények
- Napvilág
- Kell az értelem
- Vándor
Olcsó és ügyes
(Released 1993)
- Intro
- Tűz legyen bennünk
- Dögunalom
- Menekülhetsz az éjszakába
- Menedék
- Úgy szerettem
- Kopott tűzfalaknál
- Nekem nem kell más
- Olcsó és ügyes
- Titkom te légy
- Rázd meg magad
- Ha tudnám
- Epilógus
Az utca kövén
(Released 1992)
- Az utca kövén
- Rossz lányok
- Nincsenek csodák
- Hiányzol
- Nem kell
- Talpig hűtlenül
- Rondó
- Új nemzedék
- Nap, nap után
- Nem kell, hogy újrakezdd
- Céltáblák nélkül
(Released 1990)
- Egy szó kell
- Megváltás nélkül
- Rossz fiúk
- Ellopott ünnepek
- Keress meg álom
- Volt otthonom
- Szabadságmadár
- Egyedül
- Könyörgés
- Lázadó lelkiismeret
- Nincs bocsánat
- Kábulat
- Úgy szeretném
Releases by year:
Releases by album:
Everyone Is People |
Fuck All Y'all Mother Fuckers |
This Ain't A Hate Thing, It's A Love Thing |
Swords |
The House That Lords Built |
Album releases
Everyone Is People
(Released 2008)
- Good Dog Bad Dog
- The Things We Do for Money
- Horse/Donkey/Mule
- Creatures
- The Boat Don't Float
- Paw Paw King
- I Shook the Royal Throne
- A Pioneer
- The Rememberer
- [untitled]
Fuck All Y'all Mother Fuckers
(Released 2008)
- This Isn't A Song Dumb Ass
- Robbed, Raped And Beaten
- Why I Don't Give A Fuck
- Waist Deep In Shit
- Obstructionist Blues
- Fucking With Fire
- The Leginald Of Reginald
- Damnation Of Memory
- I Know What You're Doing
- Blasphemy Act
- Intermission
- To Kill Or Die Trying
- When No One's Looking
- Goodnight Sweet Prince
- Man, Everything Sucks
- Cause All Of You Are Fucked
This Ain't A Hate Thing, It's A Love Thing
(Released 2006)
- Pint of Wine
- The Unfortunate Death of the Lords
- Liqueur
- Mingus, Parts 1-3
- Ethan
- Baijoul
- Show Me Your Palms
- I Want to See You Drunk and Dancing Like a Russian
- The Ballad of the Sightless and the Outstretched Hand
- My Sweetheart the Horse
(Released 2005)
- Stigmata Rites
- Ringfinger
- Two Lies
- She Is the Last
- Snake It
- My Kind Live Low
- Watching the Clock
- Slow and Stupid
- Lift High the Mighty Throne
- Talking Whip
- Beauty Sleep
- The Crawl
- Curse of Clear Vision
The House That Lords Built
- Untitled 1
- The Great White Light
- Mouth to Mouth
- Dead End Idea
- A Charge to Keep
- Untitled 2
- Heartache Heartattack
- Hell Hath No Fury Like Desperation
- Sermon on the Mount
- Untitled 3
Album releases
The Lords - 1964-1971
- Shakin' All Over
- Poor Boy
- Que Será
- Poison Ivy
- Have A Drink On Me
- Gloryland
- John Brown's Body
- Cut My Hair
- Late Last Sunday Evening
- Good Side Of June
- Sing Hallelujah
- Seven Daffodils
- Fire
- Raindreams
- Rockin' Pneumonia
- What They Gonna Do?
- Greensleeves
- Don't Mince Matter
- People World
- And At Night
- Four O'Clock In New York
- Three - Five - Zero - Zero
- Manchester England
- Inside Out
Releases by year: 2009 2007 2006 2005 2002 2000 1995 1994 1993 1992 1990
Releases by album:
Set in Stone |
Ascendence |
Kifutok a világból |
A Personal Journey |
Lord 2002 |
Szemedben a csillagok |
Ragadozók |
Fehér galamb (1972-1982) |
Big City Lights |
Olcsó és ügyes |
Az utca kövén |
3. |
Album releases
Set in Stone
(Released 2009)
- Spectres of the Ascendant
- Redemption
- 100 Reasons
- Eternal Storm
- Set in Stone
- Someone Else's Dream
- Forever
- Beyond the Light
- The End of Days
- Be My Guest
- New Horizons
- On a Night Like This
(Released 2007)
- Echoes of the Past
- Reborn
- Going Down
- Same Old Lines
- Rain
- My Own Way
- Through the Fire
- The Calm
- Limb From Limb
- 220
- Legacy
- Shattered
Kifutok a világból
(Released 2006)
- Intro
- Szállj szabadon
- Nem elég!
- Kifutok a világból
- Anyám
- Felejts el!
- Ha tudnám
- Ördögtánc
- Nem kell!
- Holló róka
- Hazám
- Csak zene
- Szeress!
A Personal Journey
(Released 2005)
- The Dreaming
- Footsteps in the Sand
- Reflections
- Freedom
- By George!
- The Richest Man
- Journey Through Hell
- The Traveller
- One World
- Behind the Mask
- Rainy Nights
- Last Rites
- The Duel
Lord 2002
(Released 2002)
- Intro
- Nekem elég
- Ne légy ostoba
- Nincs bocsánat
- Kábulat
- Érzés
- Ki mondja meg?
- Csak a szívem foglalt
- Úgy szeretném!
- Szabadon
- Nincs szerencséd
- Mondj mesét
Szemedben a csillagok
(Released 2000)
- Álmodom
- Éjszakák
- Fázom a szélben
- Virágdal (a XXI. századból)
- Amikor a köd bezár
- Érezzél engem
- Síri csend az éjjel
- Tombolhat a szél
- Szemedben a csillagok
- Tisztelet a mestereknek
- Vándor
- Tépett álmok
- Akarom őt
(Released 2000)
- Miért jó, ami nem jó?
- Ragadozók
- Csenddel üzenek
- Kisfiú
- Szóljon a rock
- Itthon vagy otthon
- Álmaim asszonya
- Te légy fény!
- Zöld szemű lány
- Hajsza
- Rossz fiúk
- Megváltás nélkül
Fehér galamb (1972-1982)
(Released 1995)
- Kiálts tiszta szívedből
- Fehér galamb
- Ne higgy senkinek
- Egy új élet születése
- Pofonok
- Rakétamotor
- Állj meg ember
- Félórás emlék
- Most fordulj vissza
- Vágyam egy dallam
- Vak szemek
Big City Lights
(Released 1994)
- Kisfiú
- Mesedal
- Fordul a Föld
- Addig jár a korsó a kútra...
- Száz év
- Zaklatott fények
- Napvilág
- Kell az értelem
- Vándor
Olcsó és ügyes
(Released 1993)
- Intro
- Tűz legyen bennünk
- Dögunalom
- Menekülhetsz az éjszakába
- Menedék
- Úgy szerettem
- Kopott tűzfalaknál
- Nekem nem kell más
- Olcsó és ügyes
- Titkom te légy
- Rázd meg magad
- Ha tudnám
- Epilógus
Az utca kövén
(Released 1992)
- Az utca kövén
- Rossz lányok
- Nincsenek csodák
- Hiányzol
- Nem kell
- Talpig hűtlenül
- Rondó
- Új nemzedék
- Nap, nap után
- Nem kell, hogy újrakezdd
- Céltáblák nélkül
(Released 1990)
- Egy szó kell
- Megváltás nélkül
- Rossz fiúk
- Ellopott ünnepek
- Keress meg álom
- Volt otthonom
- Szabadságmadár
- Egyedül
- Könyörgés
- Lázadó lelkiismeret
- Nincs bocsánat
- Kábulat
- Úgy szeretném
Releases by year:
Releases by album:
Everyone Is People |
Fuck All Y'all Mother Fuckers |
This Ain't A Hate Thing, It's A Love Thing |
Swords |
The House That Lords Built |
Album releases
Everyone Is People
(Released 2008)
- Good Dog Bad Dog
- The Things We Do for Money
- Horse/Donkey/Mule
- Creatures
- The Boat Don't Float
- Paw Paw King
- I Shook the Royal Throne
- A Pioneer
- The Rememberer
- [untitled]
Fuck All Y'all Mother Fuckers
(Released 2008)
- This Isn't A Song Dumb Ass
- Robbed, Raped And Beaten
- Why I Don't Give A Fuck
- Waist Deep In Shit
- Obstructionist Blues
- Fucking With Fire
- The Leginald Of Reginald
- Damnation Of Memory
- I Know What You're Doing
- Blasphemy Act
- Intermission
- To Kill Or Die Trying
- When No One's Looking
- Goodnight Sweet Prince
- Man, Everything Sucks
- Cause All Of You Are Fucked
This Ain't A Hate Thing, It's A Love Thing
(Released 2006)
- Pint of Wine
- The Unfortunate Death of the Lords
- Liqueur
- Mingus, Parts 1-3
- Ethan
- Baijoul
- Show Me Your Palms
- I Want to See You Drunk and Dancing Like a Russian
- The Ballad of the Sightless and the Outstretched Hand
- My Sweetheart the Horse
(Released 2005)
- Stigmata Rites
- Ringfinger
- Two Lies
- She Is the Last
- Snake It
- My Kind Live Low
- Watching the Clock
- Slow and Stupid
- Lift High the Mighty Throne
- Talking Whip
- Beauty Sleep
- The Crawl
- Curse of Clear Vision
The House That Lords Built
- Untitled 1
- The Great White Light
- Mouth to Mouth
- Dead End Idea
- A Charge to Keep
- Untitled 2
- Heartache Heartattack
- Hell Hath No Fury Like Desperation
- Sermon on the Mount
- Untitled 3
Album releases
Everyone Is People (Released 2008)
- Good Dog Bad Dog
- The Things We Do for Money
- Horse/Donkey/Mule
- Creatures
- The Boat Don't Float
- Paw Paw King
- I Shook the Royal Throne
- A Pioneer
- The Rememberer
- [untitled]
Fuck All Y'all Mother Fuckers (Released 2008)
- This Isn't A Song Dumb Ass
- Robbed, Raped And Beaten
- Why I Don't Give A Fuck
- Waist Deep In Shit
- Obstructionist Blues
- Fucking With Fire
- The Leginald Of Reginald
- Damnation Of Memory
- I Know What You're Doing
- Blasphemy Act
- Intermission
- To Kill Or Die Trying
- When No One's Looking
- Goodnight Sweet Prince
- Man, Everything Sucks
- Cause All Of You Are Fucked
This Ain't A Hate Thing, It's A Love Thing (Released 2006)
- Pint of Wine
- The Unfortunate Death of the Lords
- Liqueur
- Mingus, Parts 1-3
- Ethan
- Baijoul
- Show Me Your Palms
- I Want to See You Drunk and Dancing Like a Russian
- The Ballad of the Sightless and the Outstretched Hand
- My Sweetheart the Horse
Swords (Released 2005)
- Stigmata Rites
- Ringfinger
- Two Lies
- She Is the Last
- Snake It
- My Kind Live Low
- Watching the Clock
- Slow and Stupid
- Lift High the Mighty Throne
- Talking Whip
- Beauty Sleep
- The Crawl
- Curse of Clear Vision
The House That Lords Built
- Untitled 1
- The Great White Light
- Mouth to Mouth
- Dead End Idea
- A Charge to Keep
- Untitled 2
- Heartache Heartattack
- Hell Hath No Fury Like Desperation
- Sermon on the Mount
- Untitled 3

- Order: Reorder
- Duration: 6:30
- Published: 15 Jan 2007
- Uploaded: 30 Nov 2011
- Author: stevesilvia

- Order: Reorder
- Duration: 2:00
- Published: 09 Mar 2007
- Uploaded: 30 Nov 2011
- Author: HISHEdotcom

- Order: Reorder
- Duration: 3:20
- Published: 20 Feb 2008
- Uploaded: 29 Nov 2011
- Author: elcattivooo

- Order: Reorder
- Duration: 4:22
- Published: 20 Feb 2008
- Uploaded: 30 Nov 2011
- Author: elcattivooo

- Order: Reorder
- Duration: 2:30
- Published: 23 Nov 2009
- Uploaded: 30 Nov 2011
- Author: barelypolitical

- Order: Reorder
- Duration: 3:43
- Published: 13 May 2010
- Uploaded: 30 Nov 2011
- Author: LORDofficial

- Order: Reorder
- Duration: 4:30
- Published: 16 Jun 2009
- Uploaded: 29 Nov 2011
- Author: MonsterMagnetVEVO

- Order: Reorder
- Duration: 3:00
- Published: 05 Oct 2008
- Uploaded: 29 Nov 2011
- Author: dandylabitag

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- Duration: 4:51
- Published: 26 Aug 2006
- Uploaded: 30 Nov 2011
- Author: hoover4000

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- Duration: 5:21
- Published: 13 Aug 2006
- Uploaded: 30 Nov 2011
- Author: TheEdgeFan

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- Duration: 3:16
- Published: 23 Feb 2008
- Uploaded: 30 Nov 2011
- Author: pastorloran

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- Adonai
- Adonis
- Alfred Tennyson
- all caps
- Anaheim, California
- Anglican Church
- aristocracy
- assistant bishop
- Aztec
- Baal
- Bar Council of India
- baron
- Bede
- Bel (god)
- Bible
- Brahma
- Buddhism
- Caananite
- Cernunnos
- Christian
- Christianity
- Church in Wales
- Church of England
- Church of Ireland
- Church of Scotland
- coadjutor bishop
- commoner
- cosmos
- Court of Session
- courtesy title
- Diana (mythology)
- diocesan bishop
- duke
- earl
- Early Church
- Elijah
- Elohim
- EN (cuneiform)
- Enki
- Enlil
- etymology
- fealty
- feudal
- Feudalism
- Gautama Buddha
- gentleman
- Gentry
- Gerald Gardner
- Germanic chieftain
- Germanic tribes
- Gnosticism
- God
- Great Britain
- Greek language
- Hadad
- Hebrew
- Hebrew Bible
- Henosis
- hereditary peers
- hereditary title
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Lord is a title with various meanings. It can denote a prince or a feudal superior (especially a feudal tenant who holds directly from the king, i.e., a baron). The title today is mostly used in connection with the peerage of the United Kingdom or its predecessor countries, although some users of the title do not themselves hold peerages, and use it 'by courtesy'. The title may also be used in conjunction with others to denote a superior holder of an otherwise generic title, in such combinations as "Lord Mayor" or "Lord Chief Justice". The title is primarily taken by men, while women will usually take the title 'lady'. However, this is not universal, as the Lord of Mann and female Lord Mayors are examples of women who are styled 'lord'.
In religious contexts Lord can also refer to various different gods or deities. The earliest uses of Lord in the English language in a religious context were by English Bible translators such as Bede. This reflected the Jewish practice of substituting the spoken Hebrew word Adonai (which means 'My Lord') for YHWH when read aloud.
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, the etymology of the word can be traced back to the Old English word 'hlāford' which originated from 'hlāfweard' meaning 'bread keeper' or 'loaf-ward', reflecting the Germanic tribal custom of a chieftain providing food for his followers. Lady, the female equivalent, originates from a similar structure, believed to have originally meant 'loaf-kneader.'
Five ranks of peer exist in the United Kingdom, in descending order, these are: duke, marquess, earl, viscount, and baron. The title 'Lord' is used most often by barons who are rarely addressed with any other. The style of this address is 'Lord (X)', for example, Alfred Tennyson, 1st Baron Tennyson, is commonly known as 'Lord Tennyson'. The ranks of marquess, earl and viscounts commonly use lord as well, with viscounts using the same style as used for baron. However, marquesses and earls have a slightly different form of address where they can be called either the 'Marquess/Earl of (X)' or 'Lord (X)'. Dukes also use the style, 'Duke of (X)', but it is not acceptable to refer to them as 'Lord (X)'. Dukes are formally addressed as 'Your Grace', rather than 'My Lord'. In the Peerage of Scotland, the members of the lowest level of the peerage have the title 'Lord of Parliament' rather than baron.
For senior members of the peerage, the title lord also applies by courtesy to some or all of their children; for example the younger sons of dukes and marquesses can use the style 'Lord (first name) (surname)'. The titles are courtesy titles in that the holder does not hold a peerage, and is, according to British law, a commoner.
House of Lords
In the UK, the House of Lords (known commonly as 'the Lords') forms the upper house of Parliament. Here all peers are treated as lords but there are three different classifications:
Until the creation of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom, the judges of the House of Lords held life peerages, and were addressed accordingly. They were known collectively as the Law Lords. Those Law Lords who became the first justices of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom have now lost their right to sit and vote in the House of Lords, despite retaining their life peerages. The title 'Lord' is also used to refer to some judges who are not peers in some Commonwealth legal systems. Some such judges, for instance judges of the Court of Appeal of England and Wales, are called 'Lords Justices', or 'Ladies Justices', as the case may be. Other such judges, for instance judges of Canadian provincial supreme courts, are known only as 'Justices' but are addressed in court as 'My Lord' or 'My Lady' or 'Your Lordship' or 'Your Ladyship'.Examples of judges who use the title include: Justices of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom, who are addressed as if they were life peers by Royal Warrant, but do not hold peerages (except for those Law Lords who already held peerages when they became the first justices of the Court). Wives of male justices are addressed as if they were wives of peers. These forms of address are applicable both in court and in all other social contexts.
Lord of the Manor
The title "Lord of the Manor" arose in the English medieval system of manorialism following the Norman Conquest. The title "Lord of the Manor" is a titular feudal dignity which is still recognised today. Their holders are entitled to call themselves "[Personal name], Lord/Lady of the Manor of [Place name]". Whilst Lordships of The Manor are not titles of nobility they are recognised titles. The UK Identity and Passport Service will include them on a British passport as an observation e.g. 'The Holder is the Lord of the Manor of X' provided the holder can provide documentary evidence of ownership.
The Scottish title Laird is a shortened form of 'laverd' which is an old Scottish word deriving from an Anglo-Saxon term meaning 'Lord' and is also derived from the middle English word 'Lard' also meaning 'Lord'. 'Laird' is a hereditary title for the owner of a landed estate in the United Kingdom and is a title of Gentry. The title of Laird may carry certain local or feudal rights, though unlike a Lordship, a Lairdship has not always carried voting rights, either in the historic Parliament of Scotland or, after unification with the Kingdom of England, in the British House of Lords.
Various other high offices of state may carry the cachet of honorary lords, such as Lord Chancellor, Lord Privy Seal, Lord President of the Council and Lord Mayor. Holders of these offices are not necessarily peers, although the holders of some of the titles were in the past always peers.
In feudalism, a lord (also known as a liege) has aristocratic rank, has control over a portion of land and the produce and labour of the serfs living thereon. Knights or lesser lords would swear the oath of fealty to the lord, and would then become a vassal (also known as a liegeman).Bishops in the Middle Ages held the feudal rank of lord over their spiritual inferiors, hence today even bishops who do not sit as Lords Spiritual may be addressed as "Lord Bishop". As a reflection of its feudal (and thus territorial) nature, however, the title is generally reserved for diocesan bishops, not assistant or coadjutor bishops.
As part of the heritage of feudalism, lord can generally refer to superiors of many kinds, for example landlord. In many cultures in Europe the equivalent term serves as a general title of address equivalent to the English 'Mister' French Monsieur, Spanish Señor, Portuguese Senhor, Italian Signore, Dutch Meneer/Mijnheer/De Heer (as in: to de heer Joren Jansen), German Herr, Hungarian Úr, Greek Kyrie or to the English formal "you" (Polish Pan). See also gentleman.
People have often used the term 'Lord' in religious contexts, where "The Lord" refers to God in Judaism or Islam, or to Lord Buddha in Buddhism, or to God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit in Christianity. In the Anglican Church there are also Lord Bishops. In many Christian Bibles (such as the King James Version), the Hebrew name YHWH (the Tetragrammaton) is rendered "LORD" (all caps) or "" (small caps). This usage follows the Jewish practice of substituting the spoken Hebrew word "Adonai" for YHWH when read aloud. Following practice in Hebrew, the Septuagint mainly used the Greek word Kyrios (, meaning 'lord') to translate YHWH. As this was the Old Testament of the Early Church, the Christian practice of translating the divine name as 'Lord' derives directly from it.
The English term Lord is often used to translate the Arabic term Rabb.
In Hindu theology, The Lord or Svayam Bhagavan may refer to the concept of The Absolute representation of the monotheistic God. Another name used more commonly used in Hindu theology for The Lord is Ishvara (Ishvara is the Sanskrit word meaning "The Lord"), the personal god consisting of the holy trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.
Other concepts of The Lord:
See also
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; Endnotes
Category:Titles Category:Men's social titles Category:Noble titles Category:Feudalism Category:Names of God
ar:رب br:Aotrou ca:Lord cs:Lord da:Lord de:Lord es:Lord fa:لرد fr:Seigneurie#Le seigneur he:לורד lt:Lordas mk:Лорд ja:封建領主 no:Lord pl:Lord pt:Lorde ru:Лорд sco:Laird fi:Lordi tl:Panginoon tr:Lort uk:Лорд zh:勳爵This text is licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA License. This text was originally published on Wikipedia and was developed by the Wikipedia community.