Hope Amid Chaos: Mineral Resources & Afghanistan’s Economic Future

Afghanistan reportedly has mineral resources worth $1 trillion As Afghanistan opens the doors to its first national park, the fate of its rich array of natural resources remains unclear. After three decades of conflict and civil war, the country is desperate to use its mineral wealth to get back on its feet. The Afghan government, meanwhile, is occupied with... 

International Organizations, Foreign Aid, and the Arab Spring

For the last ten months, the people of the Arab world have sacrificed life and limb to bring democratic governance to the Middle East and North Africa. Tunisia and Egypt have begun to move in the direction of democratization, with Libya and, to a lesser extent, Syria primed to follow. The process of overhauling these authoritarian regimes requires knowledge... 

Abbas and Netanyahu – Two Speeches, Two Narratives

The speeches delivered on September 23, 2011 to the UN General Assembly by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu could not have been more different, both in content and form. Using the language of international law and human rights, President Abbas presented an articulate and impassioned plea for long overdue international... 

The Paradox of Fragile Revolutions

It is perhaps a sign of these uncertain times that our perception of the Arab uprisings has been accompanied by a deep sense of anxiety. While the uprisings provided the most inspiring examples of political change... 

Yemen’s Political Refugees: An Interview with Afrah Nasser

“Exile is strangely compelling to think about but terrible to experience. It is the unhealable rift forced between a human being and a native place, between the self and its true home,” Edward Said, in “Reflections... 

What of the Refugees?: the Palestinian Statehood Bid

Much fanfare surrounded Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abba’s speech to the United Nations on September 23, 2011, during which, in unusually strong rhetoric, Abbas urged the Security Council to... 
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